
  • 网络special procedure
  1. 第24条涉及最不发达国家成员的特殊程序

    Article 24 Special Procedures Involving Least-Developed Country Members

  2. 1996年,日本颁布了金融机构重组的特殊程序条例和存款保险法案的补充条例,对存款保险制度进行了一系列改革,赋予存款保险机构一些新的权力。

    1996 , Japan enacted the financial restructuring of the special procedures of the Deposit Insurance Act and the supplementary regulations , the deposit insurance system carried out a series of reforms to the deposit insurance agency new powers .

  3. 一种能够节省PLC存储空间的特殊程序结构的应用

    Application of a special programmable structure which can save PLC storage space

  4. 也有一些特殊程序和库会需要root权限,不过比较少。

    There are specific programs and libraries that genuinely require root access , although they 're rare .

  5. 另外,没有线程可以占先它来运行另一个这样的特殊程序,因为其他程序将运行于相同的IRQL。

    Furthermore , no thread can preempt it to run another of these special routines because that other routine will run at the same IRQL .

  6. 特殊程序是股东派生诉讼。

    Special procedure is the shareholder derivative litigation .

  7. 我走进受特殊程序控制的电梯中的一部,这是专送资深官员到七楼内部保密室的。

    I took one of the special programmed lifts which carry senior officers to the sixth-floor inner Sanctum .

  8. 第三章介绍了未成年人刑事诉讼特别程序的理论基础,探讨了西方国家未成年人诉讼程序的法理渊源,提出现代刑事法理论的发展是这一特殊程序产生的主要理论依据。

    The third chapter describes the theoretical basis for juvenile criminal proceeding and studies its legal origin in Western countries .

  9. 家事审判程序是以维护家庭稳定为目的的,体现国家对婚姻家庭进行适度干预的一种特殊程序。

    Family procedure has a view to maintain the steadiness of family which is a special procedure reflecting the national moderate intervention .

  10. 第四章是行政许可程序的构成,对行政许可的一般程序和特殊程序分别进行了论述。

    Chapter Four is the introduction of the structure of the administrative admission procedure , including the general procedure and the special procedure .

  11. 为此,国有产权转让必须遵循不同于一般产权转让的特殊程序。

    In order to achieve this goal , the procedures of state-owned property rights transfer must be different from that of common property rights transfer .

  12. 人事诉讼程序是专门处理人事诉讼的特殊程序,与民事普通程序相区别。

    The personal status actions procedure is a special procedure professionally dealing with the personal status actions , it is different from normal civil procedure .

  13. 公司归入权的程序包括一般程序和特殊程序,一般程序应该分为两步:决议和诉讼。

    The disgorgement includes two procedures : the general procedure and the special one . General procedure is divided into two steps : resolution and litigation .

  14. 在刑事诉讼程序中,死刑复核程序是独有的特殊程序,它是我国两审终审制度的例外。

    The revision procedure of death penalty is a unique and special procedure in our criminal procedures and it is an exception in our two-tiered trial system .

  15. 根据《国际卫生条例(2005)》,国际关注的突发公共卫生事件系指按特殊程序确定的不寻常公共卫生事件

    According to the IHR ( 2005 ) a public health emergency of international concern refers to an extraordinary public health event which is determined , under specific procedures

  16. 如果孕期服用沙立度胺可导致严重的先天性缺陷,这一药物只能通过生产它的药物公司的特殊程序获得。

    Because thalidomide causes severe birth defects if taken during pregnancy , this drug can only be obtained through a special program run by the drug company that makes it .

  17. 我国死刑复核程序作为人民法院对判处死刑的案件进行审查核准的独立于两审终审制之外的特殊程序,是死刑案件的最后一道关口。

    As an especial procedure by which the courts check capital cases , the procedure for checking death penalty in our country is the last col of capital case which detaches from former trial .

