
máo kēnɡ
  • latrine;latrine pit;khazi
茅坑 [máo kēng]
  • (1) [latrine pit]∶厕所里的粪坑

  • (2) [latrine]∶厕所(多指简陋的)

  1. 没有正规的厕所,只有一个位于室外的茅坑。

    There were no proper toilets , but only an outdoor latrine

  2. 如果我想去茅坑怎么说?

    What should I say if I need to go to the shit-hole ?

  3. 李子多吃最伤人,害你茅坑月月蹲。

    He who eats too many prunes , sits on potty many moons .

  4. 一不小心由所坐的椅子上滑了一跤,跌落到下面的茅坑内。

    when he slipped on the seat and fell into the hole beneath .

  5. 你丑得跟茅坑一样。

    You are as ugly as an old pot .

  6. 后来,人们在村里的茅坑里找到了几个遇难者的遗体。

    Some of the visitors ' bodies were later found in the village latrine .

  7. 在雨季,茅坑出来的水溢满整个学校的地面。

    In the rainy season , the pit overflows all over the school grounds .

  8. 这是茅坑界的卢浮宫吧

    It 's the Louvre of pooping .

  9. 我想,还是别拉不出屎赖茅坑,先找找自己的错误吧。

    I think , it 's better not to complain but look for your own mistake first .

  10. 老妈将老爸带回茅房,把他的头塞进茅坑当中。

    Mom took Dad back to the out house and stuck his head down in the hole .

  11. 我最好现在离职。我不想占着茅坑不拉屎。

    I 'd better quit now . I don 't want to be a dog in the manger .

  12. 现在,即使是在偏远的农村地区,游客也能避免蹲茅坑的尴尬。

    Now , even in remote rural areas , tourists can avoid the embarrassment of using pit toilets .

  13. 第四,我喜欢中国的厕所开始变化了,从茅坑变成了现代的厕所。

    Fourthly , I like that China is starting to change its toilets from the pit to modern toilets .

  14. 占着茅坑不拉屎是可恶的,其实,最可恨的却是拉完了屎还要占着等坑。

    The manger is abhorrent , actually , is the most hateful to pull out of the pit shit , etc.

  15. 从市场的角度看,雅马哈肯定失望,但他也不能占着茅坑不拉屎。

    From a marketing point of view , Yamaha is of course disappointed , but it cannot bank roll something it cannot afford .

  16. 不要占着茅坑不拉屎!如果你不玩那架模型飞机,就送给托尼吧。

    Don 't be such a dog in the manger ! If you don 't want that model plane , give it to tony .

  17. 你又不知道怎么溜冰,为什么不把冰鞋给我?不要占着茅坑不拉屎。

    If you don 't know how to skate , why don 't you give the skates to me ? Don 't be a dog in the manger .

  18. 离职谈话的时候,你也许有种冲动要告诉人事经理你对公司、对老板和对同事的真实想法,告诉他哪些人占着茅坑不拉屎。

    You might have the urge to tell human resources what you really think of the company during the exit interview , what you really think about your boss and your colleagues and that one guy who doesnt do anything but waste space .