
  1. 这间茅屋里没有厨具和卫生设施。

    The hut had no cooking or sanitary facilities .

  2. 从各家茅屋里涌出一堆一堆的人群,从门口蹦出一群一群小孩

    The houses belched people ; the doorways spewed out children .

  3. 看守人住在附近的小茅屋里。

    The watchman lives in a hut no far from here .

  4. 他一人住在一问很小的茅屋里。

    He lived in a tiny cottage all by himself .

  5. 茅屋里的女人正在教小孩子认字母。

    The woman in the cottage was teaching some children the alphabet .

  6. 为了维持生活,他在一间茅屋里办了一所学堂。

    To support himself , he started a school in a thatched hut .

  7. 智者说:把鸡放进茅屋里。

    Take the chickens into the hut , @ said the wise man .

  8. 我们住在自己用竹子搭建的茅屋里,用树枝搭床。

    We lived in huts we built from bamboo and constructed beds from branches .

  9. 我坐在黑暗的小茅屋里,感到既愤怒又悲伤。

    I sat in my dark hut , and felt both angry and sad .

  10. 他住在一所小茅屋里。

    He lived in a tiny cottage .

  11. 许多人住在泥土筑的茅屋里。

    Many live in mud huts .

  12. 以前有一位老公公住在富士山山脚下的小茅屋里。

    There once lived an old man in a little cottage at the foot of Mt. Fuji .

  13. 哦,老先生说。然后小茅屋里寂静了一会儿。

    Ah ! @ said the old man . And then there was a short silence in the hut .

  14. 我倒是乐意讲叙她与渔夫妇在荒野小茅屋里的生活情形。

    It would be pleasant to tell of her life with the fisherman and wife in their cottage on the moors .

  15. 夜里,她一遍又一遍回味着那天下午在旧茅屋里偎依在卡巴顿怀里的情形。

    But at night she relived over and over again that afternoon in Cal Barton 's arms in the old cabin .

  16. 很久很久以前,在世上最小的茅屋里,住着一位自私的老农夫和他的妻子。

    Long long ago , there lived a selfish old farmer and his wife in the smallest hut in the world .

  17. 他强行带走了菲勒美拉,并割去了她的舌头,将她关在森林中一个偏僻的小茅屋里。

    He seized and carried her away by force , cut out her tongue and imprisoned her in a lonely hut in the woods .

  18. 我非常想进屋去加入他们的行列,但我清楚我必须呆在茅屋里。

    I wanted so much to go into the house and be with them , but I knew I must stay in the hut .

  19. 他不知道,一个住在庭院边小茅屋里的老太婆正在注视着他。

    He did not know that he was being watched by an old woman who lived in a hovel on the edge of the grounds .

  20. 他在茅屋里或山中,正象在自己的家里,他知道用最俚俗的方言去说明最伟大的事物。

    He was perfectly at home in the thatched cottage and in the mountains . He understood how to say the grandest things in the most vulgar of idioms .

  21. “我才不会那样干呢,”贝克·尼布斯说,她是一个结过婚的女人,到这儿当帮手,住在外面的茅屋里。

    Be cust if I 'd have done either o 't , 'said Beck Knibbs , a married helper from one of the cottages . 'All 's fair in love and war .

  22. 很显然,她不可能在茅屋里拆包裹,就算在村子里也不行,因为他随时都可能出现。

    It was perfectly clear that she couldn 't just open the thing there , in the hut , or even in the village . He might have come across her at any moment .

  23. 她有些担心,夜里走这条路恐怕不是个太好的主意。可她父亲在茅屋里晃了一整天,努力装出不是在看守包裹的样子,也不知道是想骗她还是骗他自己。

    She was a little worried that doing the trip at night was not that great an idea , but her father had been mooching around near the hut all day trying to pretend to either her or himself that he wasn 't guarding the parcel .

  24. 活动会持续三天,大家尽情吃喝跳舞,听老刷希巴讲这次打猎的故事。村子里的其他人都会出去打猎,只有老刷希巴忙着坐在自己的茅屋里动脑筋,打猎的故事就是这么造出来的。

    The celebrations would last for three days of sheer exuberance , dancing and stories that Old Thrashbarg would tell of how the hunt had gone , stories that he would have been busy sitting making up in his hut while the rest of the village was out doing the actual hunting .

  25. 她坐在茅屋角落里的一张板凳上,摆出自己特有的那种弯腰驼背的姿势,膝盖并在一起,两脚成八字形张开,黑色的头发垂下来遮住面孔,双手捧着个什么东西正看得认真。

    She was sitting there on a stool in the corner of the hut in that rather hunched way she had , knees together , feet splayed out , with her dark hair hanging down over her face as she looked at something she had cradled in her hands .

  26. 对于那些居住在茅屋与村落里正奋力挣脱集体悲惨命运的另一半地球民族,

    To those peoples in the huts and villages of half the globe struggling to break the bonds of mass misery ,