
xínɡ shì zhì cái
  • criminal sanction;penal sanction
  1. 世界上的任何一个国家都必须对货币制作和发行实行严格的控制,对伪造货币的犯罪行为予以刑事制裁。

    Each country in the world must strictly control the manufactures and issues of its currency and give criminal sanction to counterfeiting offenses .

  2. 国家间的相互依存、国际社会的组织化以及国际刑事制裁的新发展使国际法的实施呈现由弱渐强的趋势。

    The weaker international law is becoming stronger with the inter-dependence among nations , the systematization of international community and the new development of international criminal sanction .

  3. 对监管工作人员的渎职犯罪,法律明确规定应给予刑事制裁。

    The law clearly stipulates criminal sanctions for any prison staff guilty of dereliction of duty .

  4. 美国公司或自然人违反了《反海外腐败法》,将受到严厉的民事、行政甚至刑事制裁。

    American companies or natural persons violating the FCPA will be subject to severe penal , civil or administrative sanctions .

  5. 刑事制裁,作为保护人类环境安全的最后一道防线,必须受到足够的重视。

    Criminal sanctions to protect the environment as a last line of defense of human security must receive adequate attention .

  6. 据不完全统计,从1993年至今,因操纵市场受到行政处罚与刑事制裁的案例只有29件。

    According to the statistics , from 1993 to nowadays , there were just 29 cases were punished according to law .

  7. 这样的事实表明,环境刑事制裁虽然作为国家对环境保护的最后一道防线,但是在环境保护上应当具有的重要作用并没有充分的发挥出来。

    The fact shows that environmental criminal sanctions have not fully played important role in environmental protection as a last line of defenses .

  8. 该组织还呼吁官员们惩处滥施刑罚的警方人员,并立法取消对双方同意的自愿性行为的刑事制裁。

    It also called on officials to prosecute police offenders and to create legislation that removes criminal sanctions against voluntary and consensual sex .

  9. 刑事制裁措施,直接剥夺人之生命、自由、财产及荣誉等诸多人生基本要素,实为各类法律制裁措施中最为严酷之一种。

    Punishment is the cruelest mandatory sanctions because it forfeits the elements of life , for example lives , freedom , property and honor .

  10. 建议制定和完善外商投资财产鉴定法律制度,加大对外商出资欺诈行为的刑事制裁。

    I suggest formulates and consummates the law system about foreign investment property appraisal , enlarges criminal activity . sanction on foreign investment cheat behavior .

  11. 当前的民事、行政制裁措施日显困窘,而刑事制裁措施又单薄而乏力。

    Meanwhile , due to the defects in the current civil and administrative sanctions , as well as the criminal sanctions , patent infringements are also proliferating .

  12. 行政罚款应与其他行政制裁手段并用,同时谨慎适用刑事制裁,适当地运用民事救济手段。

    Administrative fines and other administrative sanctions should be merged used , while the criminal sanctions should be careful applied , the civil remedies should be appropriate used .

  13. 延续于前文的思路,本文在最后一部分对中国的刑事制裁体系的改革与社区矫正的发展进行了分析。

    Along with the way in the previous article , this chapter analyzed the problem of the Chinese Punishment Sanction system reform and the development of the Community Corrections .

  14. 本文讨论了我国酒后驾驶现行法律规定的欠缺,尤其是刑事制裁的缺陷导致酒后驾驶屡禁不止。

    So this paper discusses the legislated defects in the current laws and regulations of drives after drinking that especially the repeated accidents caused by these defect of the criminal punishments .

  15. 酌定量刑情节是法律赋予法官的一种工具,使其能根据具体案件的特殊情况,发挥平衡刑事制裁的作用。

    Discretionary circumstances of sentencing is a tool that laws grant judges and can make them play a balance role in criminal sanction in the light of specific conditions of concrete cases .

  16. 因此,在21世纪的今天以法律的手段来保护环境成为了世界各国普遍选择,这其中尤以环境刑事制裁措施的适用显得格外重要。

    Therefore , in the 21 century , protecting environment through legal means has become universal choice . In the various legal means , the application of criminal sanctions is particularly important .

  17. 厉的民事及刑事制裁,并将在法律许可触犯刑律的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任。

    In severe civil and criminal penalties , and will be prosecuted the judicial organ shall investigate , according to law , his criminal responsibility , if the violates the criminal law .

