
  1. 张贴停车场使用规定,并确保照此执行。

    Posted regulations governing the use of the lot shall be followed .

  2. 私营公司也必须在2005年之前照此执行。

    Private companies will have to follow suit in2005 .

  3. 私营公司也必须在2005年之前照此执行。由公司登记机关吊销营业执照。

    Private companies will have to follow suit in 2005 . shall have its business license canceled by the company registration authority .

  4. 上周在靠近阿富汗边境瓦齐里斯坦部落地区南部村庄所采取的突击行动就是照此令执行的。

    One example of such operation is a commando operation last week in a village in South Waziristan tribal region near the Afghanistan border .

  5. 索赔处理是保险业的另一项重要职能,下面的示例定义了两个业务决策或操作,如果未在一定时间期限内提交索赔申请,则照此决策或操作执行。

    Claims processing is yet another important function in Insurance and the following example defines two business decisions or actions if the claim was not submitted within a certain timeframe .