
xínɡ fá zhí xínɡ
  • execution of punishment
  1. 易地改造理论在刑罚执行中的价值分析

    Analysis About Value Of Country Reformation In Execution Of Punishment

  2. 刑罚执行的基础要件:狱政管理性质分析

    Basic Elements of Execution of Punishment : An Analysis of the Nature of Prison Management

  3. 关于刑罚执行完毕之内涵的思考&以累犯与数罪并罚制度的适用为视角

    Thinking About Its Connotation For Criminal Penalty Of Completion Of Enforcement

  4. 关于完善我国刑罚执行体制的法律思考

    Legal Thoughts on Perfecting Our Country 's Execution System of Punishment

  5. 假释是刑事司法领域中的一种刑罚执行制度。

    Parole is a penalty execution system in criminal law .

  6. 减刑制度是我国的一项刑罚执行制度。

    Commutation system is one of our penal execution systems .

  7. 刑罚执行完毕后应注重自然矫正。

    After penalty implementation , natural correction should be emphasized .

  8. 社区矫正是一种社会化的刑罚执行活动。

    Community Correction is a social activity of the punishment .

  9. 建立我国刑罚执行中的回避制度

    Constructing Avoidance System in Implementation of Our Country 's Penalty

  10. 我国应该尽快建立社区矫正&非监禁刑罚执行制度

    China Should Rapidly Establish Community Corrections & the Non-custodial Penalty Enforcement System

  11. 由社区矫正而引发的刑罚执行及其相关问题

    Enforcement of Criminal Penalty and Other Relevant Problems Arising from Community Corrections

  12. 试论我国刑罚执行机关的行政处罚适用程序

    On the Applicable Executive Penalty Procedures for the Enforcement Authorities

  13. 关于涉外罪犯刑罚执行模式的思考

    Reflection of the Penalty Enforcement Format of Foreign-related Criminals

  14. 法官在作出裁定前,应征询刑罚执行委员会或罪犯重返社会委员会的意见。

    The judge should consult the punishment executive committee in making a verdict .

  15. 刑罚执行制度研究概况及述评

    Survey and Comment on the Study of Penalty Implementation

  16. 人性化的监狱管理与刑罚执行监督

    Humane Administrations for Prisons and Supervision on Penalty Execution

  17. 法官在征询刑罚执行委员会意见后作出裁决。

    The judge will give a verdict in consultation with the executive council .

  18. 其次,重点论述了刑罚执行人道化的内涵;

    Secondly , the author demonstrates the connotation of humanization of punishment execution .

  19. 社区矫正既是刑罚执行的过程,也是社会工作的过程。

    Community Correction is a process of social work as well as penalties .

  20. 本章首先阐述了刑事执行的概念与特点,指出刑事执行既包括刑事诉讼中的执行,也包括刑罚执行活动中的行政行为。

    The first section discusses the concept and the features of the criminal execution .

  21. 刑罚执行中的人身危险性研究谈适用审判监督程序对被告人加刑

    Bodily Dangerous in Implement of Punishment On Inflicting Penalty by the Trial Supervision Procedure

  22. 因此,实际上,刑罚执行机关在减刑方面拥有非常大的实际权力。

    So , in fact , the penal execution authorities have great actual power .

  23. 刑罚执行与社会福利:社区矫正性质定位思辨

    The Dual Nature of Community Correction : as Punishments and Social Services for offenders

  24. 假释制度作为一项刑罚执行制度,在教育改造罪犯方面有着非常重要的价值。

    The parole system plays a very important role in educating and reforming criminals .

  25. 论我国刑罚执行体系与检察执行监督机制七、对罪犯的刑罚执行

    Elaboration on the Implementation of Penalty System and Execution Supervising Mechanism in Our Country

  26. 强化刑罚执行深化体制改革&监狱第二批体制改革试点工作的调研和思考

    Reinforcing Penalty Execution and Deepening System Reform

  27. 社区矫正的实施是我国刑罚执行制度的一项重要改革。

    Community correction implementation is an important reformation on penalty Execution System in our country .

  28. 对刑罚执行进行监督是检察机关的一项重要法定职能。

    The supervision on performance of penalty is an important function of the prosecutorial department .

  29. 刑罚执行是刑事诉讼最后阶段,也是实现公平正义的最后保障。

    But as an activity of the execution of punishment , it is strongly comprehensive .

  30. 我国刑罚执行实践与所面临的问题论纲

    Outline the Way of Our Penalty Implementation