
  • 网络Stereoscope;stereotaxic apparatus;stereotaxic frame
  1. 【方法】通过立体定向仪将海人酸注射到大鼠海马CA3区,引起癫癎发作,观察其发作过程和行为改变,同时记录脑电图。

    [ Methods ] kainic acid was injected into hippocampus ' CA3 of rats by stereotaxic apparatus , and make the rat having epileptic seizure . We observed the process of epileptic seizure and the behavior change , recording electroencephalogram at the same time .

  2. 方法局麻下采用立体定向仪,由CT导向立体定向手术。

    Methods : The directional operation was performed at local anesthesia with tridimensional oriented finder of CT .

  3. 本文报告使用作者自行设计制造的,可供电子计算机体层摄影(CT)、核磁共振(MR)和普通X线摄片定位的JP型多功能立体定向仪行CT立体定向脑深部手术52例。

    A JP-model stereotaxic apparatus designed and made by the authors is reported . This apparatus is compatible with CT , MRI and X-ray examinations .

  4. 方法使用驹井式和Leksell脑立体定向仪,运用CT或MRI导向,对12例帕金森病进行毁损术。

    Methods With the help of CT or MRI guided technique , using foals well type and the leksell brain stereotactic apparatus , twelve parkinson ' disease patients were proceeded damaged operation .

  5. 用体视显微镜及活体循环检测系统动态观察活体基底动脉管径;颅骨开窗,在立体定向仪控制下,用激光多普勒血流计动态测量动物顶叶皮层rCBF。

    Basilar artery diameter was measured using stereomicroscope and dynamic loop detection . rCBF was observed using laser Doppler flowmetry under control of stereotactic instrument .

  6. 目的:通过立体定向仪电毁损鼠延髓孤束核(NST),探讨神经源性肺水肿(NPE)的中枢发生机制。

    Objective : To study the centrum mechanism of the neurogenic pulmonary edema ( NPE ) by the stereotactic electrolytic lesion of the rat 's the bilateral neucleus of solitary tract ( NST ) in medulla .

  7. 本文阐述了应用FY85-Ⅲ型立体定向仪辅以EL-506H计算器对颅内异物的三维空间坐标值进行逻辑编程处理实行颅内异物定位的方法。

    This article narrated a way in which using FY85 ⅲ stereoscopical direction equipment and PHOENIX comput aided to three dimensional space coordinate of the foreign matter in the head , to carry out with logical program .

  8. 结论所研制的脑血管立体定向仪经过应用达到设计要求。

    Conclusion The device accuracy has been reached its designing demands .

  9. 结论改进后的立体定向头架简易安装标尺完全适用于ASA-602S型立体定向仪。它的使用为临床开创了一个立体定向头架的客观、量化、简易的安装方法及简便的CT扫描定位技术。

    Conclusions The improved ruler can be fully applicable to the ASA-602S model stereotactic frame , being a simple , measurable and objective method for fixing stereotactic head frame and applying CT scanning orientation .