  18. 再审程序是对生效的判决和裁定发现具有法定的情形而进行再次审理的一种特殊程序,其目的是为了纠正裁判中存在的错误或法官在审理时所实施的违反法定程序的行为。

    The retrial procedure , a special procedure rehearing the verdict and judge which has been taken effective , is to correct the error of the judge or the violation of legal procedure of the judge .

  19. 由于我国关于未成年人刑事案件诉讼程序尚无专门的刑事立法,未成年人刑事诉讼程序依托普通刑事诉讼程序以特殊程序的形式而存在。

    For there is no special criminal legislation for proceeding for the minor 's criminal cases in China , the proceeding for the minor 's criminal procedure depends on the common criminal procedure in a special form .

  20. 四是设立社会保障争议司法救济的一般程序,并参考法国建立社会保障争议特殊程序;

    It need to found the commonly procedure of the justice relief of the social security dispute , at one time , referring to the France 's procedure to set up the special procedure of social security dispute ;

  21. 通过横向比较研究提出了违宪审查的一般程序以及特殊程序的制度模式,旨在为违宪审查实体制度的运行提供一个可操作性的平台。

    In these parts the writer puts forward the system model of the general process and the concrete process through the research in order to provide a maneuverability plating for the working of the judicial system of unconstitutional .

  22. 该公约第二章国家层面上的措施的第二部分程序法规定了有关电子证据调查的特殊程序,为各国制定电子证据刑事调查制度提供了一套具有开创价值的立法模型。

    In the section 2 " Procedural law " of the chapter II of the convention , the special procedural law related to electronic evidence is set up , it is a valued new legislation model for each party to build its own criminal investigation system related to electronic evidence .

  23. 托智能项圈的福,你们终于有机会听懂自己的宠物在说什么了。这款项圈可以把猫语翻译成人话,叫作“猫语匣子”可谓名副其实,里面应该装着一个探测猫叫的数字传感器,通过特殊程序破译其中的意义。

    You finally have the chance to understand what your pet is saying thanks to a smart collar that can interpret feline meows and translate it into human speech . Aptly named " Catterbox , " the collar supposedly has a digital sensor that detects meows , and uses a special program to decipher the meaning behind them .

  24. 再往上是专业版(Professional),多了几项功能,对于在大公司上班或者使用一些特殊老程序的客户会特别实用。

    The next step up , called Professional , adds a few extras that may be especially useful for consumers who work at large companies or use older , specialized programs .

  25. 所以,不管客户部署的是任务关键型应用程序,还是特殊应用程序,WebsphereApplicationServer系列都能够提供正确的产品满足客户的需要。

    So whether a customer is deploying a mission critical application , or an ad hoc application , the WebSphere Application Server family offers the right product to fit the customer 's needs .

  26. DOS是一个非常特殊的程序,因为它管理你的计算机。

    DOS is a very special program because it is the program that is in charge of your computer .

  27. 简介:Java™Platform,MicroEdition(JavaME)是专门针对嵌入式设备的特殊应用程序平台,并且许多现代移动电话都能够运行这类应用程序。

    Summary : The Java ™ Platform , Micro Edition ( Java ME ) is a ubiquitous application platform for embedded devices , and many modern mobile phones are capable of running these types of applications .

  28. 它启动了一个特殊的程序env,此程序又启动PATH变量中找到的第一个squirrelsh实例。

    It launches a special program , env , that in turn launches the first instance of squirrelsh found in your PATH variable .

  29. 然后,我们将论述《国家环境政策法》(NEPA)中所规定的联邦机构必须遵守的特殊诉讼程序。

    We will then consider the special procedures imposed on federal agencies by the National Environmental Policy Act ( NEPA ) .

  30. 下次FIFA的例行大会将于2016年5月13日在墨西哥城举行,这会造成不必要的拖延,我会要求执委会组织一次特殊选举程序,尽早选出我的继任者。

    The next ordinary FIFA Congress will take place on 13 May 2016 in Mexico City . This would create unnecessary delay and I will urge the Executive Committee to organize an Extraordinary Congress for the election of my successor at the earliest opportunity .