
  1. 文章认为,应当从审前程序和庭审程序的广泛视角来界定缺席和缺席审判,审前答辩是被告的诉讼义务,出庭是被告的诉讼权利。

    Default and default judgment shall be defined from the wide angle of pretrial procedure and court trial procedure . The writer puts forth that presence is the right of the defendant and pleading is the obligation of the defendant .

  2. 论客观与诉讼关照义务原则

    On the Principle of Objective and Considerate Obligation

  3. 告知当事人有关的诉讼权利义务,询问当事人是否提出回避申请。

    Inform the litigants of their litigant rights and obligations , and inquire whether they wish to apply for withdrawal .

  4. 同中华人民共和国公民、法人和其他组织有同等的诉讼权利义务。

    Shall have the same equal litigant rights and obligations as the citizens , legal persons and other organizations of the PRC .

  5. 法院在答辩程序中要履行对被告人的告知义务,客观义务,诉讼照顾义务等。

    The court proceedings in his reply to the defendant to fulfill this obligation , objective obligations , lawsuits to take care of obligations .

  6. 特别是在代位权的性质和代位权的诉讼权利义务方面进行归纳和整理,提出了自己的观点。

    The author mentions her own opinion and idea in many places , particularly in the function , right and duty in the action of subrogation .

  7. 首先,笔者指出了失权制度的法理基础为当事人诉讼促进义务和程序安定性。

    First of all , the author points out the legal basises of loss of rights are parties ' obligations of litigation promotion and process stability .

  8. 其次,合理定位法院与当事人在审前程序中的地位和作用,并以此作为配置他们之间在审前程序中诉讼权利义务的根据;

    Second , the position and function of court and client in before-trial procedure should be properly orientated and the lawsuit right and obligation be allocated in accordance with it .

  9. 失权以当事人诉讼促进义务和程序安定性为法理基础,以实现程序公正和提高诉讼效益为价值目标。

    Loss of rights regards parties ' obligations of litigation promotion and process stability as the legal basis , and regards achieving procedural justice and improving litigation efficiency as the target of value .

  10. 人民法院判决承担民事责任的第三人,有当事人的诉讼权利义务。

    A third party that is to bear civil liability in accordance with the judgment of the people 's court shall be entitled to the rights and obligations of a party in litigation .

  11. 当事人的诉讼促进义务制度除了可以促成审理集中化、提高诉讼效率,尚具有防免诉讼突袭、实现双方武器平等的价值功能。

    Besides of the value of promoting concentration of the trail and improving the litigation efficiency , this legal system can prevent the litigation surprise from the parties , and realize the equality in litigation .

  12. 庭审单方审查模式的理论基础是:直接言词原则的严格要求、当事人的真实陈述义务、当事人的诉讼促进义务以及经验法则的基本要求。

    Theoretical basis of mono-check mode in court trial procedure is strictly observing direct verbal principle , litigants ' obligation of stating the facts truly and promoting action , and the basic requirements of empirical rule .

  13. 在分析和研究的基础上,文章认为我国的刑事代理制度无论是代理种类还是代理人的诉讼权利义务以及其他相关规定都存在着不合理之处。

    Analysis the basic theory of the criminal lawyer of agent system , There are some shortage in the types of agent , the rights and obligations of the proceedings , as well as other relevant provisions .

  14. 告知义务之内容是国家专门机关对被追诉人履行的一项特别义务即诉讼照料义务的表现,是被追诉人最重要和最基础的程序性权利之一。

    The duty of disclosure is the manifestation of litigation tending obligation which is a special duty fulfilled by the State agency to the defendant , as well as one of the most important and basic procedural rights of the defendant .

  15. 当事人诉讼促进义务在民事诉讼发展史上得以产生,取决于民事诉讼目的理论的发展及诚实信用原则作为民事诉讼基本原则地位的确立。

    Parties ' obligations of litigation promotion can be generated in the development history of the civil litigation , depend on the development of purpose of civil procedure and the establishment of the principle of good faith as the fundamental principle in civil procedure .

  16. 自认限制的理论基础在于辩论主义适用范围的有限性、当事人处分权的相对性、诉讼真实义务的制约性和法官职权探知的必要性。

    Theoretical foundations of limitation of self-admission are on the following four aspects : the scope of application of the doctrine of debate is limited , the parties ' disposal rights are relative , constrain of the obligation of truthfulness , and necessity of judges ' ex officio .

