
  • 网络actual weight;a/w;Gross Weight;LVAW
  1. 净重即货物自身的实际重量,不包括皮重。

    Net weight is the actual weight of commodity without the addition of the tare .

  2. 与它的实际重量相比,一个密度较小的物体一般占据更多的空间。

    A less dense item generally occupies more volume of space , in comparison to its actual weight .

  3. 在报价和售货确认书中,对英担或吨要明确表示它所代表的实际重量。

    The type of hundredweight or ton should be clearly stated in quotations and in sales confirmations .

  4. 通过人工饲养烟草甲,得出实际重量损失率与调查重量损失率之间存在显著相关性。

    There is a significant correlation between true weight loss rates and investigative values by artificially raising larvae .

  5. 可是,在一枚那样的核武器中,铀或钚的实际重量要比这个数字大得多。

    However , the actual weight of uranium or plutonium in such a weapon is greater than this amount .

  6. 产品包装上必须注明实际重量(净重和毛重);

    On the package of the product , there must be noted explicitly the actual weights ( net and gross );

  7. 这批货的实际重量和发票相差三十五吨。

    There is a difference of 35 tons Between the actual landed weight and the invoiced weight of this consignment .

  8. 结果新方法所得值与不均匀增生前列腺实际重量之间的相关性良好,且优于常规方法。

    Results The values measured by the new method has a good relevance with the actual weight , this was better than that measured by routine method .

  9. 皮重减去实际重量,差值乘以14.7就可以确定以标准立方英尺为单位的气体数量。

    The tare weight is subtracted from the actual weight , and the difference is multiplied by 14.7 to determine the amount of gas in standard cubic feet .

  10. 计算出货物的体积或规模重量,并与货物的实际重量相比较,取两者中较大的重量值来计算运费。

    The volumetric or dimensional weight is calculated and compared with the actual weight of the shipment to ascertain which is greater ; the higher weight is used to calculate the shipment cost .

  11. 这跟实际的重量无关。

    It does not matter on the real weight .

  12. 商检发现货物的实际到岸重量与发票重量之间差了35kg。

    It was found by the inspection that there is a difference of 35 Kg between the actual landed weight and the invoiced weight .

  13. 结果个体化手术组中预测重量和实际称量重量的误差为5%,两者比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。

    Results The error of the predictable weight of thyroid with practical weight was 5 % ( P > 0.05 ) .

  14. 由结果可知,该机的实际起飞重量与优化结果十分相似,证明了优化计算的可行性和高精度。

    Simulation result shows that the result of the optimization is resemble to the practice , and the algorithm is feasible , reasonable and of high precision .

  15. dhl根据实际或体积重量较高者计算付运货件的费用,dhl可重新量度货件以确认计算结果。

    Dhl 's shipment charges are calculated according to the higher of actual or volumetric weight and any shipment may be re-weighed and re-measured by DHL to confirm this calculation .

  16. 铁路起重机实际最大起重量的确定

    Big and Good Matter Determination of maximum capacity of railway crane

  17. 实际的平均重量却要重很多。

    Actual average weight will be even heavier than that .

  18. 本文按照确定性计算的原则,通过抗倾覆稳定性校核公式反求法,对这类实际工况最大起重量的确定进行了分析和计算,结果与吊装施工的实际情况很接近。

    To resolve this problem , this paper proposes the overturning stability collating method according to the principle of definite calculation and the results worked out using this method greatly meet the practical condition .