
shù kē
  • subject;subject or course in military training or physical training
术科 [shù kē]
  • [subject] 军事训练或体育训练中的技术性科目

术科[shù kē]
  1. CAI在体育专业术科教学中应用的研究

    The study of the application of CAI in sports technique teaching

  2. 实验班和对照班学生的健美操术科测试成绩,实验班高于对照班,经独立样本t检验,具有显著性差异(P0.05)。

    Fourthly , the technical scores of the experiment classes was higher than that of control classes , and there had significant differences by t test ( P0.05 ) .

  3. 采用教学实验法、文献资料法等,分析了在高校体育专业术科教学中运用MCAI教学方法,改进传统的由教师示范、讲解,学生模仿练习的单一的教学方式。

    Applying teaching experiment method and document etc in this paper , the paper have analyzed MCAI teaching method in college sport professional skill teaching , improved the unitary teaching way of which demonstrate by teacher , is explained and student imitates .

  4. 福建省体育高考乒乓球专项考试现状剖析江苏省体育术科高考足球专项考试分析

    Analysis of football test in college entrance exam in Jiangsu province

  5. 体育院校传统术科课程现状述评及改造方案的构建

    Status Quo Review of Traditional Practice Course and Reconstruction Programs

  6. 45岁以下教师已占术科教师总数的72.97%。

    The gym teachers under 45 years old are only 72.97 % .

  7. 地方体育院校术科课程设置与改革

    Establishment and Reform of Technique Subject Courses in the Local Sports Universities

  8. 浅析术科教学语言的特性

    Analyse the Characters of the Language of Physical Courses Teaching

  9. 利用术科教学对体育院系学生进行思想品德教育初探

    The Exploration of the Ideological Education in Technical Course Teaching for PE Students

  10. 改进我院民族传统体育专业、专业类(术科)课程的思考

    Reflections on Improving the Specialty Courses of Chinese Traditional Sports in Our College

  11. 我国体育院校术科教师学缘结构问题研究

    Structure of Graduation School of Skilled Teachers of Physical Education Institute in China

  12. 体育院校术科教学实施非语言教学法的基本原则

    Basic principles of nonlinguistic teaching in speciality in PEC

  13. 教学目标趋近度:一个新的术科教学评价标准

    Teaching Goal Tendency Degree : A New Teaching Evaluation Criterion of Skill Curricula

  14. 体育院系术科课师生互动中教师行为的研究

    A Study on Teachers ' Behavior in Teacher-Student Interaction in Sports Technique Classes

  15. 对河南省体育术科高考足球考生成绩的研究

    A study of soccer examinees taking the College Entrance Sports Examination in Henan Province

  16. 加强术科教学的实践指导能力;充分利用综合性院校的实践机会;

    Strengthen the abilities teaching of subject practice .

  17. 体育教育专业术科课程中文字表达法教学的实验研究

    Experimental Research on the Written Expression Method in Technical Courses Teaching of PE Specialty

  18. 体育院系术科动态考核评价体系与标准研究

    Research on the Trends Evaluation Standard and System for Skill Learning in PE Institute

  19. 高师体育教育专业武术术科教学改革方法探究

    The Exploration of Physical Education Major 's Wushu Teaching Innovation Methods in Normal Universities

  20. 论体育学院学科与术科教学的不同点

    The Different Characteristics About Learning and Technique Courses in the Institute of Physical Education

  21. 体育教育专业术科课程设置整合方案的探讨

    The Study of the Integration of the Curriculum of the Major of Physical Education

  22. 高校体育教师教育术科课程设置改革探究

    Tentative Study of Reforming Technical Curriculum Provision for College Physical Education Teachers ' Training

  23. 术科教师性格的研究

    Research on Personality of Technique Class Teachers

  24. 口译课教学纵横谈术科教师性格的研究

    An Extensive Talk on Teaching of Oral Interpretation Research on Personality of Technique Class Teachers

  25. 我国体育院校术科教师群体的科研能力分析

    Analysis of Ability of Scientific Research of Sports Teachers of Physical Education Institutes in China

  26. 论影响体育考生术科应试能力的心理因素及对策

    On mental state factors and countermeasures influencing the ability of technical category of the athletics examinees

  27. 目前,体育高考生在普通高校体育术科考试、普通高校高水平运动员招生考试以及平时的训练中,使用兴奋剂已经成为一个不争的事实。

    It has been a fact that the examinee in college examinations in PE use doping .

  28. 体育术科高考乒乓球专项考试方法与标准的探讨

    An Analysis of the Approach and Standards of Table Tennis Test in Physical Skill Entrance Examination

  29. 我国体育院系术科教学法改革的理论分析与实践探索

    Theory and Practice of Reform of Teaching Methods in Activity Courses of Physical Education College / Dept

  30. 播音与主持艺术专业招生考试方案的设计与实践&以广州大学术科考试方案设计为例

    On the Design and Practice of the Entrance Examination Program for Broadcasting and Anchor Majors of Guangzhou University