
  • 网络Contract legal relationship;Privity
  1. 本论文以融资租赁合同法律关系为研究对象。

    This thesis regards financing lease contract as the research object .

  2. 第二部分:作者具体分析包价旅游合同法律关系的构成。

    Second part : The author analyzes the constitute of the organized travel contract legal relation .

  3. 那么,在电子合同法律关系中,权宜之计该如何施行呢?

    Then , how should the stopgap be implemented in dealing with the legal relationship of e-contracts ?

  4. 关于这一特定法律关系的理论主要有行政法律关系、民事合同法律关系、双重法律关系。

    Theories of the specific legal relationships mainly include administrative legal relationships , civil contract legal relationships and dual legal relationships .

  5. 第三部分对融资租赁合同法律关系的客体进行了分析,论述了融资租赁合同的客体的特殊性问题。

    Section Three deals with the object of legal relations of the financing lease contract and the special features of the object .

  6. 此规则包括了广泛内容,主要可以从合同法律关系的主体、内容和责任三个方面去理解。

    This system includes wide content , which can be understood from three aspects the main body , content and responsibility of law relationship of contracts .

  7. 与相关立法成熟的国家相比,我国孕期保健服务合同法律关系的法学理论研究、实务分析均相对比较滞后。

    With the relevant legislation mature countries , the law of contract health services during pregnancy the relationship between legal theory , practical and analysis are relatively lagging behind .

  8. 第四部分对融资租赁合同法律关系的内容进行了详细地论述。主要分析了融资租赁合同的主要条款及当事人各方的权利义务。

    Section Four analyzes the content of legal relations of the financing lease contract major provisions of the financing lease contract and the rights and obligations of the parties to the contract .

  9. 医患法律关系应定位于平等主体间的民事法律关系及合同法律关系。上述法律关系包括主体、客体和内容三种要素。

    The legal relationship between medical establishment and sick men should be located as civil legal relationship and contractual legal relationship among equal subjects , which include three elements of subjects , objects and contents .

  10. 国际旅游合同法律关系的繁杂与扩张性要求由具备灵活、开放、富有弹性的冲突法予以调整,而机械、保守的传统冲突法理论难以当此任。

    The complex and extending of the international travel contract legislative relation required the adjustment of the facile , open , and bounding conflict of the law , while the mechanical , conserved traditional theory hardly satisfied this needs .

  11. 同时,梳理了保证保险纠纷所涉及的多项合同法律关系,全面分析了争议较大的三方协议,认为保证保险合同是处理保证保险纠纷的核心依据。

    At the same time , this article has clarified the multiple legal relationships that guaranty insurance involves , analyzes the tri-party agreement , and insists that the guaranty insurance contract shall be the critical foundation in settling the guaranty insurance disputes .

  12. 为此目的,有必要分析国际旅游合同法律关系所涉及的各种关键因素,以助于人们认识其本质,分辨国际旅游合同存在的特殊性。

    For this aim , it is necessary to analysis the various elements of the international travel contract legislative relation and state the contained interests to help the people to realize their essence and clarify the special points of the international contract .

  13. 本文有针对性的提出从提单持有人视角出发,在提单合同法律关系中去研究承运人识别问题。

    This article puts forward a creative point of view that , from the point of holder of the bill of lading , do research on how to identify the carrier by the means of combining the theory and the practice together .

  14. 接着,从对劳动力的特性和劳动力流转过程的分析入手,论述了应如何确定船员劳动合同法律关系的主体,并对船员劳动中介机构的法律地位进行了详细的论述。

    And then by analyzing the characteristic and the flow process of Labour Force , the paper recommends the way to find out the real party of the Legal Relationship of Seamen 's Employment , and analyzes the status of current Seamen 's Employment Agency .