  17. 协同主义模式下的当事人诉讼促进义务是现代各国为阻止诉讼程序滥用、防止诉讼程序滞延而提出的旨在促使当事人积极行使权利推动程序迅捷进行的行为规范。

    Parties to litigation to promote collaborative ' mode obligations are modern countries to prevent the proceedings from abuse , to prevent the proceedings proposed by the delay which is designed to urge the parties to actively exercise their rights to promote the program swift code of conduct .

  18. 刑事诉讼证人作证义务探析

    Analysis of the Liability of Witness in Criminal Lawsuit

  19. 而保险人则相应有支付保险赔偿金的义务及其他一些非凡义务,如支付施救费和诉讼费用的义务等。

    And the underwriter has the compulsory etc that pays insurance compensation accordingly a few special obligation , if pay , rescue them the obligation of cost and litigant expenses .

  20. 本文所研究的审判程序是一套审判过程中关于各诉讼主体权利义务的规则体系,具有排他性、被动性、分配性、安定性、经济性、公平性、社会性等特点。

    Judicial procedure this text study whether one try course about every lawsuit subject regular system of rights and obligations , have exclusiveness , passivity , assigning , stable , economy , fairness , social characteristic .

  21. 虚假验资诉讼中专家职业义务的认定

    Judgement of Professional Duties in False Capital Verification

  22. 对于时效期间届满后的诉讼时效利益允许义务人自由处分。

    The limitation interests after the expiration of the limitation period are allowed to freely manage by the obligor .

  23. 因为检察官在刑事诉讼中承担客观义务有利于实现司法的公平和正义。

    Because it is beneficial to achieve fairness and justice for the prosecutors to assume the objective responsibility in criminal procedure .

  24. 并列述了被告的诉讼权利与诉讼义务,以及药政违法行为的主要表现形式。

    It expounds the litigation rights and obligations of the defendant , and the main manifestations of the illegal acts during drug management .

  25. 主要表现为审前意见交流、速答程序、证据交换等诉讼阶段的相关义务规定,协力阐明案件事实关系的义务和对当事人恶意拖延诉讼行为的排除。

    Main exchanges , instant answers , the program for pre-trial opinion , the exchange of evidence the obligation of the stage of the proceedings and helping to clarify the obligations of the facts of the case relations and the parties have maliciously delaying the litigation acts exclusion .

  26. 最后,对原告股东、公司以及其他股东在派生诉讼中特殊的诉讼权利和义务作了分析和探讨。

    Finally , analyzed and discussed the special rights and obligations of the plaintiff shareholders , the company and other shareholders in derivative litigation proceedings .

  27. 公诉案件被害人的知情权是指公诉案件被害人在刑事诉讼活动中享有的知悉其诉讼权利义务内容、案件进展情况以及处理结果等与其利益相关的各种信息的权利。

    Victims ' right to know in public prosecution lawsuits means that they have the right to know information relevant to their interests , such as the content of their litigant rights and liabilities , the proceeding of the lawsuits and the results of settlement .

  28. 诉讼欺诈行为不仅违背了诉讼当事人的诉讼义务,干扰了正常的民事诉讼秩序,而且有可能使受诉人民法院对案件事实作出错误认定,进而在实体上作出错误的判决。

    Litigious frauds not only go against the litigious duties of litigants , disrupting the normal civil litigious order , but also lead the people 's courts concerned to wrong cognizance to cases then wrong trials at law .

  29. 民事诉讼中,原、被告的诉讼地位和诉讼权利义务应具有平等性和对等性。公平行为对侵害版权诉讼的特定抗辩。

    In the civil actions , the litigant position , litigant rights and liability of both the accuser and the accused should be opposite . Fair dealing for the purposes listed below are specific defences to a breach of copyright .

  30. 在民事公诉中,一方面,检察机关与对方当事人诉讼地位平等,享有同等的诉讼权利,承担同等的诉讼义务。

    In the Civil Public Prosecution , one hand , the status of litigation between Prosecutor Institution and adversary parties are equality , which enjoy the equal lawsuit right and undertake the equal lawsuit obligation .