
  1. 炎帝文化是中华文明的源泉,经过历代提炼、重铸,贯穿于中华民族延续发展的整个历史过程之中。

    The Emperor Yan culture is the source of Chinese civilization .

  2. 株洲原始稻作与炎帝文化初探

    Preliminary Research of Original Rice Cultivation and Yan Emperor Culture in Zhuzhou

  3. 炎帝文化实质是长江文明。

    The emperor 's Yan culture is Yangtze River Civilization in essence .

  4. 弘扬炎帝文化促进株洲发展

    Carrying forward Culture of Yan Emperor to Promote the Development of Zhuzhou City

  5. 当然,从现实意义上讲,这特有的炎帝文化资源对于当地人民开发旅游项目也具有重大价值。

    So these phenomena will be of great value to the local tourism .

  6. 炎帝文化与时代精神

    The Emperor Yan Culture and the Chinese National Spirit

  7. 株洲在炎帝文化的形成与发展过程有特殊的地位。

    Zhuzhou has had a special position in formation and development process of Yan Emperor culture .

  8. 以农耕文化为主要内容的炎帝文化是中国传统文化的重要组成部分。

    Yan Di culture with agro-farming culture as its chief content is an important component of traditional Chinese culture .

  9. 湖南省炎帝文化旅游资源的空间分布与开发利用

    On the Spatial Distribution of the Emperor Yan Cultural Tourism Resources in Hunan Province and its Development and Utilization

  10. 这场激情四溢的演出淋漓尽致地向世人展示了株洲的炎帝文化和东方莱茵河的美丽。

    This splendid performance shows the " Emperor Yan culture " of zhuzhou and the beauty of " Oriental Rhine " .

  11. 炎帝文化是中国传统文化的源头和5000年中华文明的起点,炎帝文化是中国传统文化的重要组成部分。

    Yan Di culture is the source of traditional Chinese culture and starting point of the Chinese civilization of 5000 years , an important component of traditional Chinese culture .

  12. 秦地文化与华夏文化的先河:炎帝文化七世纪的文化繁荣地区是基督教统治的西班牙。

    Culture of Yan Emperor is the Origin of Dominative Area and People Culture of the Qin State and the Chinese Culture ; One bright cultural spot in the 7th century was Christian Spain .

  13. 炎帝与龙文化

    Yan Di and Dragon Culture

  14. 论弘扬炎帝精神与炎帝文化的现代意义

    On the Modern Significance of Yan Di Spirit and Yan Di Culture

  15. 在实地考察和民间访谈的基础上,从文化人类学、民俗学视角就这一带的炎帝传说、民俗文化及其精神蕴涵可以作出新的考证述论。

    Based on the investigation and interview , this thesis discusses about YanDi 's legends , folk custom - culture and spiritual essence .

  16. 开发炎帝陵区旅游资源,可以达到弘扬炎帝文化乃至中华文化和实现炎帝陵区旅游经济价值最大化的双重目的。

    Developing the tourist resources in the imperial tomb zone can achieve the dual purposes of carrying forward Yan Di culture and even Chinese culture and maximizing the economic value of tourist economy in the imperial tomb zone .

  17. 为文献所限,目前史学界有关炎帝活动史、地、影响等研究远未反映炎帝历史文化的全部。

    Due to being scarce of documents , present study on YanDi 's locations and his influence has not reflected the whole of YanDi 's history and culture .

  18. 以炎帝为首的原始氏族先民,在长期的生产实践中,创造了丰硕的物质财富和精神财富,积淀而形成了博大精深的炎帝文化,凝聚而铸就了伟大的炎帝精神。

    Led by Yan Di , the primitive people , in their long-time production practice , created rich material and spiritual wealth , and accumulated and created the Yan Di culture and Yan Di spirit .