
  • 网络Evidence-based medicine;evidence based medicine;ebm
  1. 实证医学的基础包括客观文献证据,主观医师意见,以及病人意见等。

    EBM also takes into account objective literature , subjective physician 's experience , and the patient 's opinion .

  2. 口腔专业实习医师心理分析及带教对策以台大医院家庭医学部实习医师为研究对象,每组给予一小时的实证医学简介。

    Analysis and countermeasure of dental graduates ' psychological state In the Department of Family Medicine , National Taiwan University Hospital , a one-hour EBM introductory course complemented by web-based teaching materials was delivered to each group of students .

  3. 头颈外科与实证医学

    Head and neck surgery and evidence-based medicine

  4. 特以实证医学研究方法评估气功穴道治疗法在解除疼痛症候群上的疗效。

    Our study , aiming to investigate efficacy of acupressure in pain syndromes , includes three parts .