
yào jiàn
  • important document;important condition
要件 [yào jiàn]
  • (1) [important document]∶重要的公文,文书

  • (2) [important condition]∶重要关键的条件

要件[yào jiàn]
  1. 这是要件,应妥善保存。

    This is an important document that should be properly kept .

  2. 违反告知义务须同时具备主观和客观要件;

    Violating the duty of disclose must simultaneously have subjective and the objective important document ;

  3. 保障措施的因果关系要件是保障措施的实施要件之一,其采取的规则和标准决定了保障措施援引的合法与否以及难易程度,而WTO有关条文对这一问题规定相对含糊、抽象。

    The causal link is one of the application prerequisites and its rules and provable standard will determine weather the safeguard taken is legal and easy to apply .

  4. 其次,介绍损害要件在WTO《反倾销协议》和各国反倾销法中的规定,为后面的论述做背景知识铺垫。

    The next , introduced constitutive requirements of injury determination in WTO and anti-dumping law of any other countries in order to pave the way for the latter study .

  5. 现行WTO争端解决机制具有一般司法制度的三个核心要件,但同时仍保有大量政治/外交性因素;

    In reality , the current mechanism on settling WTO disputes has the three core elements possessed by general judicial mechanism however , it still reserves abundant political and diplomatic factors at the same time .

  6. 证明责任是以要件事实作为证明对象的。

    The object of burden of proof is the essential fact .

  7. 该部分首先重点论述了片面共犯的构成要件。

    This part firstly focuses on the elements of unilateral accomplice .

  8. 并进一步分析了其涵义、特征、构成要件以及行政作为义务的类型。

    Moreover analysis its definition , characteristics , form and types .

  9. 收受贿犯罪的客观要件新论

    New Views Over the Objective Condition in Crimes of Accepting Bribes

  10. 第三部分是信息披露民事责任的构成要件。

    Part 3 demonstrates the constitution requisites of civil liability concerning disclosure .

  11. 第二章,不纯正不作为犯的客观要件。

    Chapter Two : the objective essentials of offense of nontypical omission .

  12. 第二章,单位共同犯罪的构成要件。

    Chapter two illustrates the composing conditions of joint crime by units .

  13. 挪用资金罪构成要件若干问题研析

    The Research on Compose Important Condition of Divert Fund Crime

  14. 从而在此基础上确立法律行为形式要件基本类型。

    Thus the types of formality of a promise can be established .

  15. 滥用是个客观概念,具有严格的构成要件。

    The abuse is an objective conception , which has rigid composing essential .

  16. 受贿犯罪构成要件争议的思考

    On the Controversy about Essential Constitutive Elements of the Crime of Accepting Bribes

  17. 第四部分对单位犯罪的客体要件进行了探讨。

    Part four explores the object of unit crime .

  18. 正文的第三部分详细分析了报关代理法律关系的构成要件。

    Part four explores the composing parts of the Customs Broking on law .

  19. 浅析违犯党纪行为的四个构成要件

    The Four Components of the Disciplinary Action within The Communist Party Of China

  20. 规定生效要件是对法律行为进行限制的重要手段。

    There are many ways to restrict jural behavior .

  21. 正文第三部分对高校法律责任的归责原则、构成要件和责任竞合进行分析。

    The third part analyzes the principle between attribution and responsibility and universities .

  22. 该部分主要包括服务责任的归责原则和服务责任的构成要件两个方面。

    It mainly includes liability principle and the elements .

  23. 论表见代理的构成要件和类型

    The Main Components and Types of Agency by Estoppel

  24. 第三章则是安全保障义务的责任分析,对安全保障义务的构成要件及承担责任的方式进行研究。

    Chapter three analyses security obligation , and responsibility of the constituent elements .

  25. 医疗事故罪的犯罪特征与构成要件

    Criminal Characteristics of Malpractice Crime and Its Components

  26. 关于贿赂罪中利益要件的几点思考

    Several Thoughts about Interest Cases in Bribery Crime

  27. 三个代表思想科学体系要件分析

    Study on of " Three Representatives " Thought

  28. 论消防责任事故罪客观要件的设立缺陷及弥补

    Discussion on the defect and remedy of conditions of defining fire protection accident responsibility

  29. 则基本犯罪与其结果加重犯的构成要件自然就不同。

    The basic constituent elements of crime and its aggravated crime is naturally different .

  30. 而形式要件,就是追索权行使得程序,指的是行使追索权,所必须履行的保全手续。

    So-called procedural elements are procedures that the right of recourse can be performed .