
  • 网络Subject matter;Contract Object;OBJECT OF CONTRACT
  1. 本备忘录明确了双方就合同标的完整调研协议,不得修改、补充或解除。

    This MOU sets forth the entire research agreement of the Parties with respect to the subject matter contained herein and may not be modified , amended , or discharged .

  2. 本合同所含的条款与条件包括双方应本合同标的达成的全部协议与共识,并且合并与取代之前所有的协议、共识以及声明。

    The terms and conditions incorporated herein contain the entire agreement and understanding between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and merge and supersede all prior agreements , understandings and representations .

  3. 其他合同标的的情况。

    Some other conditions of subject object of contract .

  4. 期货合同标的是商品、劳务、权利或利益;

    4 , target of future contract is goods , labour , right or interest ;

  5. 保险合同标的是保险合同得以成立的基础。

    Insurance contract is the subject of the basis for insurance contracts to be established .

  6. 论合同标的物的风险负担

    The Risk of Contract Object Burden

  7. 买卖合同标的物风险转移法律制度研究

    The Research on the Legal System of the Risk Transfer of the Contract of Sale Matter

  8. 笔者认为,对买卖合同标的物的风险负担规则应引入风险与利益一致性原则。

    So the writer thinks that we should adopt the " risk and benefits consistency " principle on the rule of risk-taking .

  9. 买卖合同标的情况,包括但不限于:名称,数量,质量等。

    Conditions of subject matter of contract , include but not limited to : name , quantity , quality and so on .

  10. 因此,有必要对买卖合同标的物的风险负担进行深入研究。

    Therefore , it is necessary to the subject matter of the contract for the sale of risk burden further research and study .

  11. 在买卖合同标的物孳息归属的判断规则上,我国学界有不同的认识。

    At thing judgment rule that fruits belong to that deal contract make , the educational circles of our country has different understanding .

  12. 在买受人违约的情况下,造成合同标的物不能及时交付,无论何种违约行为都不影响风险转移至买受人。

    Buyer default leads that the goods of contract is delivered timely . In this case , any one will not affect the risk transfer .

  13. 本章主要介绍买卖合同标的物风险负担的三种主要立法模式,即合同成立主义、所有权主义和交付主义。

    This chapter introduces three main legislation models , that is , the principle of founding contract , the principle of ownership and the principle of delivery .

  14. 其次,对赠与合同标的物的范围进行了讨论,明确脱体器官可以作为赠与合同标的物。

    Secondly , the author discusses the scope of gift contract , and clearly defines that body organs can be used as the subject of gift contract .

  15. 鲜奶配送合同标的额很小,以至于当事人不足以承担给据成本。

    The fresh milk distribution contract object 's amount are very small , so much so that the parties to the contract couldn 't burden the vouchered cost .

  16. 特别是在工程建设领域,由于合同标的物的特殊性,合同主体、合同关系的复杂性,使得这一现象尤为突出。

    In the field of project constructions , this phenomenon stands out , because of the specialty of contract objects , the complexity of main body of contract and it 's relationships .

  17. 合同的标的物是货物。

    The subject matter of the contract must be goods .

  18. 前后两份合同的标的物和合同价款总额相同。

    The two contracts concerned the same object and the same amount .

  19. 抵押合同的标的为抵押权,而非抵押物本身。

    The object of mortgage property itself , but the right of mortgage .

  20. 其合同的标的并非智力成果,而是特定的建设工程;

    The object of its contract is not the intellectual achievements , but is the particular construction .

  21. 其次,买卖合同有标的物风险转移规制方面的差异。

    Secondly , the contract for the sale of the subject matter of transfer of risk regulation differences .

  22. 备忘录必须确认当事人和合同的标的物并且列明它的条款。

    This memorandum must identify the parties and the subject matter of the contract and state its terms .

  23. 首先,分析了赠与合同的标的物、合同形式与撤销权的关系。

    Firstly , the author analyzes the relationship of the subject , the form and right of revocation .

  24. 按照普通法,只有当投保人对保险合同的标的具有可保险利益时,保险合同才有强制性。

    At common law an insurance contract is not enforceable unless the insured has an insurable interest in the subject matter of the contract .

  25. 买卖合同的标的物风险转移是买卖双方极为关注的问题,也是货物买卖合同的重要法律问题之一。

    The goods risk transfer is a problem that both parties of business concerns much about , and it is an important matter in the business contract law .

  26. 那些发现自己睡觉用的床一直是金融交易合同之标的、而承租人已经违约的老人,只是其中尤其糟糕的案例。

    Elderly people who find that the bed on which they lie has been the subject of a financial transaction on which the lessee has defaulted are just a particularly hard case .

  27. 随着经济的发展,人格权日益受到人们的重视,一些与人身利益密切相关的事物或者行为开始成为合同的标的,同时追求精神利益和精神愉悦的合同也在逐渐增多。

    As economy develops , the right of personality has won increasing attention from people , and thus , some behaviors closely related to personal interests start to become the contract objects .

  28. 一方面,制定关于特种买卖合同的标的物风险负担规则,例如试用买卖、分期付款买卖和远程买卖。

    On the one hand , the law ought to develop the risk burden rules on special contract for sale , such as a trial sale , installment sale and long-distance business .

  29. 商品房预售合同的标的,实质上是在房屋建成后依约交足房价款并获得其所有权的一种期待权。

    In fact , the object of contract of advance sale of commercial housing is a kind of " right of expectation ", which only can be realized after the completion of commercial housing building .

  30. 合同纠纷平均标的金额的快速上升,导致合同的可调解性下降。

    The amount of the contract dispute showed a rapid upward trend , which lowered the possibility of mediation .