
  1. 南桐二井采区突水动态研究

    Researches on regime of water inrush in allotment No.2 of Nantong Coal Mine

  2. 台参二井井下复杂情况的钻井液处理技术

    Treatment Technigue of Drilling Fluid for Complex DownHole Conditions of NO.2 Taishen Well

  3. 大港油田歧东二井井口保护装置抗冰性能研究

    Research on the Ice-Resistance Ability of Wellhead Protection Installation for Dagang Qidong # 2 Well

  4. 南桐煤矿二井井下突水水源综合分析

    Synthetical Analysis on the Sources of Water Inrush Into No.2 Mine of Nantong Mining Area

  5. 巴什二井是位于塔里木油田山前构造的一口探井,完钻井深3587m。

    Well Bashi-2 is an exploratory well in the piedmont structure of Tarim oilfield , with its TD at 3587 m.

  6. 该井二开井段使用聚合物钻井液,三开井段使用无固相KCl聚合物钻井液,采用无固相超低渗透技术保护油层,满足了筛管完井对油层保护技术的要求。

    Polymer drilling fluid was used in the second interval , non-solid KCl / polymer drilling fluid was employed in the third hole , and incorporated with super-low filtration technique to protect the productive layer , requirements of screen section completion were satisfied .

  7. 大庆油田北部地区二次井网加密调整研究

    A detailed infill drilling program in northern part of Daqing oil field

  8. 就这样他们又上路了,来到第二口井。

    So they walked on , until they reached a second well .

  9. 水平井钻井第二洗井区环空止动返速的计算

    Calculations of Annular Slip Velocity in the 2nd Cleaning Area during Horizontal Drilling

  10. 寺河二号井矸石山自燃治理研究与探讨

    Discussion on the Spontaneous Combustion Control of Waste Dump

  11. 二开井段用高密度聚合物膨润土钻井液;

    High density polymer bentonite drilling fluid was used in the 311 . 1 mm hole ;

  12. 对概率积分法进行了深入研究,并运用此理论对湖东大堤新安二号井矿段进行了预测分析,得出一系列预测值。

    Introduced and studied Probability Integration method , and used the theory to predict the endangerment of HUDONG Bank in the No.

  13. 闸板防喷器关井速度快、耐高压,是二级井控最重要的设备。

    The ram BOP is the most important equipment for secondary well control , quick to shut in the well , and of a high pressure rating .

  14. 用一号井线应变计算出的差应变与二号井直接测到的差应变,两者的调和分析结果一致,两口井的固体潮观测起到了相互验证的作用。

    The harmonic analysis results of the differential strain calculated by linear strain in No. 1 well and the differential strain measured directly in the No. 2 well are consistent , both can be mutually verified .

  15. 在沙试3井二开井段的现场应用中,将微泡钻井液密度降低到0.70~0.80g/cm3,同时提高微泡堵漏浆中的堵漏剂浓度,有效地封堵了漏层。

    In field implementation of this fluid during the second opening interval , the drilling fluid density was lowered to 0.70 ~ 0.80 g / cm 3 , and the plugging agent concentrate of the plugging slurry was increased .

  16. 那是MarioSepulveda,他是第二名升井的矿工。

    That was Mario Sepulveda , the second miner to come up .

  17. 在大庆油田南二区N2-2-P38井组进行了该模型的实例应用。

    The model has been put into practical use for the well group N2-2-P38 in southern district ⅱ in Daqing Oilfield .

  18. 介绍了有机盐钻井液在DH1-8-6井的现场应用情况。应用结果表明,该井二开段井眼平均井径扩大率为5.4%;

    Its field using in well DH1-8-6 is presented , and using results show that the average hole enlargement for the second section is5.4 % ;

  19. 结果表明,用该方法计算的平均压力能较准确地反应二次加密井的真实压力水平。

    The results show that the average pressure calculated with the method can accurately illustrate real pressure level of second time infill wells .

  20. 此后,由于政治关系恶化,双方都未能从各自政府那里获准钻探第二口试采井。

    After that , as political relations soured , both companies failed to get green light from their governments for a second well .

  21. 结合成都金沙遗址博物馆地源热泵地下水换热系统工程的施工实践,介绍了选择适宜的管井结构、合理布置抽水井和回灌井、对井口装置进行密闭、二次洗井等施工关键技术。

    The advanced technologies such as water source heat pump and double well reinjection used in the geothermal water heating project in the Xiong County of Hebei Province were introduced .

  22. 本文建立了间接紫外检测和直接紫外检测二种测定井冈霉素A含量的毛细管区带电泳方法。

    The average recoveries were ranging from 103 to 104 % . A method of capillary zone electrophoresis with direct UV detection for the determination of validamycin A was also established .

  23. 结合工程实际阐述了二级轻型井点降水在二级曝气池土方开挖中的施工设计与施工方法,指出了施工中应注意的问题,供同行参考。

    The paper discusses the construction design and construction method of the apply to to descend water level with light point type well in earthwork of Rank 2 earation pool , and presents the problems paying attention to at the construction .

  24. 例如,现有关于圆形区域隔水边界条件下地下水非稳定流的解析解存在两大问题:一是点井假设下的解析解存在错误,二是考虑井径的解析解是近似解。

    For example , there are two problems about analytical solutions for unsteady groundwater flow in circular area with impervious boundary . One is that analytical solution under point-well assumption is wrong . The other is that analytical solution considering well diameter is approximate .

  25. 在此基础上,我们配套应用流线模型、层段配注量优化模型、措施井参数优化设计等多种综合技术,摸清了二次加密井补孔潜力,确定了补孔原则及方案。

    On the basis , we make use comprehensively of multiple technology including the streamline model , optimization model of interval injection allocation , parameter optimization design of the measure etc. We find out the perforation potential of secondary readjustment well pattern , compiling perforation principle and program .

  26. 最后针对二层合采井和二层以上的合采井分别提出了原油指纹产能分析模型和BP网络模型,并用分形维数对二层产能分析模型进行了改进。

    Finally , this thesis builds up an oil fingerprints calculation model and a Back Propagation Network model to analysis the two and above pay zones in commingled oil well , besides using the fractal theory to improve the oil fingerprints calculation model .

  27. 在一开和二开的直井段以MMH和FTJN为主处理剂,配合使用聚合物,控制粘土造浆,抑制粘土分散,达到井眼稳定的目的;

    MMH and FTJN are used as the main additives in the polymer system to control mud making and clay dispersion in the upper vertical hole .

  28. 大庆油田南二区试验区井间示踪剂筛选

    Sieving Interwell Tracers for Use in Southern District ⅱ of Daqing

  29. 萨尔图油田南二区东部基础井网具有较好的代表性。

    Basic well pattern in eastern Nan2 area , Saertu Oilfield is the typical one .

  30. 他将其中的3个倒入了海加尔山顶形成了第二个永恒之井。

    He poured three into the lake on top of Mount Hyjal and a second Well of Eternity was created .