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qiān qiū
  • Qianqiu;a thousand years;centuries;birthday;a long long time
千秋 [qiān qiū]
  • (1) [a thousand years]∶千年

  • (2) [a long long time]∶岁月久远

  • (3) [birthday]∶生日。敬辞,指人的寿辰

  • 今日老祖宗千秋,奶奶生气,岂不惹人议论?--曹雪芹《红楼梦》

千秋[qiān qiū]
  1. 学生体质健康测试是一项基础工作,是一项功在当代,利在千秋的工作。

    The student physique health test is a basic task , is a " result now , benefit is in a thousand years " work .

  2. 保护历史文化遗产利在当代,功在千秋。

    The protection of historical and cultural heritage in the contemporary benefits , and the credit centuries .

  3. 保护黄河是事关中华民族伟大复兴和永续发展的千秋大计,是重大国家战略。

    The protection of the Yellow River is critical to the great rejuvenation and sustainable development of the Chinese nation . It is a major national strategy .

  4. 这还要从当时的千秋节说起。

    The story started from the Qianqiu festival at that time .

  5. 皇宫里还要举行盛大的千秋宴会。

    A grand Qianqiu banquet was held in the royal palace .

  6. 谨祝千秋令旦。

    Pray receive my sincerest congratulations on this auspicious day .

  7. 去那千秋旁边玩一会儿?

    Over by the swings for a little bit ?

  8. 千秋煤矿水泵在线监控系统可行性方案探讨

    Mine Pumps Come Online Monitoring System to Explore the Feasibility of the Program

  9. 植树造林,功在当代,利在千秋。

    Forestation accomplished now will benefit our future generations .

  10. 朝廷将这一天定位千秋节。

    The count designated this day as Qianqiu Festival .

  11. 千秋镜指的就是铜镜。

    Qianqiu mirror refers namely to bronze mirror .

  12. 二者在中国文化史上各领千秋。

    But each thought has its own merits in the history of Chinese culture .

  13. 千秋节这一天民间也流行赠送铜镜。

    On the Qianqiu Festival the custom of presenting bronze mirrors prevailed in folk .

  14. 它关系着国家选拔和造就人才的千秋大业。

    It is very important for a country selecting and developing people of talent .

  15. 唯见,一水波影荡千秋!

    Only see a shadow wave swing forever !

  16. 其次,要切实进行高等师范院校的教育改革,抱着对中华民族的千秋伟业负责的态度,全面提升师范教育的水平;

    Secondly , we must carry out the educational reform to improve the educational level ;

  17. 作为一个千秋佳话,相如文君故事并不是一开始就定型的。

    As a famous story , the Xiangru-wenjun story is not stereotype from the beginning .

  18. 皇帝再将御制的千秋镜回赠给群臣。

    Then the emperor presented mirrors made by his order to his ministers in return .

  19. 节约用水,利在当代,功在千秋。

    Save water , save the future .

  20. “您又一次喜庆千秋,只见你神采奕奕,满面春风,精神矍铄,精力充沛”

    " You are having another birthday and you look fantastic-so young , vibrant , energetic !"

  21. 自然至响千秋绝调&嵇康《琴赋》论

    On JI Kang 's Qin Fu

  22. 推动可持续发展是功在当代、利在千秋的伟大事业。

    Promoting sustainable development is a great cause that will benefit both current and future generations .

  23. 雕像依然耸立在那儿,千秋万载地凝视着那变幻无常的大海。

    There the effigy stands , and stares from age to age across the changing ocean .

  24. 谨此敬祝千秋幸福。愿你以秋波代酒为我祝福!

    With my best wishes for your future happiness . Drink to me only with thine eyes .

  25. 他们的英名和功业将千秋颂扬,永垂史册!

    Their heroic names and meritorious deeds will be eulogized through the ages and go down in history !

  26. 香港回归是彪炳中华民族史册的千秋功业

    Hong Kong 's return to the motherland is a shining page in the annals of the Chinese nation

  27. 根据千秋矿通风阻力分布和生产布置,对通风方案进行比较,优化选择。

    According to the ventilation resistance distribution and production plan , the optimum ventilation plan was selected after comparison .

  28. 冠军争夺战就像荡千秋。我们曾领先,然后阿森纳领先五分,现在分差又回到一分。

    We were ahead , then Arsenal went five points clear , now the gap is back to one point .

  29. 开创中外医疗奇迹,造福人类功业千秋!

    Create miracles in Chinese and Western medical treatment , and Bring Benefit to mankind for a thousand years to come .

  30. 在艺术视角、叙事情境和结构模式方面两部作品又呈现出各具千秋的叙事策略。

    This paper mainly analyzes their different narrative strategies in the artistic perspective , the narrative circumstances and the structural mode .