
  • 网络Lighting control;Illumination control
  1. 连接电源(LinkPower)照明控制系统

    LonWorks ~ ( TM ) Link Power Lighting Control Systems

  2. 基于GPS的同步数字照明控制系统的设计

    Design of a Synchronous Digital Lighting Control System Based on GPS

  3. PLC在教学楼照明控制系统中的应用

    PLC applicaton in the lighting control system of teaching building

  4. LED照明控制,LED音乐节拍器、LED种类工程控制芯片。

    LED lighting control , LED musical metronome , LED type of engineering control chip .

  5. 基于BP网络的照明控制仿真

    Simulation of the Illumination Control Based on BP Network

  6. Delta智能照明控制系统的应用

    Application of Delta Intelligent Lighting Control System

  7. 在铁路客运站照明控制系统中可以将PLC作为节点控制单元,并与工业控制计算机相配合实现照明设备的分散控制和集中管理。

    With the cooperation with industry pc , they carry out decentralized control of lighting devices and centralized administration .

  8. DALI协议及其在现代照明控制中的应用

    DALI Protocol and Its Application in Modern Lighting Control

  9. 基于DALI的智能照明控制系统

    Intelligent Lighting System Based on DALI

  10. 数字化可寻址调光接口(DALI)是一种专用于照明控制系统的通信接口规范。

    Digital Addressable Lighting Interface ( DALI ) is a communication regulation suiting for lighting system management .

  11. 结果表明大功率LED隧道照明控制系统不仅可以满足隧道照明的平滑无级调光,而且具备一定控制精度,具有较好的实际意义。

    Results verify that high-power LED tunnel lighting control system not only meets the demand of dimming smoothly but also control with a certain precision , which has good practical significance .

  12. 公司CEO托德·彼德森将保全业务看作一种面向客户的销售渠道所售商品从智能温控器到照明控制系统乃至屋顶太阳能系统无所不包。

    CEO Todd Pedersen sees the security business as a way to sell his customers everything from smart thermostats , to lighting control systems to even rooftop solar systems .

  13. 基于X-10协议的远程家居照明控制系统

    Design of REM House Residing Illumination System Based on X-10 PRO

  14. 最后对半导体照明控制关键器件作了一系列可靠性分析,包括LED、MOSFET、快恢复二极管等器件,如材料结构、工作动态性能等方面一一加以分析。

    Finally , a series of important reliability analysis of the semiconductor lighting control key devices including LED , MOSFET , fast recovery diode devices is made from the material structure , working dynamic performance .

  15. 详细阐述了DALI的电气标准和操作标准,以及DALI在照明控制中的一个具体应用实例&数字可寻址调光镇流器。

    The electrical and operational standard of DALI were explicated , and Digitally Addressable Dimming Ballast , which is a specific application example of DALI in lighting control , was described .

  16. 介绍了基于X-10协议及电力线载波传输的远程家居照明控制系统的设计。

    The design of REM house residing illumination system is based on X-10 PRO and power line control .

  17. 但是,大多数建筑物仍然沿用传统的照明控制方式,部分智能大厦采用楼宇自控(BA)系统来监控照明,但也只能实现简单的区域照明和定时开关功能。

    However , most buildings are still using the traditional lighting control methods . Some smart buildings use Building Automation ( BA ) systems to monitor lighting , but only simply regional lighting and timer switches .

  18. 本论文设计了一种基于ARM构架的CPU和FPGA(Field-ProgrammableGateArray)相结合的方案,实现景观照明控制系统在运算速度和外设资源上互补。

    This paper designed a kind of program that based on the ARM architecture CPU and FPGA ( Field-Programmable Gate Array ), realized the complementation of the operation speed and the peripheral resources of the landscape lighting control system .

  19. 经仿真验证,系统方案设计合理,兼具通用性和扩展性,对LIN总线技术应用在教学楼照明控制系统中实现智能照明控制具有一定的参考价值,应用前景广阔。

    Many experiments proved that this system scheme is reasonable ; it has certain compatibility and expansibility and provides a certain reference value for the intelligent lighting control system of the teaching building , so it will be widespread promoted .

  20. 同时,详细阐述DALI协议的基本内容、原理及应用,分析在照明控制系统中,应用DALI技术相比于模拟调光技术、总线技术的优势。

    And , the basic content , principle and application of DALI have been elaborated also . Next , comparing with analog technology and bus technology , the dissertation analyzes the advantages of DALI in the lighting system .

  21. 从而实现了基于DALI的智能照明控制系统整个网络的集中管理,分散控制。该系统具有对每个灯进行数字寻址、无级调光、分组、查询状态以及照明预设场景等功能。

    So , it completes centralized control and dispersive management in the lighting system based on DALI , which has various functions , such as digital addressing , stepless dimming , grouping , query and preset lighting scene , etc.

  22. DALI协议弥补了传统照明控制系统的不足,是由著名的照明设备产商共同制定的,专门成立了一个改进DALI协议和推广DALI产品的协会:AG&DALI。

    The DALI protocol make up the disadvantage of traditional lighting control system , was established jointly by famous Co. of lighting equipment . They specially established one union : AG-DALI , in order to promote DALI protocol and popularize products based on DALI .

  23. 与使用其它协议相比较,使用BACnet协议实现照明控制可使来自不同厂商的楼宇自控设备进行互连和互操作,系统控制灵活,便于整个智能建筑控制系统的集成。

    The use of BACnet protocol in lighting control system can realize the interconnection and interoperability of different automation equipments in different factories , the control system is flexible and easy to integrate with the entire intelligent building systems .

  24. 基于霍尔传感器的全自动照明控制系统的设计

    Design of Fully Automatic Lighting Control System Based on Hall Sensor

  25. 基于视频的城市道路智能照明控制系统设计

    Design of the Video-based Intelligent Lighting Control System on City Road

  26. 智能建筑照明控制系统实施与研究

    Implement and Research on Lighting Control System of Intelligent Building

  27. 上海长途客运总站智能照明控制系统

    Intelligent Lighting Control System Applied in Shanghai Long Distance Transit Bus Station

  28. 基于黑板结构的分布式照明控制系统决策方法

    Decision Method of the Distributed Light Control System Based on Blackboard Structure

  29. 电脑复位电路板是照明控制仪中不可缺少的部件。

    Computer reset circuit board was the important assembly of illumination controller .

  30. 介绍了智能照明控制系统的特点。

    The characteristic of intelligent illumination control system was introduced .