
tè shū zhǔ tǐ
  • special subject
  1. 监督者必须具有某种特定的地位和身份,是特殊主体。

    The supervisor must bethe special subject with specific position and status .

  2. 在本文中,主张如下:本罪主体为一般主体而不是特殊主体;

    The subject of the crime is general subject but not special subject .

  3. 本罪的主体为特殊主体。

    The body of this crime is special .

  4. 但是,前科无限期的存在则会使得前科制度的弊端凸显,尤其是对未成年人这一特殊主体。

    However , The indefinite criminal record has many disadvantages , especially for minors .

  5. 笔者对几类特殊主体的生育权进行了专门的论述,提出了自己的观点。

    The author introduced three special kinds of reproductive rights and presented their views .

  6. 论国际法的特殊主体

    On the Special Subject of International Law

  7. 本罪主体是特殊主体即医务人员。医疗事故的鉴定,是认定医疗事故罪的关键。

    The determination of the crime of medical treatment accident is the key to fix the crime .

  8. 特殊主体的案件。

    Cases with special subjects .

  9. 并且专门分析国家作为海上侵权行为法特殊主体的法律地位。

    Also , particularly analyze a nation 's legal status as a special subject of marine tort law .

  10. 本罪的犯罪主体是特殊主体,自然人和单位皆可构成。

    Criminal subject of this crime is a special subject , which consists of natural person and the units .

  11. 保险诈骗罪的犯罪主体是特殊主体,即必须是投保人、被保险人或者受益人。

    The criminal subject of insurance defrauding is special one , which must be applicant , assured or beneficiary .

  12. 构成业务过失犯罪主体的单位,应当是特殊主体,而且该单位不能是非法设立的,必须具有合法性。

    A unit who committed offenses of vocational negligence should be a special subject in of the one establish illegally .

  13. 犯罪主体为特殊主体,专指具有支付劳动报酬义务的自然人及单位。

    The subject of a crime is a special subject , natural and units have to pay labor remuneration obligations .

  14. 虽然星二代犯罪原因既包括社会因素,也包括个体因素,但从该类案件的特殊主体出发,我们可以看到,社会因素更为重要。

    Although these cases involve both social and characteristic factors , social factors are more significant with the subjects in sight .

  15. 公务员权利是公务员这一特殊主体享有的法定权利。

    The rights of civil servant are the legal rights that enjoyed by civil servant which is one kind of special subject .

  16. 不动产是包括国家这一特殊主体在内的民事主体存在的基础,对国民经济的意义可谓重大。

    Immovable property that is the existence foundation for civil subject , including special subject like nation is significant to national economy .

  17. 第三,对特殊主体实施的窝藏、包庇行为的处理不能一刀切而应当根据具体情况。

    Third , the penalty should be dealt with according to the specific conditions if the shield behavior is done by specific subject .

  18. 利用影响力受贿罪的主体为特殊主体,国家工作人员和非国家工作人员均可成为本罪主体。

    Subject of influence bribery is a special subject . Both governmental employees and non-governmental employees may become a subject of this crime .

  19. 该部分着重对国家工作人员的范围和几种特殊主体是否能成为受贿罪主体问题进行了分析,指出国家工作人员的具体范围。

    It focus on the analysis of range of Civil servants and that several special subject can be the subjects of bribery crime .

  20. 它是国际法中的特殊主体,它不同于一般的国际组织,具备了联邦国家的诸多因素。

    EU is a special subject of international law because it is different from the general international organization and has some federal structure elements .

  21. 犯罪主体的问题是犯罪论体系中首要和必须解决的问题,国家工作人员就是以职务为内容的一类特殊主体。

    Crime of state functionaries concerning criminal syndicate is the most serious and harmful officials corruption colluding with organizations in the nature of criminal syndicate .

  22. 不管是普通公民,还是诉讼法上的特殊主体,他们的权利都应该得到法律的保护。

    No matter which role he is , an ordinary citizen or the subject in criminal procedure law , his rights should be protected by laws .

  23. 犯罪主体为特殊主体,侵犯的客体是国家司法机关的正常活动或国家的司法公正。

    The doer of the crime is specific , yet what is infringed on is the normal operation of the national judicial institution and its judicial justice .

  24. 关于这一“特殊主体”,其有趣之处在于它引发人们去反省回顾人类粮食生产和消费中发生的各种变化。

    One of the interesting things about this particular subject matter is to reflect on the various changes that have come about concerning food production and consumption .

  25. 投资者是证券公司破产清算程序中的一个特殊主体,也是一个非常重要的主体。

    But the research of bankruptcy of security companies in china is still in exploration . The investor is a peculiar main body in security company liquidation procedure .

  26. 在第二大点清代刑讯主体部份,本文考察了清代司法中可以适用刑讯司法方法的一般主体和特殊主体。

    Second point " in qing dynasty torture part , main body " qing dynasty in this paper can be used torture judicial justice general subject and method of special subject .

  27. 消防责任事故罪的主体为一般主体,在该部分本文重点讨论了本罪是特殊主体还是一般主体。

    The main body of fire accident responsibility for the general subject , in the part of the article focused on the subject of this crime is a special or general subject .

  28. 累犯制度是刑罚制度的重要部分,单位累犯作为特殊主体的累犯形式,对它的研究的不足是刑法理论上的一大缺憾。

    As an important part of punishment system , unit recidivist is a type of recidivist by a special object ; hence the insufficient study on it is a theoretical vice of criminal law .

  29. 另一方面也是因为,对于单位这一新的特殊主体的累犯问题的研究往往受到自然人累犯制度的影响,难以跳出自然人累犯制度的模式。

    On the other side , as a new special object , study on recidivist in unit crime is more or less influenced by personal recidivist system and can not get rid of its mode .

  30. 首先是总体的刑罚执行工作存在重减刑、轻假释的执法误区、法律层面规定的缺失、财产刑对自由刑的负面阻滞、职务犯罪罪犯等特殊主体规制的不足等问题。

    First , there are many problems like favour commutation more than parole , lack of statute , negative block of freedom penalty from property penalty and shortage of specific regulation in subjects of duty crime .