
sù sònɡ xínɡ wéi
  • judicial act;acts in action;act of procedure
  1. 大陆法中的诉讼行为无效制度&三个法律文本的考察

    Institution of Invalidation of Acts in Action in Civil Law System & the review of three legal texts

  2. 当事人诉讼行为与民事法律行为关系考

    One the Relationship Between Act of Procedure of a Party and Civil Juristic Act

  3. 证据开示(Discovery)是当事人主动向对方寻找证据和信息的一种权利,即要求对方当事人出示信息的诉讼行为。

    Discovery is the right that one party seeks evidence and information from the other party on themselves own initiative , which is the action at law to require the parties show the information .

  4. 真实义务对民事诉讼行为的规制

    The Regulation of the Truth Obligation to Behavior in Civil Procedure

  5. 论刑事证据展示制度的诉讼行为理论基础

    On the Theoretical Foundation of the Demonstration System of Criminal Evidence

  6. 第二、诉讼行为的不公开性;

    Secondly , the action of litigation is not exoteric ;

  7. 对于立法或司法解释明文规定者,为诉讼行为;

    What the legislative or judicial interpretation expressly provided is litigation conduct ;

  8. 深入探讨和准确揭示诉讼行为有效要件可以为诉讼活动提供科学的行为模式。

    Studying the factors of valid act can provide scientific litigation act pattern .

  9. 所以,虚假诉讼行为的刑法规制问题不能够绕开立法而一味地向现有法律的规定妥协。

    The False lawsuit can not circumvent legislation to compromise to existing laws .

  10. 第三部分,诉讼行为的分类。

    Part three is focus on the classification of acts in civil litigation .

  11. 认定刑事诉讼行为无效标准初论&以利益动态平衡为出发点的考察

    Standard for Void Criminal Procedural Act & Studying on dynamic adjustment of benefit

  12. 一般来说,该规定适用于全部诉讼行为,所以也适用于诉讼上的契约。

    In general , this applies to all procedural acts including procedural agreements .

  13. 第一部分是关于民事诉讼行为理论的地位、意义以及该理论的发展历程的论述。

    The first part is concerning the position and the history of the theory .

  14. 以前在每个诉讼行为中,保释是头等重要的。

    Bail was formerly important in every action .

  15. 诉讼行为贯穿于诉讼活动的始终。在教研室活动中开展教师行动研究

    Conducting Teachers ' Action in Teaching Research Activity

  16. 从海事强制令谈建立民事诉讼行为保全制度

    Establishing the Reservation of Behavior in Civil Procedure Law In Perspective of Maritime Injunction

  17. 处分原则下的当事人诉讼行为

    The Litigants ' Acts Under the Disposition Principle

  18. 因此,对法院诉讼行为瑕疵进行补救显得极为必要和紧迫。

    Therefore , defects to the Court proceedings is extremely necessary and urgent relief .

  19. 诉讼行为的性质因行为主体的不同而不同:法院的诉讼行为是一种公法行为,表现为针对纠纷的居中裁判行为,裁判性是其区别于行政行为的关键点;

    The characters of acts are different according to the people who conduct the acts .

  20. 刑事诉讼行为秩序是诉讼行为的和谐、稳定的运行过程和运行状态;

    The behavior sequence of penal procedure is harmonious and steady functioning process and condition .

  21. 诉讼行为的动态发展属性和前后相继性使的法律对诉讼行为的规定不能统一、僵化。

    Procedural Act before and after makes the legal rule can not unified and rigid .

  22. 首先,笔者考察了我国对于恶意诉讼行为的立法现状。

    First , the author investigates the legislative circumstances about the act of malicious lawsuit .

  23. 诉讼行为界说

    On the Definition of the Litigation Action

  24. 诉讼行为理论还有积极的实践意义,它可以为诉讼立法提供深厚的理论基础,诉讼行为的成立、有效要件完全可以为立法利用;

    The practical significance is the theory can establish a theoretical foundation for civil procedural lawmaking .

  25. 刑事诉讼行为秩序论

    On Behavior Sequence of Penal Procedure

  26. 法律倾向性和诉讼行为的博弈研究

    Law Bias and Number of Suits

  27. 再次,笔者从四个方面对恶意诉讼行为的违法性进行了深入的探讨。

    Third , the author discusses the illegality of the act of malicious lawsuit from four aspects .

  28. 究其原因,首先,是立法上的空白导致诉讼行为无法可依。

    The reason , first of all , the vacancy in legislation leads to no legal basis .

  29. 民事诉讼行为研究论听证参加人及其法律地位

    Concerning the Theory of Acts in Civil Litigation On Participants in the Hearing and Their Legal Statue

  30. 监视居住作为一种诉讼行为,干预被追诉人的基本权利,具有权力属性。

    As a legal action , Residential Surveillance with power nature restricts the basic rights of the accused .