
  • 网络Round;Round shape
  1. 对于圆形脸来说,最好的眉型就是尽可能地长&眉毛越粗,遮住的皮肤越多,脸看上去就越瘦。

    The best brow for a round face shape is one that is as long aspossible – the wider the brow , the more surface it covers , making theface appear more narrow .

  2. 对于圆形脸来说,最好的眉型就是尽可能地长——眉毛越粗,遮住的皮肤越多,脸看上去就越瘦。

    The best brow for a round face shape is one that is as long aspossible - the wider the brow , the more surface it covers , making theface appear more narrow .