
  • 网络Home;index;homepage;home page
  1. 国务院公告在全国哀悼日期间刊登在各网站首页突出位置。

    The statement by the State Council is to be given priority spacing on the home page of all major websites .

  2. 网站首页必须给做成一个活的链接,让客户可以点击回到网站的首页上面去;

    Web site home page must be made a living link to allow customers to return to the site 's home page can click above to go ;

  3. 网站首页有一个版块是介绍公司简况的。

    There is a brief introduction column about the company on the homepage .

  4. 可以通过每个产品的IBMSupport网站首页访问该产品的“特色文档”页面。

    The Featured Documents page for each product can be reached from the front page of the IBM Support Web site for that product .

  5. 在网站首页上,为运气不好无法成为会员的用户提供的一则消息里,P1。

    As a message to unfortunate non-members on the site 's homepage makes clear , P1 .

  6. 不仅是一般人,实际上,洛杉矶时报也依靠Twitter发布信息,并在网站首页上放了一个Twitter订阅地址同时,洛杉矶消防部门以及红十字会也通过Twitter发布各种最新的消息。

    But it wasn 't just individuals . The L.A. Times actually turned to Twitter to dispense information as well , and put a Twitter feed on the front page , and the L.A. Fire Department and Red Cross used it to dispense news and updates as well .

  7. 请访问网站首页“分享和下载”区,在“项目文件”部分下载团结楼调研报告。

    Please go to " Sharing & Download " from the homepage , and download survey report from " Project Files " .

  8. 页面推荐是在用户访问模式的基础上,将用户感兴趣的链接尽量放在网站首页。

    Page recommendation sets links of interest to users on the site home as much as possible , based o users ' access pattern .

  9. 既然你们可以将未经证实的图片放上网站首页并作出主观的结论,你们当然有可能做出更加让人难以接受的事情。

    Since you put the unconfirmed pictures on the front page of your website and made the subjective conclusion , you maybe do something more unacceptable .

  10. 不久前,少林寺网站首页贴出一张仿冒的“悔过书”,少林寺方丈释永信则成为这场网络骗局的受害者。

    Shi Yongxin , the abbot of the Shaolin Temple , fell victim to an online hoax in which the front page of the temple 's website was replaced with a fake letter of remorse .

  11. 本文在表现层实现了网页上的个性化布局,简化企业用户操作,支持企业用户通过鼠标点击和拖拽对网站首页模块进行排版,甚至修改首页结构和网站样式。

    This article implements an individual webpage layout , simplify user operations and support enterprise users through mouse clicking and dragging on the web page layout module , and even can modify the homepage structure and website style .

  12. 本文试图借用市场营销学的两个基本概念&定位和品牌,把中国新闻网站首页作为一种市场竞争下的营销产品,大胆进行学术探讨。

    By using two basic concepts of marketing ? " positioning " and " branding ", this dissertation tries to take the front page of China 's journalistic websites as a kind of product in market competition and do some academic researches .

  13. 前台主要功能是获取后台新闻消息显示在网站首页,中心简介、领导介绍、机构设置、动态新闻、通知公告、网上咨询、网上评议、表格下载、审批事项和全文搜索等等。

    The functions of forward are to acquire background news appeared as home page , Introduction , Leader of the , Institutional setup , News , Announcement , Online Consultation , Online Review , Forms , Subject to approval and search full text .

  14. 网站的首页写着“不景气是一种时尚”。

    " Bujingqi is the fashion ," reads its front-page slogan .

  15. 中国新闻网站的首页分析

    Analysis of the Front Page of China 's Journalistic Websites

  16. 一时新闻与一页历史中国新闻网站的首页分析

    A Discussion on the Connection between Temporary News Report and History Analysis of the Front Page of China 's Journalistic Websites

  17. 当然最好的还是与快照新的网站交换首页链接了,这方法的效果更好。

    Of course the best thing is a snapshot of the new site and link exchange page , this method is better .

  18. 如果您的网站的首页在百度搜索不到,则可能是由于您的网站不稳定使首页被判别为死链接导致丢失。

    If your site 's home page in the Baidu search less , it may be because your site instability Home sentenced to death another link to cause loss .

  19. 8月11日(星期四),拉手网站的首页刊登的一些交易包括:北京一家酒店的自助餐和温泉洗浴、上海一家海洋公园的入场券以及化妆品等。

    The front page of Lashou 's website on Thursday included deals on a dinner buffet and spa at a Beijing hotel , tickets to a marine park in Shanghai and cosmetics .

  20. 正如twitter一样,所有这些网站都在首页上显著地打出一系列快照名单,标明用户的最新想法。

    Just like Twitter , all of them feature prominently on their home pages a snapshot list of the most recent musings of their users .

  21. 检查整个网站链接到首页的情况。

    Check the link to your home page throughout your site .

  22. 进入网站后在首页即可查询,查询时需要输入准考证号和姓名。

    To look up your scores , you will only need to type in your Test Admission Ticket Number and your name on the first page of the website .

  23. 将你的入门网站设为计算机首页。

    Set your Web Portal as your Home Page .

  24. 您的网站稳定后,首页会重新在百度中被搜索到。

    After your site is stable , Home will be back in Baidu in the search .

  25. 《医疗品质学刊》(JournalforHealthcareQuality)去年发布报告称,有41%的医院网站都在宣传机器人手术;其中又有31%在网站首页上就有相关内容。

    Last year the journal for healthcare quality reported that 41 % of hospital websites advertised robotic surgery ; of these , 37 % did so on their homepage .

  26. 配合网站将自己房屋的图片和自我介绍的视频放到网站首页。

    Publish your self-made video about yourself on the home page .

  27. 掘客是指网络用户自己提交网站信息内容并进行投票和评论,从而通过网络用户投票量决定信息在网站首页上的排名的网站。

    DIGG refers to the website on which all the information or news are submitted by netizens themselves and ranked automatically on the home page according to the comments or voting results made by the users or browsers .

  28. 第二部分:从网站的定位、目标受众分析及内容体系建设方面提出了构建中小学语文教育信息资源网的具体实施设想,并例示了网站结构图、首页示意图及数据库检索页面图。

    The second part : To present the specific idea for constructing the network and example the construction figure , index page of database and the homepage .