
lì lùn
  • set forth one's views;present one's arguments
  • argument;position;line of reasoning
立论 [lì lùn]
  • [set forth one's views;present one's argument] 就某个问题提出自己的论点、见解

  1. 立论公允。

    The argument is just and sound .

  2. 让我引述一些史实作为我立论的前提。

    Let me premise my argument with a bit of history .

  3. 作者立论鲜明。

    The author presents his views in a clear-cut way .

  4. 结论以温阳活血立论的肺心宁方对COPD肺动脉高压疗效确切。

    Conclusion " Feixinning Decoction " acting to warm yang and promote blood circulation is quite effective for PAH of COPD .

  5. 本文分析了图像DWT与HVS特性之间的相互关系,确立了新算法的立论依据。

    Firstly , the mutual relationship between the DWT and HVS is analyzed , which becomes the theory basis of the new algorithm .

  6. 单独分析法定保证期间性质的做法在我国没有立论的前提。通过研究可知,这些机制都无法单独实现完全的QoS保证。

    Individual analysis on legal guaranty period has not been stated in Chinese legal system . Through research , we got to know that only a single kind of QoS mechanism cannot solve problems of quality of service .

  7. 这些基本的问题正是本文立论的着眼点和研究的切入点。

    This paper focuses on the study of these basic problems .

  8. 所有制结构调整的立论基础和方向

    The Argument Basis and Orientation of Adjustment of Ownership System Construction

  9. 体育兴趣的培养与体育课教学改革&为专项课立论

    Development of Interest in Sports and Reform of Physical Education Teaching

  10. 气血立论治疗家兔实验性肾炎的研究

    Research on Therapy of Qi-blood Theory for Experimental Nephritis of Rabbits

  11. 马克思恩格斯思想异同研究论纲&兼驳马克思恩格斯对立论

    Identical or Different Thoughts of Marx and Engels : Research Outline

  12. 本文正是以此为立论基础并展开讨论。

    This article is the basis of this argument and discussion .

  13. 其说古未立论,是吕老首创。

    The ancient not said case , is lu old initiative .

  14. 本文第一部分分析了孟子民本伦理思想的立论基础。

    In the first part we analyses Mencius people-oriented thought argumentation foundation .

  15. 首先,观念的突破与立论的中允。

    First , neutrality of exposition and breakthrough of idea .

  16. 体育的概念、术语、定义之解说立论

    Study on Concept of Sport and Its Terminology and Definition

  17. 模糊机械科学与技术的立论依据和理论体系

    Foundation and Theory Structure of Fuzzy Mechanical Science and Technology

  18. 我国船舶法的立论研究

    On the Research of Basic Theory of the Vessel Law of China

  19. 附录是本文立论的出发点和基础。

    Appendix argument is the starting point and infrastructure of this article .

  20. 克莱门茨首先从比较文学学科理论谈起,立论客观。

    Firstly , Clements discussed theory of comparative literature objectively .

  21. 该部分是论文的立论基础和实践切入点。

    This part is the theory foundation and practice starting-pointing .

  22. 可持续发展价值观的立论之本

    On the theoretical basis of the values of sustainable development

  23. 他们引述《圣经》的章节来立论。

    They clinched their arguments with biblical chapter and verse .

  24. 为高职院校开设职业实用性体育课程立论高职院校开展职业实用性体育教学探讨

    Discussions on Professional Practicability PE Courses for Higher Professional College

  25. 边际效益递增理论十大立论命题&新飞电器有限公司发展奇迹佐证经济学猜想

    Ten Propositions of the Theory of Marginal Progressive Benefit Increase

  26. 问题是整个立论可能是全盘错误。

    The trouble is that the entire theory may be dead wrong .

  27. 超越式学习的本质规定及其立论基点

    The Score of Transcending - learning and Its Foundation

  28. 批评者立论标准,主要是基于史料采集与史传编著的角度。

    Its argument standards are mainly based on historical data and biography writing .

  29. 这个理论没有充分地加以研究,立论也不严谨。

    The theory was inadequately researched and slackly argued .

  30. 他做了两项精辟立论,帮助他赢得了这场辩论。

    He made a couple of zingers that helped him win the debate .