
  • 网络Network Tools;Web Tools;Network Instruments
  1. 运用MATLAB中的神经网络工具对故障的模式和故障的原因进行了仿真。

    Neural network tools in MATLAB are applied to simulate the relationship of modes and causes of VAV faults .

  2. IE浏览器是Windows自带的网络工具,Windows的不断普及,IE也随之广泛流行。

    Internet Explorer is Windows accessional network tools . With Windows applying to computer , IE has naturally become very popular in the network .

  3. 这是用C开发的一个功能强大的网络工具,具有多用户调度和及时辅助功能。

    A powerful network-aware , multi-user scheduling and timing aid , written in C.

  4. 文中介绍的基于Web的鸟类分类系统,为我国鸟类的分类学研究提供了一个快捷、高效的网络工具。

    The bird taxonomy system based on Web provides a fast and efficient network tool for bird taxonomy research and teaching in our country .

  5. 该文介绍利用Matlab神经网络工具对工程数表进行曲线拟合的方法。

    This paper introduces the curve-fitting method of engineering datasheet by means of the neural network tool of Matlab .

  6. Facebook之所以出名,不是因为设计了什么硬件,而是因为它创建了世界上最受欢迎的社交网络工具。

    Facebook is known for creating the most popular social networking tool , not designing hardware .

  7. 作者借助常用网络工具,使用当前流行的脚本语言Python,初步实现了对复杂Web应用的自动化测试。

    With the aid of common network tools , the authors implemented automatic testing on complicated Web applications preliminarily through using current popular script language Python .

  8. 您会发现“粘蜜罐”、防火墙、IDS以及一些网络工具可帮助您更好地映射异构网络。

    You 'll find honeypots , firewalls , IDS , and several network utilities to help you map your heterogeneous network better .

  9. JPPF是一个基于java的开源并行处理框架,其最新版包含一个叫做TCP端口多路复用(TCPportmultiplexer)的网络工具,它使得JPPF可以在安全的防火墙环境下工作。

    The latest version of JPPF , a java based open source parallel processing framework , includes a networking tool called TCP port multiplexer to enable JPPF work in secure firewall environments .

  10. 本文尝试用MATLAB径向基函数网络工具进行区域生态承载能力的综合评价,给出了MATLAB6.5环境下径向基函数神经网络的结构、设计、仿真和图形结果的输出方法。

    Integrative assessment of regional eco-carrying capacity is expressed by using MATLAB tools with radial basis function neural network . The framework , design , simulation and figure output of radial basis function neural ( network ) of MATLAB are presented .

  11. 贝尼奥夫在纸上画了一幅草图,向艾伦茨解释如何通过运用Salesforce、SAP、Twitter和Facebook等软件和社交网络工具把博柏利变成一家“社交型企业”。

    Benioff sketched a diagram of how Burberry could become a " social enterprise , " overlaying technology like salesforce ( CRM ) , sap ( SAP ) , twitter , and Facebook ( FB ) atop the entire company .

  12. 它把一系列网络工具结合在了一起。

    It ties together as a set of networking tools .

  13. 免费中文网络工具书的现状与发展趋势

    Current Situation and Trend of Free Chinese Web Reference Books

  14. 在翻译阶段,运用了各类日汉辞典,以及网络工具。

    In the second phase , used lots of dictionaries and networking tools .

  15. 网络工具书资源评价标准体系主要包括:内容评价和技术评价。

    The evaluation system is mainly made up of content evaluation and technology evaluation .

  16. 企业快速响应能力和个人积极性是影响沟通工具选择的重要因素,任务复杂性是决定部分网络工具使用的重要因素;

    Quickly response and individual motivation are two stable factors that affect the use of media ;

  17. 提出了具体的评价指标,并介绍了几种常用的网络工具书资源。

    This paper proposes some criteria of this system and introduces some commonly used Internet reference books .

  18. 使用高科技:网络工具可以让你更方便做出预算。

    Let technology aid you : Use web tools to make it easier to budget your money .

  19. 就情报界而言,让网络工具开始工作,需要一场文化革命。

    And for the intelligence world , putting the web tools to work requires a cultural revolution .

  20. 当今日益兴起的网络工具一博客,为学习者提供了一个自由、和谐、开放的学习空间。

    Presently , Weblog , an increasingly flourishing network tool provides learners with free , harmonious and open learning space .

  21. 随着当前微博等网络工具的兴起,网络监督变得更加普遍。

    With the current micro bo . the rise of the network tools , network supervision and become more common .

  22. 社交网络工具让我们能以更快的速度接触到更多的人,如果我们愿意,这些工具还能帮助我们进行比较详细的接触。

    Social networking tools let us reach more people , more quickly , and in some detail if we so choose .

  23. 您肯定知道这个出色的社交网络工具允许订阅者提供关于他们自身以及当前正在执行的任务的简要状态更新。

    As you undoubtedly know , this nifty social-netowrking tool allows subscribers to offer brief status updates about themselves and their current doings .

  24. 中央电视台说,将利用移动应用、可扫描代码等网络工具吸引更多人浏览其数字内容。

    It said it would use online tools such as mobile apps and scannable codes to bring more viewers to its digital content .

  25. 同时也为临床大夫和科研人员介绍了一种方便的网络工具。

    At the same time , the paper introduce a convenient network tool for both the clinic doctor and the scientific research people .

  26. 今年,因特网搜索引擎谷歌启动了一项类似的网络工具,叫做“谷歌登革热流行趋势”,用以监测登革热。

    This year Google , the Internet search engine , launched a similar web-based tool called Google Dengue Trends to monitor for dengue fever .

  27. 这两组课程的一个特色就是利用网络工具的视觉化与实验性功能去帮助学生理解与掌握微观经济学的概念。

    A feature of the two courses is a set of web-based tools designed to help a student visualize and experiment with various microeconomic concepts .

  28. 这种以决策理论方法和网络工具及不同可视化过程模型、运算模型为支撑的综合系统已成为目前的研究热点。

    This kind of integrated system which is supported by decision-making theory methods , different visualization process models and operational models has become a research hotspot .

  29. 针对数字化时代高校图书馆的采编工作的特点,认为必须尽快更新信息采集模式,利用先进的网络工具,有效利用商家的随书数据源及网上数据资源,提高采编工作效率,实现采编手段现代化。

    According to the characteristics of college library collection work in digital era , we must renew information collection mode rapidly , efficiently use Internet data information .

  30. 但是这些决定&包括网络工具、人员和机构,在网络司令部和亚历山大得到任命之前都没有着落。

    But a host of cascading decisions involving cyber tools , staffing and authority remain in limbo until the Cyber Command and Alexander can get up and running .