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术学 [shù xué]
  • [astronomy,astrology and calculation of calendar] 古代关于天文、历法等方面的学问

  • 安帝雅闻 衡善术学,公车特征拜郎中。--《后汉书.张衡传》

  1. 记忆术对学英语很重要。

    Mnemonics is important in learning English .

  2. 右前斜45°透视指引下房间隔穿刺术方法学评价

    Atrial septal puncture guided by right anterior oblique 45 degree projection

  3. 重度二尖瓣狭窄的球囊成形术方法学改良探讨

    Modified Procedure of Percutaneous Balloon Mitral Valvuloplasty for Patients with Severe Mitral Stenosis

  4. 我国学校体育长期呈现有术无学的状况,没有起到其应有的作用。

    In a long period of time , Chinese school sports take techniques but no acdamical achievements which lost its original function .

  5. 李石是南宋前期蜀中著名学者,长于经术之学和文学。

    Li Shi is a renowned scholar who is good at studying of literature and technique in earlier period of Southern Song Dynasty .

  6. 从这一目的出发,民国新闻教育工作者们确立了术、学、德三位一体的教育内容。

    To achieve this goal , journalism education workers of the Republic of China established a set of skills , knowledge , moral education content .

  7. 从艺术形态学、术类型学、术心理学等美学多视角,探寻音乐、术双学科的原本混合性,情感形式间的融合性和鉴赏过程中的通感性。

    Starting from aesthetics of art formation , art types and art psychology , the article studies BOM commixture of Two-Subject teaching of music and fine arts , fusion of emotion forms , and common feeling in appreciating process .

  8. 术、学和道的双向互动关系是道家演变和道教产生、发展的内在实质和动力,其中,术与道的双向互动关系更加重要。

    The interactions among Tao , learning and technique are the internal essence and impetus of the transformation of Taoism , and the birth and development of Taoism , in which the relation between Tao and the technique is especially important .

  9. SOD与SOD复合Ca(OH)2切髓术的组织学疗效对比

    Histological comparison on pulpotomy with superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) and SOD complex calcium hydroxide

  10. 术前影像学检查(B超、CT或MR)显示胆囊内多发结石,胆总管有或无扩张,胆总管内有或无发现结石。

    Imaging examination ( Ultrasound , CT or MR ) found gallstones , expansion of common bile duct or common bile duct stones .

  11. 所有患者术前行腹部学影像检查,包括腹部B超,强化CT,必要时行MRI及MRCP,测量肝脏体积,预测残肝体积。

    All patients underwent preoperative abdominal imaging ( including abdominal B ultrasound , enhanced CT , and MRI 、 MRCP if necessary ), liver volume measurement , and residual liver volume prediction .

  12. 结论上、下蒂型咽后瓣术后组织学变化类似,术后30d肌纤维萎缩明显,90d呈稳定的萎缩状态。

    Atrophy of muscle fiber was found in the 30 day and 90 day flap postoperative .

  13. 与术后病理学诊断对比分析显示,B超、CT、MRI对PA亚型醛固酮瘤(APA)的定性诊断正确率分别为83.0%、90.7%和72.2%。

    Compared with the postoperative pathologic results , the accuracy rates of qualitative diagnosis for aldosterone-producing adenoma ( APA ) with B-ultrasonography , CT scanning and MRI were 83.0 % , 90.7 % and 72.2 % , respectively .

  14. 结果:囊性肾细胞癌术前影像学检查的正确率为76.9%,手术治疗的5年生存率达92.3%,核分级和TNM分期较低,肿瘤细胞类型为透明细胞。

    The 5 year disease specific survival rate was 92.3 % after operation . The CRCC was of low nuclear grade and TNM stage composing of clear cells .

  15. TIPSS术前影像学检查显示肝萎缩明显,术后分流道通畅。

    Obvious liver atrophy was found in the five patients before TIPSS procedure and shunt patency was by color Doppler US after TIPSS .

  16. 2另选5例术前影像学检查证实为支气管病变、BAG检查证实为出血部位和出血原因的病例,因栓塞止血无效或其他病变而行手术切除。

    Another 5 cases with bronchial lesions were selected , which were demonstrated by preoperative image examinations and confirmed through BAG procedures to be bleeding cause and location . They were given surgical operation because BAE were ineffective or there were other lesions .

  17. 结论以多层螺旋CT为主的术前影像学检查能够有效的判断胃癌的浸润深度和淋巴结转移情况,可较为准确的行术前TNM分级,有利于选择个体化治疗方案。

    Conclusions The preoperative imaging examination mainly by multi-slice spiral CT can effectively determine the depth of invasion of gastric cancer and lymph node metastasis , it can be more accurate for making preoperative TNM staging , which is valuable for the choice of individual treatment programs .

  18. 方法对228例RCC,62例RAML中13例术前影像学检查或术中冰冻切片误诊的原因进行分析。

    Methods Since 1990 , 228 cases of RCC and 62 RAML were surgically treated . 13 of them , 4 RCC and 9 RAML were incorrectly treated because the misdiagnosis on imaging examination or intraoperative frozen section study .

  19. 家兔角膜准分子激光切削术后病理学观察

    A Histopathologic Study of Rabbit Cornea after Excimer Laser Photorefractive Keratectomy

  20. 三种不同波长激光猴眼小梁成形术的组织学观察和比较

    Histopathological study on trabeculoplasty with three wavelength lasers in rhesus monkey

  21. 保胆取石术再次成为学界的焦点。

    Paul gall stone surgery become the focus of scholars once again .

  22. 肝移植术前影像学检查的综合评价

    Preoperative Imaging Evaluation of Donors and Recipients in Liver Transplantation

  23. 流式细胞术结合组织学方法对柄海鞘血细胞的分类

    Classification of Haemocytes in Styela clava by Flow Cytometry and Histology Method

  24. 兔颌下腺同种异体移植术后组织学观察

    Histology of the Submandibular Glands in Rabbits After Allotransplantation

  25. 大鼠短暂脑缺血术后行为学的评价

    Behavioral assessment in rat with middle cerebral artery occlusion

  26. 与术后组织学对照,统计其诊断符合率。

    The accord rate was calculated with pathological diagnosis .

  27. 肝门部胆管癌可切除性的术前影像学评估

    Tumor resectability assessment of hilar cholangiocarcinoma using imaging

  28. 所有病例均经术前影像学及术中观察确定肿瘤位置起源于岩尖斜坡区,术后均经病理确诊为脑膜瘤。

    All of the tumors were originated at petroclival region confirmed by intraoperative inspection .

  29. 基于术前图象学检查所计画的术式可能会造成过当的肾脏切除。

    Surgical design based on the preoperative imaging studies may lead to unnecessary nephrectomies .

  30. 漏油的液压致动装置脑脊液鼻漏术前影像学漏口定位的临床研究

    Clinical studies of the effect of pre-operation imaging assessment on localization of cerebrospinal rhinorrhea