
sù sònɡ cān yù rén
  • litigant participant
  1. 人民法院应当对不通晓当地民族通用的语言、文字的诉讼参与人提供翻译。

    The People 's Court shall provide interpretation for a litigant participant unacquainted with the spoken or written language commonly used in the locality .

  2. 犯罪的主体为诉讼参与人,主要是原告、被告、第三人或执行案件的申请人、被申请人。

    The main body of the crime for litigant participant , mainly is the plaintiff and the defendant or the third person or to carry out case of the applicant , the applicant .

  3. 品格证据是指证明某些诉讼参与人的品格或品格特征的证据。

    Character evidence refers to the character of the criminal litigant participants .

  4. 有必要将第三人与其他诉讼参与人比较。

    It is necessary to compare third party with other civil litigant participants .

  5. 注册会计师作为特殊的诉讼参与人,如果其提供的专家报告存在虚假陈述,就应承担相应的法律责任。

    If the expert 's report has misrepresentations , he should accept law liability .

  6. 诉讼参与人在审理过程中不得鼓掌或做其他干扰庭审的行为。

    Participants are also forbidden from applauding or other actions that could disturb the trial .

  7. 第一百零一条诉讼参与人和其他人应当遵守法庭规则。

    Article 101 Participants and other persons in the court proceedings shall abide by the court rules .

  8. 品格证据,顾名思义,指的是表明诉讼参与人品格特征的证据。

    Character evidence refers to the personal character of certain lawsuit participates or a trait of character evidence .

  9. 中国最高法院规定,诉讼参与人、旁听者在法庭审理过程中不得对庭审活动进行录音、录像。

    China 's top court has banned participants or bystanders in legal proceedings from recording or videotaping trials .

  10. 撤回公诉对被告人、被害人和其他诉讼参与人的诉讼利益或诉讼行为也具有一定的影响。

    Withdrawing public prosecution have some influence on benefits or behaviors for the accused , victim and other libigations .

  11. 最后,在价值观上,重申加强对诉讼参与人的权益保护。

    Finally , in terms of value , reaffirmed to strengthen the protection of the interests of participants in the proceedings .

  12. 我国目前的侦查监督机制以检查机关监督为主,犯罪嫌疑人及其他诉讼参与人只有有限的侦查监督权。

    Our current investigation supervision system relies mainly on inspection organ supervision , other litigant participants only have limited investigation supervision power .

  13. (一)必须到庭的当事人和其他诉讼参与人有正当理由没有到庭的;

    The parties concerned and other participants in the proceedings required to appear in court fail to do so for justified reasons ;

  14. 使用规范、准确、文明的语言,不得对当事人或其他诉讼参与人有任何不公的训诫和不恰当的言辞。

    Use standard , correct and civilized language and should not admonish or say improper words to the parties or other participants .

  15. 法律原则、诉讼参与人、管辖、证据、诉讼费用等内容规定在总则中。

    The law principle , lawsuit participant , domination , evidence , and legal fare were all included in the general principles .

  16. 第三章从指导意见、法院、检察院、诉讼参与人四个角度评析了量刑规范化改革的存在问题。

    The third chapter of guidance , courts , prosecutors , participants in the proceedings of the four angles Comment problems of sentencing reform .

  17. 按照司法最终裁判原则,裁判权对于刑事诉讼参与人实体权利和程序权利的实现具有决定性意义。

    According to the principle of judicial final referee , the referee right has decisive meaning to the subjects ' realize rights and procedural rights .

  18. 开庭审理前,书记员应当查明当事人和其他诉讼参与人是否到庭,宣布法庭纪律。

    Before the hearing , the recording clerk shall ascertain whether the litigants and other litigant participants are present , and announce the discipline of the court .

  19. 由主办检察官独立负责,侦查机关、犯罪嫌疑人方、被害人方及其相关诉讼参与人参加,就犯罪嫌疑人是否应当受到逮捕进行公开公平的听证。

    Procuratorial organs will make the adjudication whether the criminal suspect shall be arrested , with the participation of relevant litigant participate , by taking the way of hearing to arbitrate program .

  20. 诉讼参与人对于审判人员、检察人员和侦查人员侵犯公民诉讼权利和人身侮辱的行为,有权提出控告。

    Participants in proceedings shall have the right to file charges against judges , procurators and investigators whose acts infringe on their citizen 's procedural rights or subject their persons to indignities .

  21. 第三人制度的原貌是独立于当事人之外的诉讼参与人,而这正是我国民事诉讼法典及理论中第三制度缺陷的根源所在。

    The original look of the third person system is the lawsuit participant independent from the party , and this is the source of the deficiency of the third person system in China .

  22. 人民法院和人民检察院对于不通晓当地通用的语言文字的诉讼参与人,应当为他们翻译。

    The people 's courts and people 's procuratorates should provide translation for any party to the court proceedings who is not familiar with the spoken or written languages commonly used in the locality .

  23. 法庭笔录由当事人和其他诉讼参与人签名或者盖章。拒绝签名盖章的,记明情况附卷。

    The court record shall be signed or sealed by the litigants and other litigant participants , if anyone of them refuses to do so , it shall be marked and put into the files .

  24. 在适用法律中,法官关于法律的认识、法渊理论、诉讼参与人等因素都会影响法官的法律发现。

    In the practices of application of law , judges ' legal finding is often influenced by such factors as the judges ' understanding of law , legal sources theory and the participants in proceeding .

  25. (六)对人民法院工作人员、诉讼参与人、协助执行人侮辱、诽谤、诬陷、殴打或者打击报复的。

    Or ( 6 ) insulting , slandering , framing , beating or retaliating against the personnel of a people 's court , participants in proceedings or personnel who assist in the execution of duties ;

  26. 构建完善的非法证据排除规则,是我国证据学领域的重大改革措施,对促进司法公正、保障诉讼参与人的利益有着重要的意义。

    Establishment of the exclusion rules of illegal evidence is a large reform measure in the field of evidence , which means great significance to promote justice and protect the interests of participants in the proceedings .

  27. 在保障原告和被告享有平等诉权的同时,切实维护公司和其他诉讼参与人的合法权益不受侵害。

    And some other things like both protecting the equal right to appeal of plaintiffs and defendants at the same time , and earnestly safeguarding the legitimate rights of the company and other parties in a lawsuit .

  28. 因审判程序违法发回重审制度的价值意义不是其表面上的纠错功能,而是其对相关诉讼参与人特别是当事人的权利救济功能。

    The value and importance of sending cases breaching trial procedures back for retrial lie not only in its surface error-correction function , but also in its right-relieving function for the relevant participants in the proceedings , especially the parties of a lawsuit .

  29. 刑事缺席审判能够及时解决纠纷、维护诉讼参与人的权利,实现社会的和谐稳定,对于推进中国特色社会主义法治建设的进程、提高刑事诉讼法的质量和水平具有不可替代的作用。

    The criminal default trial to resolve disputes , safeguard the rights of parties , harmony and stability of society , play an irreplaceable role in improving the quality and level of the criminal procedure law to promote Chinese characteristic socialism government by law construction advancement .

  30. 但由于绝大多数诉讼参与人文化水平较低,缺乏相应的法律知识,如果没有国家专门机关的帮助,其诉讼权利很难得到保障和实现。

    At present , it is difficult to achieve and ensure the litigation rights of litigation participants in case of lack of help of state organs , because most of litigation participants have lower education level , and they are short of knowledge of law and regulation .