  15. 其次,对履约保证保险合同的法律关系从合同主体、客体、内容三方面进行分析,并在对主体的阐述中加入了对履约保证保险的保险利益的探讨。

    Secondly the legal relationship of performance bonds is analyzed from the aspects of subject , object and contents , and in stating the subject of performance bonds the insurable interests of performance bonds are also discussed .

  16. 为第三人利益合同制度的法律关系分为两部分,一是基本结构,二是原因关系。

    The interests of a third legal relationship contract system is divided into two parts , the basic structure , and second , because relations .

  17. 期权合同的法律性质关系到期权合同在整个法律体系中的位置,所以,其不仅仅是一个学术上的理论问题,也是一个迫切的实践问题。

    The legal property of option contract determines the status of option contract in the whole legal system , thus it is not only a theoretic problem , but also a practical problem called for urgent attention .

  18. 然而,由于环境行政合同主体在法律关系中的不同地位,因而,在发生纠纷时环境行政合同相对方如何运用救济制度保障自己的权益,就非常值得探讨。

    However , because of the different status between the tow main bodies of the environment administration contract , so when the dissension occurred , how to protect the interest of one party is worth to research .

  19. 特别是在股权转让过程中,股权转让合同所涉及的法律关系主体呈现出多元化的趋势,股权的瑕疵必然对相关主体的合法权益产生不利的影响。

    Especially in the process of the transfer of shares , the contract may involve multiple relations ; the defective shares inevitably have adverse impaction on the related persons .

  20. 物业管理合同是物业管理法律关系的核心,也是《物业管理条例》的重要内容。

    The contract of real estate management is not only the core of the legal relations of real estate management , but the important part of Regulations on Real Estate Management .

  21. 探讨用人单位制定劳动规章的法律依据,合法有效的劳动规章应当具备的法律要件,用人单位劳动规章与劳动合同和集体合同的法律关系等诸方面问题。

    Talked about such problems : the legislative authority of the rules the employer made , the element of law of the lawful labor rules , the jural relation of the labor rules with the labor contracts and the collective contracts .

  22. 试论拖航合同与定期租船拖航合同法律关系之异同

    A Review on Similarities and Differences of Legal Relationships of Towing Contract and Periodic Charter Towing Contract

  23. 最后,本文从合同法的角度对排污权交易合同制度法律关系的构建、相关保障制度的建立以及对于排污权交易合同的立法确认提出设想。

    Finally , from the perspective of the contract law , the paper constructed the legal relationship of emissions trading system and the relevant security system .

  24. 从航次租船合同订约的过程来看,双方当事人在租船合同法律关系中的地位和命运很大程度上掌握在自己的手上。

    In the contracting process , the position and destiny of chartering parties largely master in their own hand .

  25. 在分析期权合同关系内容之前,本文先对期权合同所包含的法律关系层次进行了分析。

    Before analyzing the content of option contract , this chapter investigates the level of option contract .

  26. 第一,在利他合同的概念分析中,笔者主要对利他合同的概念和法律关系进行界定和分析。

    Firstly , in the analysis of concept , the author confines both the concept and legal relationship .

  27. 委托为本人与相对人意思表示一致的处理事务型合同,它是委托代理、信托、行纪、居间等合同的基础法律关系。

    A delegation contract , reached by the meeting of minds of the principal and the counterpart , is a basis of agency relation , trust relation , commission as well as brokerage relation .

  28. 因此,认识和掌握合同成立与生效的概念、构成要件及其区别与联系,对于正确认定合同法律关系及合同效力具有十分重要的意义。

    Therefore , it is of great significance to clarify the concepts , key compositions as well as differences and relationships between its establishment and effectiveness so that the contract legal relation and its force can be properly defined .

  29. FIDIC合同的主要当事人包括业主、承包商、工程师、分包商。在这些当事人之间,业主、咨询工程师、承包商三者之间的法律关系是FIDIC合同中的主要法律关系。

    The main parties of FIDIC contract include the Employer , the Contractor , the Engineer and the Subcontract .