
  • 网络rhizoctonia solani;rhizoctonia solani kuhn;Rhizoctonia solani Ktihn
  1. 从植物病组织中分离立枯丝核菌的快速、简便技术

    A rapid and simple technique for the isolation of Rhizoctonia solani from diseased plant tissues

  2. 大豆立枯丝核菌G蛋白β亚基基因的克隆与分析

    Cloning and Analyzing of G-protein β - Subunit Gene in Rhizoctonia solani Causing Soybean Sharp Eyespot

  3. 试验结果表明立枯丝核菌菌丝在pH值为5.0~

    The result shows that R.

  4. 对一些非生物因子诱导马铃薯块茎抗立枯丝核菌病的效果进行了初步研究.结果表明:经过温度35℃保持4h;

    Effects of abiotic factors were investigated on resistance induction of potato tuber slices against Rhizoctonia solani .

  5. 接种立枯丝核菌(Rhizoctoniasolani)并调查转基因水稻的发病级别,计算平均病级及病情指数。

    Average disease rating and disease index of rice sheath blight were investigated after inoculating with Rhizoctonia solani .

  6. 在烟-稻轮作的烟田发现烟草根茎腐烂病,其病原经鉴定为立枯丝核菌(Rhizoctoniasolani)。

    In the tobacco field of tobacco-rice rotation , tobacco root and stem rot was found , the pathogen was identified as Rhizoctonia solani .

  7. 从采集的21个地点的48份土壤碎物和37株苜蓿病株上,收集到101株立枯丝核菌(RhizoctoniasolaniKühn)菌株。

    In this study , 101 Rhizoctonia solani K ü hn strains were collected from 21 locations of 48 sites in the fragment and 37 plants in alfalfa diseased seedlings .

  8. 立枯丝核菌(Rhizoctoniasolani)是一类十分重要的植物病原真菌,寄主范围广泛,可引起包括水稻、小麦、玉米等重要作物在内的多种作物菌核病的发生,危害十分严重。

    Rhizoctonia solani , a group of important plant pathogenic fungi , can cause serious disease in a variety of crops , such as rice and wheat .

  9. 用11个限制性内切酶处理代表11个已报道的立枯丝核菌的菌丝融合群的25个种内类群的161个样品,来研究18S核rRNA的基因区的DNA多态性。

    DNA polymorphism in the 18S nuclear rRNA gene region was investigated by using 11 restriction endonucleases for 161 isolates of 25 intraspecific groups ( ISGs ) representing 11 reported anastomosis groups ( AGs ) of Rhizoctonia solani .

  10. 立枯丝核菌产生菌核(sclerotia)结构,菌核具有抗逆性、忍耐极端环境条件的能力,因而菌核在病原菌的存活和传播中起着关键作用。

    Solani can produce sclerotia , which can endure reverse , even extreme environmental conditions . Therefore sclerotia play a key role in the survival and transmission of the pathogen .

  11. 高粱苗期病害主要是由立枯丝核菌(Rhizoctoniasolani)AG&5引起的土壤传染病害,该病害的病原菌土下分布状况可以通过病株、病斑的分布型间接地测定。

    Sorghum seedling disease caused by Rhizoctonia solani is one of the soilborne diseases . The distribution patterns of pathogen in the soil could be determined indirectly with those of infected plants and lesions .

  12. 玉米纹枯病是世界范围内玉米产区广泛发生的土传性病害,严重影响世界各国的玉米生产,造成巨大的经济损失,其主要病原菌是立枯丝核菌(RhizoctoniasolaniKühn)。

    Corn sheath blight is a soil-borne disease in the Corn Belt around the world , which impact on worldwide corn yield , and cause enormous economic loss . The main pathogen is Rhizoctonia solani K ü hn , which belonged to Rhizoctonia .

  13. 对云南保山潞江坝蔬菜纹枯病标本上分离到的立枯丝核菌进行培养形态观察和融合反应,从茴香上分离到的5个菌株为多核丝核菌AG-4群;

    The study was made by morphological observation and the blending reaction with the strains of Rhizoctonia solani from the vegetables in Nujiang-ba , Baoshan . From the result of above tests , optimal reaction solution was obtained .

  14. 几种植物提取液混配对草莓立枯丝核菌的抑制作用

    Inhibition of mixed plant extracts on growth of strawberry root rot fungi

  15. 立枯丝核菌对碳、氮营养的需求

    The requirement of carbon and nitrogen source for Rhizoctonia solani

  16. 大豆根腐病菌致病力分化的初步研究包菜立枯丝核菌球腐病的病原学研究

    Preliminary study on differentiation of pathogenicity of Fusarium solani causing soybean root rot

  17. 新疆苜蓿立枯丝核菌菌丝融合群及其致病性研究

    Study on anastomosis groups and their pathogenicity of Rhizoctonia solani isolated from alfalfa in Xinjiang

  18. 马铃薯立枯丝核菌病的研究

    Studies on Rhizoctonia disease in potato

  19. 立枯丝核菌不同菌株产生毒素的能力有明显差异。

    It was found that the ability of toxin production was obviously different among the isolates .

  20. 木霉对蔬菜立枯丝核菌病害的生防效果研究木霉几丁质酶对烟草赤星病菌的作用

    Role of Chitinase Produced by Trichoderma sp . in Biocontrol of Tobacco Brown Spot Caused by Alternaria alternata

  21. 这揭示了立枯丝核菌胞壁降解酶在病菌致病过程中发挥着重要作用,是该病重要的致病因子。

    It indicated that the CWDEs of R. solani played an important role in the infection and were primary pathogenic factors .

  22. 马铃薯立枯丝核菌病,是甘肃省高海拔冷凉山区发生普遍而危害严重的一种病害。

    Rhizoctonia disease in potato is a very common and serious disease in the cool and high altitude mountainous area of Gansu Province .

  23. 主要通过与病原真菌平板共培养、载玻片对峙培养等方法初步研究了球毛壳菌与立枯丝核菌的拮抗机理。

    The mechanism of antagonism between C. globosum and R. solani was studied in the way of co-culture on plate and confrontation on slide .

  24. 10、本项研究测定了草坪褐斑病菌(包括立枯丝核菌、水稻丝核菌、玉蜀黍丝核菌、禾谷丝核菌和单核类丝核菌)对主要草坪禾草的致病性。

    The pathogenicity of uninucleate Rhizoctonia , binucleate Rhizoctonia , Rhizoctonia solani 、 Rhizoctonia oryzae and Rhizoctonia zeae , to main turf-grasses were tested .

  25. 立枯丝核菌占多核类丝核菌分离物比例的86.0%,占所有褐斑病菌分离物比例的58.9%,为我国草坪褐斑病的优势病原菌。

    Rhizoctonia solani were the preponderant pathogen which were the multinucleate Rhizoctonia proportion of 86 % , and all brown patch isolates proportion of 58.9 % .

  26. 立枯丝核菌菌丝生长的温度范围5~35℃,最适温度为30℃。两者均在偏酸性条件下生长快,且尖孢镰刀菌产孢量大。

    The range of growth temperature of Fusarium oxysporum , Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn were 0 ~ 35 ℃, 5 ~ 35 ℃ respectively , and the optimum was 30 ℃ .