
  • 网络Chinese Dim Sum;Chinese Snack
  1. ShunBunLee手下的中式点心厨师已经80岁了,他颇为无奈地说:“雇欧洲人做中餐是件很奇怪的事。”

    Mr Lee has retained his 80-year-old dim sum chef and says with exasperation : " It 's strange to have Europeans cooking Chinese food . "

  2. 我不是要劝你在家做复杂的中式点心。

    I 'm not recommending an elaborate dim sum spread at home .

  3. 能给我点建议买什么中式点心好吗?

    Could you give me some advice in buying Chinese pastry here ?

  4. 而人们根本无法在忧虑中享受中式点心。

    And it is very difficult to enjoy dim sum when you are anxious .

  5. 而作为中国的传统食物,中式点心的包装却依旧坚持传统的包装设计。

    As the traditional Chinese food , As the traditional Chinese food , Chinese dessert still adhere to traditional packaging of packaging design .

  6. 通过人性化的包装设计,中式点心的包装可以更加的符合市场和消费者的需求喜好,更容易被广大的消费者所接受。

    By human packaging design , packaging of Chinese dessert can be more in line with market needs and preferences of consumers and more easily accepted by the vast number of consumers .

  7. 同时本文从人性化设计的角度出发,对中式点心包装重新准确的定位,并细化到具体的包装设计元素的运用中,总结具体使用的设计方法。

    At the same time this design from the humanistic point of view , re-packaging of the Chinese dessert and accurate positioning , and refined to the specific use of the packaging design elements , to sum up the specific use of the design .

  8. 我极少能够完成我想要完成的所有工作,而这强迫我放弃其他周末我喜欢的活动(例如,吃中式点心,参观博物馆,去公园以及和我的小伙伴在一起玩等)以完成更多的工作。

    I was rarely able to complete all the work that I wanted and it forced me to reject other weekend activities that I enjoyed ( eating dim sum , visiting museums , going to the park , spending time with my partner , etc. ) in favor of getting more work done .