
  1. 论坚持实事求是原则

    On the Principle of Being Practical and Realistic

  2. 评价人性应遵循的基本原则有:实事求是原则,全面性原则,一般和具体相结合原则,综合性原则。

    The following principles of evaluating human nature are : practical and realistic , overall , combining generality with particularity and comprehensive .

  3. 无罪推定本身不具有阶级性,与我国实事求是原则和打击犯罪的要求一致而不矛盾。

    Presumption of innocence itself has no class nature , so it corresponds to the principle of seeking truth from facts and cracking down on criminal .

  4. 坚持实事求是原则保证思想教育“主渠道”的畅通和高效&南开大学公共理论课教育教学状况调研报告

    Insisting in the Principle of Being Based on Facts and Assuring Smoothness and High Efficiency of Mainstream Ideology Education & Investigation of Teaching Situation of Public Theory Classes in Nankai University

  5. 推进思想政治教育进校外公寓,应该注意掌握和运用四条基本原则:即实事求是原则,以人为本原则,主体性原则,系统性原则。

    In doing so , four principles should be paid attention to : the principle of being practical and realistic , the principle of human orientation , the principle of main-bodyism and the systematic principle .

  6. 主要论述了华人思想政治工作的五个原则,即:实事求是原则、目标多层次原则、典型示范原则、物质利益原则、人性化原则。

    This article mainly discusses the five principles of the ideological and political work to overseas Chinese , namely ; The Practical and realistic principle , Multi-layer target principle , the typical demonstration principle , material benefits principle and humanized principle .

  7. 道德需要理论同样强调道德建设中的实事求是原则,着眼于大多数群众的现实道德状况和道德需要,体现了道德建设向现实世界回归的趋势;

    It also stresses the true-to-the fact principle in the virtue construction , aims at the real virtue status of the majority of people and the virtue requirements , and manifests the trend of regression of virtue construction to the realistic world .

  8. 在高校公共关系建立中应遵循双向沟通原则、互利互惠原则、发展创新原则、实事求是原则以及尊重人格等原则。

    The establishment of the college public relations should follow the principle of two-way communication , the principle of mutual benefit , the principle of innovative development , the principle of seeking truth from facts , and the principle of respecting for human dignity .

  9. 基层党建工作实践创新需要把握的原则有:实事求是原则、以服务为中心的原则、继承与创新相结合的原则和教育、管理、监督与服务四位一体的原则。

    Practice of grass-roots party building is necessary to grasp the principles of innovation : the principle of seeking truth from facts , to serve as the central principle , inheritance and the principle of combining innovation and education , management , supervision and services , four in one principle .

  10. 坚持新闻宣传实事求是的原则

    Adhering to Practical and Realistic Principles for News Propaganda

  11. 要遵循实事求是的原则。

    We should follow the principle of seeking truth .

  12. 尽可能按实事求是的原则行事总是明智的。

    It is always advisable to stick as close to the truth as possible .

  13. 紧密结合国情,有针对性地提出网络道德素质提高的发展策略;二是坚持实事求是的原则。

    It will work out a targeted enhancing strategy by tight coupling with national conditions .

  14. 坚持实事求是的原则,维护新闻的真实性。维护新闻的真实性是中美新闻道德建设的重要课题;

    Insisting on the principle of seeking truth from facts and keeping the truthfulness of news .

  15. 假大空与实事求是的原则相违背

    Lying , exaggeration and empty talk run counter to the principle of Being practical and realistic

  16. 但广告语言必须遵守两大基本原则,即必须遵守一般语言组词造句的语法规范,必须遵循实事求是的原则。

    Ad language must abide by two basic principles : grammar rules of general language and being practical and realistic .

  17. 第三条审计信息工作必须坚持党的基本路线和实事求是的原则。

    Article3Audit information service must adhere to the basic line of the Party and the principle of being practical and realistic .

  18. 他坚持实事求是的原则,坚决与鄙弃知识的社会愚昧思想作斗争。

    He held fast the principle of seeking truth from facts and strongly objected to the non-scientific viewpoints in the society .

  19. 本项目是根据实际调查,严格遵循实事求是的原则,创新而成的。

    The project is based on actual survey , strictly follow the principle of seeking truth from facts , innovation and betrayals .

  20. 作者以近二十年的统计工作实践,论述了搞好统计分析要坚持实事求是的原则。

    These principles are to hold opportunity and character of new town , and to be practical and realistic throughout the program and practice .

  21. 确定精神损害应本着实事求是的原则,应当重视证据、限制自由裁量权,应当重视个案公平、防止僵化统一标准。

    Determine the mental damage should be based on the principle of seek truth from facts , evidence , great importance should be attached to limit discretion , should pay attention to fairness , to prevent the rigid standard case .

  22. 工程项目施工成本中的工料机单价,要以实施性施工组织设计和实际施工数量为基础,遵循实事求是的原则,按照一定的程序,采用科学的方法来合理确定。

    The unit price in the construction cost of engineering projects should be founded on the operative construction organization design and actual construction bill of quantities and be determined based on facts , in light of certain procedures and by using scientific method .

  23. 同时,本着实事求是的原则,没有回避党在抗灾救灾思想上存在的一些问题,而是通过对比分析的办法,认真反思,不断予以总结。

    The same time , based on the principle of seeking truth from facts , did not dodge the Party ideologically and in disaster relief exist some problems , but by way of comparative analysis , reflect upon , and continue to be summary .

  24. 二是实事求是,因地制宜原则。

    Second , principle of seeking truth from facts and local conditions .

  25. 以解放思想,实事求是的思想原则为指导浅谈当代大学生就业观

    Elementary Talk about the Contemporary Students ' Employment Concept

  26. 坚持实事求是的思想原则就要从实际出发,走自己的路,按经济规律办事。

    To persist in seeking truth from facts is to affirm ideological line of seeking truth from facts , proceeding from actual conditions , taking our own road , working in accordance with economic law .

  27. 本课题坚持辩证唯物主义的观点和解放思想、实事求是的思想原则,客观地分析、论述了我国跨世纪高校体育课面临的一些重要现实问题和理论问题。

    In this article the author analyzes and discusses objectively some important realistic and theoretical problems faced by college PE lesson in the new century under the ideas of materialism and the principle of seeking truth from facts .

  28. 坚持实事求是、公正合理原则;

    The principle of seeking truth from fact , being fair and rational ;

  29. 投标人要本着实事求是、合法的原则进行投标。

    Bidders should follow the principle of respecting the truth and abide by the law and regulations when submitting a bid .

  30. 中国企业需要结合企业自身实际情况,依循底线正义、实事求是和循序渐进的原则选择员工社会责任管理类型。

    Chinese enterprises need to combine their own actual situation , follow the bottom line of justice , seeking truth from facts and fulfilling the responsibility gradually , and then choose the type of social responsibility management .