
  • 网络multimillionaire
  1. 胡润百富(HurunReport)和上海传媒投资公司群邑智库(GroupMKnowledge)对中国富人的最新调查显示,截至去年底,中国内地千万富豪多达102万,亿万富豪达63500人。

    The latest survey of China 's rich from publisher Hurun Report and GroupM Knowledge , a Shanghai-based media investment company , shows mainland China had as many as 1.02 million millionaires and 63500 superrich as of the end of last year .

  2. 周一,巴西当局发出逮捕令,逮捕与THG公司相关的4人,其中包括英国千万富豪马库斯•埃文斯,他是THG母公司和伊普斯维奇城足球俱乐部的持有者。

    On Monday Brazilian authorities issued arrest warrants for four people connected to THG , including Marcus Evans , the British multi-millionaire who owns THG Sports ' parent company and Ipswich Town Football Club .

  3. 这些都是一位刚刚晋身千万富豪的少年所做的决定。

    Those are the decisions of a newly minted teenage millionaire .

  4. 亚洲及其繁荣的经济体将在未来几年造就更多的千万富豪,这并不让人感到意外。

    It 's hardly a surprise that Asia and its booming economies will produce thousands more multimillionaires in coming years .

  5. 报告说,千万富豪人数较2010年增加6.3%,这也是中国内地千万富豪人数首次突破百万。

    The figure for millionaires represents a 6.3 % increase from 2010 , the report said , and it marked the first time that the number in China surpassed one million .

  6. 报告说,一半的千万富豪都是企业老板,其余是股市、楼市投资者或金领,也就是高层经理人。

    The report says that half of the millionaires are business owners , and the rest are investors in stocks or real estate or are what are known in China as ' golden collars , ' or high-level executives .

  7. 调查结果在周二公布。千万富豪是指个人财富超过人民币1000万元(约合160万美元)的人,亿万富豪指拥有财富至少1亿元的人。

    The survey , released on Tuesday , defines millionaires as individuals with personal wealth of more than 10 million yuan ( about US $ 1.6 million ) and the superrich as individuals with at least 100 million yuan .