
Those who performed major meritorious service may be given a mitigated punishment or may be exempted from punishment .
Those who surrender themselves voluntarily and perform major meritorious service after committing a crime shall be given a mitigated punishment or exempted from punishment .
The source element refers to that the Meritorious Performance should be lawful . The method and way of applying the this system should be legal * Part Five .
Those who have had their sentences reduced to life imprisonment can have their sentences further commuted to a set term of imprisonment if they show repentance and exemplary behaviour during prison service .
China 's law stipulates that prisoners who really show repentance and have rendered meritorious service can , upon rulings of the people 's courts , have their sentences commuted or be put on parole .
After from the crime was established , before the decision , rules becomes effective in this time section the criminal offender to have renders meritorious service the performance to recognize that the establishment renders meritorious service .
At the same time , the author believes that criminal who surrendered and has the performance of merit should be clearly defined in law that the criminal can get a lighter , mitigated punishment or even or be exempted .
If they prove to have done meritorious service , their original sentence may be rescinded and they may not be considered to have committed a crime . The most severe punishment a matriarch can dispense is exile from the house .
Commutation of the sentence refers to was sentenced to control , criminal detention , imprisonment , life imprisonment of criminals , based on their repentance during the execution of punishment , or meritorious performance , and appropriate to mitigate their verdict penalty system .
Atonement system in criminal law of China is a system of punishment that guilt can be offset to criminals who perform meritorious service for their delinquency .
Correct understanding the nature and the constitutive elements of this system is the premise of correct discrete the criminal punishment , value the meritorious performance .