
  • 网络surgical field
  1. 我们记录了总的失血量、手术时间和术野状况。

    Total blood loss , operation time , and surgical field quality were recorded .

  2. 两组术野质量评分无显著差异(P>0.05),术后随访无明显副反应。

    Satisfactory surgical field quality was ensured and there was no postoperative complication ( P > 0.05 ) .

  3. NE组术野质量评分和尼卡地平用量明显低于N组(P<0.01)。

    In nicardipine dosage and surgery field grade , group NE were significantly lower than group N ( P < 0.01 ) .

  4. 乳腺癌E-Cadherin的表达与术野脱落癌细胞关系的研究

    Expression of E-cadherin in breast cancer and its relationship to tumor cells shed to the surgical field

  5. 粘附分子E-CD所代表的肿瘤细胞间的粘附性与乳腺癌术野脱落癌细胞间有关系,E-CD缺失或下调表达率高者,越易脱落至手术野。

    The adhesion character of tumor cells that represented by E-CD had correlation with tumor cells shed from the surgical field .

  6. 94例用自制分离棒,皮下分离时间115(10~25)min,出血24(0~10)ml,无皮肤损伤,大多数分离层次清楚,术野清晰。

    The dissection layer was too deep in most of the cases in which muscles were damaged . 94 cases were operated with the self-made dissection stick , whose mean time for subcutaneous dissection was 11.5 ( 10-25 ) minutes and mean blood loss 2.4 ( 0-10 ) ml.

  7. 对麻醉不成功的家兔在手术中采用追加25%氨基甲酸乙酯2~3ml或术野用1%盐酸普鲁卡因局部浸润麻醉。

    Either 25 % urethane ( 2 ~ 3 ml ) or 1 % aethocaine hydrochloride was used as local infiltration anesthesia in the operation field for rabbits of unsuccessful anaesthesia .

  8. 经右心房切口,探明心内畸形,合并永存左上腔者,将Foley尿管经冠状静脉窦放入左上腔静脉,气囊注水,暂时阻断左上腔静脉,显露术野。

    After locating the endocardial deformity through the right atrial incision , Foley urinary tube was placed into left superior vena cava and water was infused into airsacs to block the left superior vena cara to reveal the operation field .

  9. 直径小于1cm的听神经瘤,经中颅凹入路和乙状窦后入路切除肿瘤均可,但中颅凹入路术野开阔,利于手术操作;

    To acoustic tumors less than 1 cm in diameter , both of the middle cranial fossa approach and retrosigmoid approach can be used , but the middle cranial fossa has broad vision , it is helpful to operate .

  10. 尽管ICG血管造影在深部术野、存在血块、血管内血栓、钙化时结果会受到影响,但它简单快速的优点可能在动脉瘤手术中可以作为常规技术开展。

    Although deep location of the aneurysm , presence of blood clots , intramural thrombi , or calcification may affect the results of the intraoperative ICG angiography , but its simplicity and celerity all suggest it to be carried out as a routine procedure during aneurysm surgery .

  11. 在同一术野取移植物;

    The donor graft is available at the same operative exposure ;

  12. 术野用生理盐水浸湿的无菌纱布覆盖。

    The operative field was covered with saline soaked sterile gauze .

  13. 综合无血术野技术的临床研究

    Clinical study on comprehensive surgical techniques for bloodless operative field

  14. 模拟手术操作顺利,术野暴露充分。

    And the operational field exposing was sufficient .

  15. 吻合完毕后清点术野关闭伤口。

    After finishing the anastomosis , the surgical field is checked followed by wound closure .

  16. 麻醉方式对鼻内镜手术鼻黏膜血流及术野的影响

    Effects of different anesthesia on nasal mucosal blood flow and surgical field in endoscopic sinus surgery

  17. 结果:术野显露充分、切除彻底。

    Results : The exposure of lesion was sufficient , and the lesion was excised completely .

  18. 莫米松糠酸酯治疗组内镜手术的术野要明显好过对照组。

    The quality of the endoscopic surgical field was significantly better for patients treated with MF .

  19. 结论鼻内镜手术控制性降压后术野质量与心率密切相关。

    Conclusion The scores of surgical field quality was closely related with heart rate after controlled hypotension .

  20. 术野暴露时间延长引起渗血增多,加重脏器氧化应激损伤。

    Extension of operative field exposure time would cause increased bleeding and worsen oxidative stress injury of organs .

  21. 结论膀胱穿刺引流可使术野清晰、切割不间断;

    Conclusion The advantages of the suprapubic needle aspiration of bladder is clear field of view during operation .

  22. 背景:控制性降压可减少出血、改善术野并降低手术风险。

    BACKGROUND : Deliberate hypotension can reduce bleeding and improve the surgical field and reduce the risk of surgery .

  23. 鼻内镜手术中控制性降压麻醉后动脉压、心率与术野出血的关系

    Relationship between hemorrhage of surgical field and arterial blood pressure , heart rate after controlled hypotension of anesthesia in ESS

  24. 方法2003年2月~2006年6月在24例血管外科手术中使用自体血液回输,记录术野出血量及回输血液量。

    Methods From February 2003 to June 2006 , intraoperative autologous blood transfusion were done in 24 cases on vascular operation .

  25. 随意的、计划的铺单,常常导致手术过程中未消毒的皮肤暴露于术野,而引发灾难性的后果。

    Haphazard draping that results in exposure of unprepared areas of skin in the middle of an operation can be catastrophic .

  26. 结论腹腔镜作甲状腺手术具有美容、创伤小、术野清晰、安全的优点。

    Conclusion Using the endoscopic thyroidectomy , it has minimally invasive , clear operation field and no scar in the neck .

  27. 18例住院行外科手术切开排脓、病灶清除,其中15例开窗冲洗引流,12例放置敏感抗生素于术野,16例伤口Ⅰ期愈合出院。

    Sensitive antibiotics were placed in the operating field in 12 cases , 16 cases discharged with ⅰ stage healing of wound .

  28. 鼻内窥镜上颌窦手术不同入路下术野的可控范围直接影响着该术式处理疾病的有效范围。

    The controllable surgical field of endoscopic maxillary sinus operation under different approaches directly affects the effective range of some surgical approaches to treating diseases .

  29. 0~0内窥镜的术野做为手术操作的中心,30~0、70~0内窥镜可以对术野以外的区域解剖观察,但难以进行手术操作。

    30 ? , 70 ? angled endoscopes can be used to observe the anatomic area outside the operating field but was difficult for operating .

  30. 方法在鼻内窥镜良好的照明、图象放大及清晰的术野下经鼻中隔、蝶窦径路进行垂体肿瘤切除术21例。

    Methods 21 pituitary tumors were resected under good illumination 、 image magnification and clear operative field of view through nasal septum 、 sphenoid sinus access .