  18. 保安处分是以社会防卫为目的,代替或补充刑罚而适用的刑事制裁措施。

    Security measures , which have penetrating ideological basis , are criminal sanctions with the aim of defending the society . It is designed for the purpose of substituting or complementing criminal penalties .

  19. 严峻的道路交通安全形势必然要引起社会的防卫反应,在其它控制手段乏力的情况下,我们必须考虑采取刑事制裁的手段来保护社会各个群体的利益。

    The severe situation of road traffic security calls for social reactions . Given the weakness of other controls , the criminal sanction is in a position to protect the wellbeing of various social groups .

  20. 然后通过对外国具有先进立法的国家的污染环境犯罪立法的脉络进行清理,总结出污染环境犯罪及其刑事制裁的立法形式和立法特点。

    Then I summarized the environment pollution crime and the legislation format and characteristics of the corresponding criminal sanctions through cleaning up the environment pollution crime legislation venation of the countries which have the advanced legislation .

  21. 陪审团必须具备社区代表性与公正性,前者通过选民名单的随机挑选来实现,后者由回避申请和藐视法庭罪的刑事制裁等程序来加以保障;

    A jury shall be both representative of the community and impartial , which are ensured by random selection from the electoral roll and by challenges and penal sanctions by the law of contempt of court .

  22. 在内幕交易的规制方法中,行政处罚是我国打击内幕交易的最主要手段之一,且从国外规制内幕交易的成功经验来看,相较于民事、刑事制裁,行政处罚有着极大的高效性。

    Administrative penalty is one of the most principal means in the regulation methods . For reference to the successful experience of foreign countries , compared with civil and criminal sanctions , administrative penalty has a great efficiency .

  23. 六是要增加救济途径,建立程序性制裁措施,健全对侦查人员的民事、行政与刑事制裁机制;另外,赋予当事人向检察机关提起侦查监督的权利。

    Sixth it should add remedies , found procedural sanctions and perfect investigators ' civil , administration and criminal sanctions . Besides government should give the parties a right which is used to mention investigation supervision to prosecution .

  24. 基于对滥诉的惩罚,各国均有对代表人或集团律师的制裁,韩国还有刑事制裁,但均极少适用。

    Out of consideration on punishment to frivolous and vexatious actions , thers are sanctions on the representatives and class lawers in every country , and South Korea has criminal sanctions . However , these sanctions have been little applied .

  25. 20世纪以来,特别二战以后,对非监禁刑的研究在世界各国得到了快速发展,非监禁刑在各国的刑事制裁体系中的地位不断提高。

    Since the 20th century , especially since the 2nd world war , study on non-custodial penalty has been rapidly developed in varied countries in the world and the position of non-custodial penalty in the criminal sanction system has been continuously enhanced in varied countries .

  26. 而保安处分立法的根本原因在于资本主义发展到垄断帝国主义阶段的严重社会问题使政府需要一种比监禁刑更方便、有效地实现社会控制的刑事制裁措施。

    In the imperialist stage , the governments need a new sanction measure to solve the serious social problems with capitalist development , which must be more effective and convenient than the old criminal sanction system . This is the most important reason about the security measure coming into law .

  27. 在华盛顿近东政策研究所做访问学者的叙利亚专家,也是记者的安德鲁。塔布勒表示,对石油行业进行制裁比通过国际刑事法庭制裁更为可行。

    Syria expert and journalist Andrew Tabler , a visiting scholar at The Washington Institute for Near East Policy , says oil sanctions are more feasible than ICC action .

  28. 应借鉴发达国家反垄断法垄断行为应刑罚性理念,采取严重垄断行为入罪的立法措施,进一步明确与细化垄断行为罪与非罪的界限,大力增强刑事责任制裁的力度。

    Besides , we should learn from developed countries ' concept of Deserving Penalty , take legislative measures of serious monopoly acts deserving serious and further clarify and refine the boundaries of crime monopoly and non-crime monopoly , so as to enhance the intensity of criminal sanctions .

  29. 刑事程序性制裁确立之考量

    On the Establishment of Procedural Sanction of the Criminal Actions

  30. 提出程序性制裁制度的未来。第二章对两大法系刑事程序性制裁模式进行比较与评价。

    Confirmed the procedural nature of the sanctions regime The second chapter introduce two Schools of criminal procedural pattern comparison and evaluation of the sanctions .