
  • 网络substantive right;substantial right
  1. 由于环境损害的受害人是整体意义上的人类,环境损害的侵害对象环境利益并非传统的实体权利,而是一项法益。

    Since victim of environmental damage is the overall humanity , environment interest , as the object of environmental damage , is by no means tradition substantial right , but a law profit .

  2. 本文明确指出了证明责任的法本质是诉讼法,证明责任分配的本质不是分配实体权利本身,实际上是对法律保护的社会关系重新选择。

    The essential of allocation of burden of proof is not a kind of allocation of substantial right of the parties , but a new choice of the protecting of the right that the law should protect .

  3. 我国现行知识产权保护法律体系与WTO的《TRIPS协议》相比较,无论是在基本原则、实体权利,还是在执法程序上,都存在一些差距。

    The present legal system of intellectual property rights protection in our country , compared with TRIPS Agreement of WTO , is different in basic principle , entity rights and legal procedure .

  4. 实体权利的赋予并不必然得以实现。

    Entity does not necessarily give the right to be realized .

  5. 实体权利与程序权利并重。

    Procedural right and substantial right is of equal importance .

  6. 第二部分,公务员申诉的实体权利保障。

    Part two is to present the substantive safeguarding function of appealing right .

  7. 股东实体权利的司法救济

    The Judicial Remedy of Shareholders ' Substantive Rights

  8. 任何实体权利都必须赋予救济手段,它才是完整和有保障的。

    Substantive rights are complete and protected only if they are entitled with remedy .

  9. 本部分探讨了重整营业保护制度对债权人实体权利和程序权利上的保护和限制。

    This Part is composed of two parts , protection and prohibition of creditors ' rights .

  10. 在性质上,它不仅仅是程序权利,更应该是一项实体权利。

    In essence , it is not merely a procedure right , but an entity one .

  11. 离婚损害赔偿请求权为一种实体权利,既适用于诉讼离婚,也应当适用于登记离婚。

    The claim right of divorce injury is a substantive right suitable for litigation divorce and registry divorce .

  12. 如何论证死刑犯实体权利保障的正当性,是一个关涉死刑犯实体权利保障的根基性问题。

    How to demonstrate the legitimacy of the protection of substantive rights of death-row is a foundational issue .

  13. 并有质物处理、保人责任等程序性的和实体权利义务的设定;

    Set up procedural and substantial rights and duties on disposal of pledged assets and the obligation of guarantor ;

  14. 民事撤诉的本质属性是诉讼行为,与实体权利的放弃、舍弃制度等均有所不同。

    The nature of civil withdraw is the judicial act and different from the abandon of substantive right and system .

  15. 实体权利与程序权利的划分为实体法与程序法提供了准确的分类标准;

    The classification of substantive rights with procedural rights provides an accurate standard to classify substantive law with procedural law .

  16. 作者主张遵循时间优先原则,同时赋予实体权利人提起异议之诉的权利,通过异议之诉来对抗和撤销先行的强制执行。

    The thesis suggests the principle of preference of time and to endue the obligee with rights to advance exception suits .

  17. 在诸多的死刑犯实体权利当中,最重要的当属人格尊严权。

    Among the entity rights of prisoners sentenced to death , the right of personal dignity is of the greatest importance .

  18. 鉴于我国现行的环境实体权利的保护尚未完善,程序性环境权利的保护就显得尤为重要。

    In view of the imperfect of protection of our current environmental substantive rights , procedural environmental rights protection is particularly important .

  19. 其完善与否很大程度影响着诉讼当事人实体权利的实现,意义十分重大。

    Its consummation or not very great degree is affecting the lawsuit litigant entity right realization , The significance is extremely significant .

  20. 二是通过建立债务人异议之诉和第三人异议之诉的制度来完善当事人和利害关系人的实体权利救济制度。

    Second is to set up the system of entitative execution remedy in objection action of the obligor and the third party .

  21. 它直接实现着行政相对人的实体权利,对应着行政主体的程序义务。

    The procedural right helps to realize the substantive right of private party and corresponds to the administrative body 's procedural obligation .

  22. 因此,管辖权异议制度的完善与否,在很大程度上影响着诉讼当事人实体权利的实现。

    Therefore , the jurisdiction objection system is perfect or not , largely affects the realization of the substantive rights of the litigants .

  23. 股东是公司的真正主人,也是公司实体权利义务的享有者和承担者。

    Shareholders are the true masters of the company , but also the enjoyment of rights and obligations of corporate entities and stakeholders .

  24. 我国民事执行救济制度在立法上存在以下的缺陷:缺乏程序上的救济方法、对债务人实体权利没有救济的方法以及对第三人实体权利保护不完善。

    It lacks in procedure execution remedy , entitative execution remedy to the obligor and the protection of entitative right of third party .

  25. 对相对人的程序权利,应加强第三人的程序权利,应以申辩不影响实体权利来保障申辩权。

    2 , As to counterpart 's right , the procedural right should be reinforced and the right to defend oneself should be guaranteed .

  26. 代位权是一种实体权利,其实现方式分两种:代位权诉讼和代位申请执行,二者在我国都有所规定。

    The right of subrogation is substantial one that can be realized by the lawsuit of subrogation and the application for execution in subrogation .

  27. 在司法审判中,一直以来中国往往注重实体权利的实现,强调个别正义。

    In the process of judicial adjudication , Chinese always lay much stress on the realization of substantive right , and emphasize individual justice .

  28. 对于律师的实体权利,律师可以通过与其它实体权利相同的救济方法寻求救济。

    As for substantial rights that a lawyer has , he / she can secure remedies the way which other substantial rights are enforced .

  29. 按照司法最终裁判原则,裁判权对于刑事诉讼参与人实体权利和程序权利的实现具有决定性意义。

    According to the principle of judicial final referee , the referee right has decisive meaning to the subjects ' realize rights and procedural rights .

  30. 我国关于诉讼时效法律效力的民事立法,应当抛弃所有既存模式,以完全的实体权利消灭主义作为选择。

    We should abandon all the present models and adopt models of extinguishment of essential substantive rights in our civil law about limitation of action .