
yán yán
  • scorching;blazing;sweltering;powerful;be burning hot
炎炎 [yán yán]
  • (1) [be burning hot;scorching;sweltering;blazing]

  • (2) 形容夏天阳光猛烈

  • 赤日炎炎

  • (3) 形容火势旺盛

  • 炎炎的烈火

  • (4) [powerful]∶形容威势、气焰很盛

  • 况彼正是炎炎之际,何事不可为?--《于谦全传》

炎炎[yán yán]
  1. 只是扯过衣衫为我遮住这烈日炎炎。

    Cheguo clothes for me just cover the scorching sun .

  2. 在这炎炎的夏日里,向您致以诚挚的祝福!

    In this scorching summer , extend my sincere greetings to you .

  3. 不少人在外面的炎炎烈日下吃饭。

    Quite a few people were eating outside in the blazing sun .

  4. 炎炎夏日,在美丽的花园里享受你的美食。

    In summer enjoy your meal in the beautiful garden .

  5. 炎炎夏日,Maria和她的女儿就会开着他们的冰激凌车在比令斯走街串巷。

    During the hot days of summer , Maria and her daughter drive an ice-cream truck through neighborhoods and parks in Billings .

  6. 还有可能是因为夏日炎炎让人打不起精神,威廉•夏纳(WilliamShatner)重新出演在线旅游服务公司Priceline广告中的“谈判家”,或波士顿红袜队(RedSox)和阿森纳(Arsenal)遇到了困难。

    Maybe it was the languid summer , William Shatner 's return as Priceline 's ' negotiator ' or the struggles of the Red Sox and Arsenal .

  7. 星州郡位于韩国首都首尔东南方135英里处,那里的居民顶着炎炎烈日聚到一起,谴责政府把所谓的末段高空区域防御系统(TerminalHigh-AltitudeAreaDefense,简称“萨德”)的部署地点选在自己的家门口。

    Villagers rallied under a sweltering sun to condemn the choice of their county , Seongju , which is about 135 miles southeast of Seoul , the capital , for the so-called Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense system , known as Thaad .

  8. 尽管秘密是在不经意间暴露,而烈日炎炎下身穿三件式礼服相当不舒服,James仍表示若有机会,他们夫妇还是会这么举办婚礼。

    Despite the unexpected unveiling , and the discomfort of wearing a three piece suit on the hottest day of the year , James says he and Sharon wouldn 't have changed a thing about their unusual wedding day .

  9. 尽管依然是烈日炎炎,但消费者已经可以从Saks买到皮草手袋了,例如博柏利(Burberry)的貂皮单肩包(2295美元)、华伦天奴(Valentino)的貂皮单肩包(售价5395美元)。

    With the weather still toasty , Saks has an array of fur bags available , from Burberry 's adoptable-looking mink shoulder bag ( $ 2295 ) to Valentino 's mink shoulder bag ( $ 5395 ) .

  10. 使用防晒霜使用SPF30的防晒霜避免紫外线灼伤。小贴士:使用大胆裸色带有金属亮片的唇膏能让你在炎炎夏日看起来性感迷人。

    Use sunscreenUse a sunscreen with SPF 30 to avoid sunburn , which is definitely not cool.Tip : Wear bold shades of lipsticks with metallic gloss to achieve a sexy summer look .

  11. 炎炎夏日,这儿游客稀少,但一到九月,每小时50哩的北风刮过台湾海峡时,海滩上就会挤满从世界各地蜂拥而至的冲浪好手,这儿被誉为“东方的加那利群岛”(theCanaryIslandsoftheOrient)。

    It was quite deserted on this summer 's day but , come September , when the 50-knot winds blast down the Taiwan Strait from the north , it will be packed with the windsurfers who flock to Penghu , " the Canary Islands of the Orient , " from all corners .

  12. 在炎炎夏日,你可以舒适地泡在佩腾伊察湖的凉水里或者去游览一番ActunKan(传说中的巨蛇之洞)。而且你一定要带回去一些当地著名的魔鬼辣椒酱,除非连你自己都怕得不行。

    On a steamy summer day , you can dip into the cool waters of Lake Peten Itza or tour the caves of Ak'tun Kan . And make sure you take away some of the great local habanero chile salsa , unless you 're just too afraid of it .

  13. 炎炎夏日,冰镇饮料,挡不住的诱惑。

    Iced drinks , the irresistible temptation in hot summer days .

  14. 我们可以在炎炎夏日中消暑一下。

    We can chill out a litle in such a hot summer .

  15. 被漫长的炎炎夏季烤焦的土地。

    The land scorched by a long , hot summer .

  16. 他们冒着炎炎烈日艰难地一步一步爬上山冈。

    They toiled up the hill in the blazing sun .

  17. 几星期的日子令人满意地过去了,春天已消逝,现在进入了炎炎夏日。

    The weeks slipped contentedly past , and spring turned into summer .

  18. 三度被六月的炎炎烈火烧光。

    Three April perfumes in three hot Junes burn 'd ,

  19. 农民在炎炎烈日下忙着除草。

    Peasants are busy weeding under the scorching sun .

  20. 炎炎夏日,苍天终有情时;

    The overpoweringly hot summer day , the heaven end feels emotion when ;

  21. 有个年幼的学生在炎炎烈日下晕倒了。

    A young student fainted in the hot sun .

  22. 凉爽的气候,馨香的气息,炎炎夏日走一趟杉林溪,真的让人心旷神怡。

    Cool climate and fragrant odors . it 's a perfect summer getaway .

  23. 是你的眼睛点着了这里的炎炎大火;

    Thy eye kindled the fire that burneth here ;

  24. 还有什么比这样度过炎炎夏日更好的方法呢?

    What better way is there to spend a boiling hot summer day ?

  25. 当北半球烈日炎炎的时候,来澳州吧。

    When the sun is roasting the entire northern hemisphere , come to australia !

  26. 炎炎烈日下,我们挥洒着汗水,却无怨无悔。

    The hot sun , we sprinkle with sweat , has no doubts whatsoever .

  27. 面对炎炎夏日的到来,日本发明了许多抗暑商品。

    Japan has invented many anti-heat products with the arrival of the hot summer .

  28. 炎炎夏日,你会用英文点冷饮吗?

    Can you order cold drink in English ?

  29. 夏日炎炎正好眠。

    While Summer is good for well sleeping .

  30. 鹅毛大雪倾盆大雨炎炎烈日,昏暗夜色都无法使邮差停止送信。

    Neither snow nor rain Nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers .