
  • 网络actual damage;actual injury;injury in fact;Actual loss
  1. 与对血液供应的损害相比,对大脑细胞的实际损害不那么严重。

    The actual damage to the brain cells is secondary to the damage caused to the blood supply .

  2. 苹果(Apple)因专利问题起诉三星。苹果称三星的Galaxy智能手机和平板电脑侵犯了苹果的几项专利权,并要求三星停止侵权,支付实际损害赔偿和惩罚性赔偿金。

    Apple filed a patent suit against Samsung , claiming the company 's Galaxy smartphones and tablets infringe on several patents and asking for injunctions , actual damages and punitive damages .

  3. 真能对战舰造成任何实际损害吗?

    Could do any real damage to a warship .

  4. 惩罚性赔偿是一种超出受害人实际损害的民事赔偿制度。

    Punitive Damages are a civil compensation system which exceeds the actual damaged value .

  5. 惩罚性赔偿是指超越实际损害额度的赔偿。

    Punitive damages refer to the part of the payment which exceeds the actual damaged value .

  6. 实际损害和淡化的可能性

    Actual Harm and Likelihood of Dilution

  7. 会员行为对华商会造成名誉或实际损害的,其会籍自动停止。

    Members whose behavior causes damages to the chamber or the reputation of the chamber will loose the membership instantly .

  8. 惩罚性赔偿制度是指由法院所作出的赔偿数额超出实际损害数额进行赔偿的一项法律制度。

    The system of punitive damages is a law system that the court compensates the count more than the actuality .

  9. 惩罚性赔偿,也称为惩戒性赔偿、报复性赔偿,是指由法庭作出的赔偿数额超出实际损害数额的赔偿。

    Punitive Damages is a legal system that the money to compensate the victim decided by the court exceeds the actual damages .

  10. 在适用要件上包括主观故意、违法行为、实际损害及因果关系等。

    There should be four elements in the liability of punitive damages , deliberation , illegal acts , actual damages , and cause-effect-relation .

  11. 构成共同危险行为不以行为的共同性为必要,行为人致人损害的危险在造成实际损害时必须已经存在,共同危险行为的因果关系是一种拟制的因果关系。

    Objectively , joint acts are not necessary . The danger of acts exists before the damage . Causality of joint dangerous act is putative .

  12. 天线之间的空间相关性对系统容量有影响。空间相关性是多进多出无线系统必须处理的实际损害。

    The correlation between the antennas has affected the system capacity , the spacial correlation is the real damage which is must be dealt with by system .

  13. 当损害原告利益的威胁仅仅可勉强或间接地归咎于行政机关行为时,适用实际损害标准尤为困难。

    The injury-in-fact test is especially difficult to apply when the threat of harm to the plaintiff 's interests is only remotely or indirectly attributable to agency action .

  14. 国家环境责任的构成不以造成实际损害为标准,这是由环境污染的特殊性决定的,应该突破传统国际法理论界限引入即发侵权理论,发挥对环境更有力的保护。

    The foundation of the law of national environment is the violation of the environment right , which is according to the environment pollution but the real loss .

  15. 惩罚性赔偿因为具有高于受害人实际损害的赔偿标准和主观故意的主观归责特征,既具有补偿的功能,还具有制裁和预防的功能。

    Punitive damages because the victim has a higher standard and actual damages attributable to the subjective intent of the subjective characteristics of both a compensation function , also has the function of sanctions and prevention .

  16. 该制度适用于故意、恶意或重大过失等严重侵害知识产权的行为,赔偿数额一般不超过实际损害额的三倍。

    This system is applied to intention , malignancy , or culpable negligence and other serious violations of intellectual property rights , but the compensation is in an amount not exceeding three times of the actual damages .

  17. 第三章外交保护的实施条件,国籍国欲对在海外的本国自然人、法人提起外交保护时,必须具备三项条件,即国籍原则、实际损害原则和用尽当地救济原则。

    Three requirements need to be met if the nationality state is going to exercise the diplomatic protection to protect its overseas natural person and legal person , that is , nationality principle , actual loss principle and local remedies principle .

  18. 本文所指惩罚性赔偿,是在punitivedamages语境下的惩罚性赔偿。其基本含义是,惩罚性赔偿是指由法院做出的赔偿数额超出实际的损害数额的赔偿,其目的在于威慑、遏制不法行为。

    The " Punitive damages " in this article refers to the punitive damages under the contexts of " Punitive Damages " which essentially imply that the amount of compensation decided by the court exceeds the actual amount by damage with its purpose to deter and control illegal acts .

  19. 第三,实际受到损害的企业不能得到有效救济。

    Thirdly , the enterprises suffered from damage can not get remedy effectively .

  20. 《消费者权益保护法》第49条实质是惩罚性损害赔偿,它是指由法律所规定的赔偿数额超出实际的损害数额的赔偿。

    The essence of the 49th clause is Punitive Damage Compensation , which means that the amount of compensation by law is more than damages .

  21. 貌似强大实质却异常脆弱的公共利益正面临着日益加剧的潜在威胁或实际的损害。

    Public benefits which looks strong and big in appearance but fragile in essence is facing increasingly the latent threat that turn worse with physically of damage .

  22. 不过,贸易专家和律师们表示,这一事例确实展现出,中国在与贸易伙伴的众多争端中,正采用日趋老练的法律策略,而且在具体操作上一方面最大化政治效应,另一方面试图限制实际经济损害。

    However , trade experts and lawyers say the episode does show the increasingly sophisticated legal strategies used by Beijing in its many disputes with trading partners , and the way it maximises political effect while trying to limit the actual economic damage .

  23. 社会危害性即犯罪行为对社会秩序和社会关系实际造成的损害或者可能造成的损害。

    Social harm is that the damage of criminal behaviour to the social order and social relations .

  24. 环境污染清理的成本并不仅仅在于恢复实际的环境损害。

    The cost of cleaning up the environmental damage is not limited to trying to repair the actual damage to the environment .

  25. 从性质上讲,预约责任不排斥实际履行、损害赔偿、违约金及定金罚则的适用。

    A pre-contract does not exclude in nature the application of real performance , damage compensation and penalty regulation of damages and deposit .

  26. 本文的第四章,基于上述三章的分析,将实际履行与损害赔偿进行了比较,尤其是在经济分析方面。

    Chapter Four , based on the analysis of the foregoing three chapters , aims to make comparison of specific performance and damage , especially economically .

  27. 承担违约责任的方式可概括为实际履行和损害赔偿,二者之间具有可替代性。

    The way to bear liability for breaking a contract can be summarized and compensation for damage and fulfill actually , possessing substitutability between the two .

  28. 其次分别阐述了民事责任的几种承担形式,包括停止侵害、实际履行、损害赔偿、介入权的行使。

    Following are several forms of commitments on civil liabilities , including the cessation of violations , the actual performance , damages , exertion of self-entering right .

  29. 权利人实际损失应是损害赔偿填平的数额。

    Compensation for the copyright holder is the amount of actual loss .

  30. 保险中能显示出来的实际损失或实际损害。

    Real loss or damage which can is show to have is suffer .