
  • 网络Maokou Formation;Plm;p m
  1. 重庆地区茅口组石灰岩岩溶晶洞的成因探讨

    A Discussion on the Origin of Karst Geodes in Maokou Limestone at Chongqing Region

  2. 据牙形石论鄂西茅口组顶部古岩溶不整合面形成时代

    The Age of Paleokarst Unconformity at the Top of Maokou Formation in Western Hubei Inferred from Conodonts

  3. 川南官渡构造茅口组精细构造解释与有利储层分布

    Fine structural interpretation and favorable reservoir distribution of the Maokou Formation in Guandu structure of South Sichuan , China

  4. 分析了孔滩气田茅口组气藏水侵特征,为气藏的整体治水措施提供了可靠的依据。

    Moreover , water-invasion property of the reservoir is analyzed , which provides a reliable basis for water control .

  5. 种级分异度变化显示,栖霞组的种以增加趋势为主,茅口组则以减少为趋势。

    The species diversity of Globivalvulina increases markedly in the Chihia Stage , and decreases in the Maokou Stage .

  6. 贵州水城二叠系茅口组含锰岩系地质地球化学特征与锰矿成因分析

    Geochemical Characteristics and Origin of A Manganese Deposit in the Middle Permian Maokou Formation in Shuicheng , Guizhou , China

  7. 建始黄岩二叠系茅口组顶部呈现一系列岩溶特征,而且孤峰组底部产孤立、透镜状河流相碎屑砂岩或砂砾岩。

    A series of features of karst are present in the Permian Maokou Limestone in Huangyan , Jianshi , Hubei .

  8. 贵阳乌当二叠系茅口组白云岩型古油藏的初步观察与研究陕北石油秩序

    Preliminary observation and Study on the old oil pool of DOLOMITIC-TYPE for the Permian Maokou Formation in Wudang of Guiyang

  9. 模型正演技术在碳酸盐岩储层预测中的应用&以川东南地区茅口组为例

    Application of Forward Modeling Technique in Carbonate Reservoir Predication & Taking Maokou Formation in the Southeastern of Sichuan Province for Example

  10. 根据贵州火铺茅口组剖面的实际材料,采用聚类分析等方法对该地茅口组的沉积环境进行了详细研究。

    Comprehensive studies have been conducted to investigate sedimentary environment of the Maokou Formation in Huopu section , Panxian , Guizhou province .

  11. 上扬子西部茅口组灰岩顶部古喀斯特地貌的厘定及地质意义

    Paleo-karst landforms on top of limestone of the Maokou Formation in the west of the Upper Yangtze platform and its geological significance

  12. 川弥87井二叠系茅口组的成岩后生变化及其对储集性能的影响

    Diagenetic deuterogenic change in Maokou Formation of Permian of well mile No.87 in Dazu county , sichuan , and its influence on reservoir characteristics

  13. 孤峰组底部有不发育的底水位沉积,孤峰组与茅口组之间呈假整合接触。

    It was proved that the area rose or the sea floor fell after the Maokou Formation was deposited there is an unconformity between the Maokou and Gufeng Formations .

  14. 矿体赋存于二叠系下统茅口组含泥质碳酸盐岩段内,呈似层状、透镜状产于风化带中。

    The ore-body occurred in the zone of weathering , in argillaceous limestone belt in Maokou Group of Lower Permian system , which shaped as stratoid and lenticular structure .

  15. 栖霞组早期海平面开始上升,之后虽然还存在海平面的升降运动,但一直到茅口组末期都一直为开阔台地相。

    Although in the early stage of Qixia formation the sea level began to rise , sealevel elevating movement was not stopped until the last stage of Maokou formation , it 's still open platform facies .

  16. 川东南地区茅口组的实例展示了模型正演在碳酸盐岩储层预测中的实际应用效果,并表明模型正演技术对于减少碳酸盐岩储层预测的多解性具有十分重要的作用。

    The actual application results of forward model in carbonate reservoir predication of MaoKou formation in the southeastern of Sichuan province indicate that the forward modeling technique plays an important role in reducing uncertainty of carbonate reservoir predication .

  17. 近南北向展布的茅口组灰岩东西两侧完整的隔水边界和谷间地块分水岭的存在,使每个谷地都具有完整的补径排体系,从而形成多个小型岩溶水系统。

    Owing to the existence of integral water resisting boundary and the intervalley masses of water divide , each valley has a recharge runoff discharge system of its own , thus forming many small scaled karst water systems .

  18. 本地区铅锌矿床、矿点、矿化点众多,从上震旦统灯影组至下二叠统茅口组,各碳酸盐地层中均有分布,但规模、数量差别巨大。

    Lead & zinc deposits in this region , deposits , mineralization of many , from the Upper Sinian Dengying to Lower Permian Maokou , were distributed in the carbonate formation , but the size of a huge amount of difference .

  19. 水城-纳雍锰矿是106地质大队于本世纪初在水城一带发现的,皆属表生氧化锰矿床类,锰矿产于中二叠统茅口组第二段。

    During earlier of this century , the geological brigade has found out the Shuicheng-Nayong manganese at vicinity of Shuicheng , which is attributed to the kind of superior oxidized manganese occurring within second member of Maokou Formation of the middle Permian .