
  1. 本文以参考文献[1]为基础,提出和论证了平面为圆内接正多边形且声源位于圆心时的厅堂声聚焦规律。

    Based on the reference [ 1 ] , author presents and proves the sound focusing law for the hall , when the plan of the hall is a n regular polygon inscribed in a circle and the sound source is in the center of circle .

  2. 在求准确圆周率值的征途中,首先迈出关键一步的是三国时期魏国杰出的数学家刘徽。他创立割圆术,用圆内接正多边形无限逼近圆而求取圆周率值。

    On the journey of finding a precise pi , Liu Hui , a prominent mathematician of the Kingdom of Wei during the Three Kingdoms period , took the first crucial step by approximated pi .