
  • 网络Photos;photo collection;Photo Gallery;Gallery;Sets
  1. 这个帐号的名字叫samhaseyebrows,照片集迅速在网络爆红,它的主人则在介绍中这样写到:这是我家的喵星人Sam,他有眉毛哦!

    The photos instantly became popular on the account named , ' samhaseyebrows , ' with his owner stating in the biography : ' This is Sam. He has eyebrows . '

  2. 他开始痴迷于为历史照片制作类似畅销唱片的照片集。

    He became fascinated by making the equivalent of hit records for historical photos .

  3. 截至周三,斯图尔特的这张照片集到了超过10.5万个赞,Facebook转发量超过7万次。

    As of Wednesday , Stewart 's photo had gained more than 105000 likes and had been shared by over 70000 people on Facebook .

  4. 再用块编码、参考编码和高维变换(小波)编码等三类IBR压缩系统对照片集图像数据进行压缩。

    The image data of the photo set was compressed with IBR compression algorithms such as the block coder , the reference coder and multidimensional wavelet transform .

  5. 此外,本月晚些时候将面市的goflextv高清媒体播放器适配器,能让用户在高清电视屏幕上观看他们的个人视频或照片集;用户还可以把goflex硬盘插入媒体扩展底座来收听数字音乐。

    In addition , the goflex TV HD media player adapter , available later this month , lets users view their personal video or photo collection on an HD television screen or listen to digital music by inserting a goflex drive into the media dock .

  6. 我对照片集所执行的第一个操作是生成缩略图。

    The first thing I did with my picture collection was generate thumbnails .

  7. 登陆该博客网站可以浏览现场照片集。

    You can view its collection of photographs here .

  8. 网络用户可以方便地建立自己的数字照片集,并在线与他人共享和交流。

    People can easily build personal digital picture collections and online photo sharing has become a common practice .

  9. 浏览“文化震惊”照片集,用这些令人瞠目结舌的照片提醒自己,我们生活在一个充满动态而无限的文化的世界里。

    Browse the culture shock photo gallery , filled with eye-opening snapshots that remind us we live in a world of dynamic and infinite cultures .

  10. 杂志上没有任何信息、名字之类的杂七杂八的内容,非常朴素的照片集。

    There really isnt any info or names of stuff in it , its very spartan except for images , for which there are many .

  11. 这组照片集取名为《我们不是双胞胎》,照片中来自北美和欧洲各地没有血缘关系但长相相似的两个人站在一起。

    The collection , entitled I 'm not a look-alike ! , features a range of individuals from North American and European backgrounds who are not related , side by side 。

  12. 最重要的事情不是什么艺术生涯或大把钞票,而是拍出的照片集或者说是一生的作品能有意义,她说。

    The most important thing is not an artistic career or big pile of money , but to have that group of prints or the body of work that matters , she said .

  13. 多年来许多乐曲已经收到各种专辑中,但这次的新收藏集包括新的内容简介,海报及28页的照片集,而且还有7首以前未发表的歌曲。

    Many of the tracks have been released on various albums over the years , but this new collection includes new liner notes , a poster and a 28-page photo book , along with seven previously unreleased songs .

  14. 最后,我无比自豪地宣布12月23日的《时代》将全版呈现2013伟大的艺术——年度照片集,敬请关注!

    Think we missed something ? Tell us your favorite photo of 2013 using \# TIME2013 . Finally , I 'm especially proud to announce that our upcoming Dec. 23rd issue of TIME will be dedicated fully to the art and power of the photograph in 2013 . Stay tuned ...

  15. 最后对原始图像进行图像变换,得到投影参数一致的照片数据集。

    At last , generate ideal slides with uniformity of projection parameters using image conversion .

  16. 一对在动物园在适当的时候采取的动物照片收藏集。

    A set of collection of the animals photos taken at right time at the zoo .

  17. 我美丽的照片收藏集

    My archive of beautiful photos

  18. 选择一幅照片作为本集的代表作,看看是否和我选的一样,请点击《天天向上海边飞翔》。

    Choose one picture for the representative work , if the same one as mine ? Please click 《 Seaside Flight Daily 》

  19. 瓷砖机顶盒生产商可以方便地使用自己的照片创建个性化瓷砖集。

    Personalized Tile Set Maker makes it easy to use your own photos to create a personalized tile set .

  20. 他开始痴迷于为历史照片制作类似“畅销唱片”的照片集。

    He became fascinated by making the equivalent of " hit records " for historical photos .

  21. 我们为两组照片动态地创建视觉组件:照片集中的一组照片,照片集之外的一组照片。

    We dynamically create visual components for two groupings of photos : the ones that are " in " the set and the ones that are not .