
  • 网络Jurisdiction;Contentious jurisdiction;lawsuit jurisdiction
  1. 为了厘清国际民事诉讼管辖权与国际商事仲裁管辖权之间的关系,本文从多个角度对两者的联系、区别及其冲突与协调三个方面进行了探讨。

    In order to understand the relationship of International Civil Jurisdiction and International Commercial Arbitration Jurisdiction , this paper undertakes to analyze their sameness , differences , and their conflicts and harmonization .

  2. com案中,宾西法尼亚州法院创造了“滑动范围”,对因网络纠纷提起的诉讼管辖作了三种类型的区分。

    Com , the federal court for the Western District of Pennsylvania created a " sliding scope " test for determining long-arm jurisdiction in case involving the Internet .

  3. 三是共同体商标特有的诉讼管辖和法律适用制度。

    Litigation jurisdiction and law application system only Community trademark has .

  4. 尼日利亚法院行使涉外诉讼管辖权的依据

    The Basis of Jurisdiction over Exercising Foreign-related Lawsuits in Nigerian Courts

  5. 诉讼管辖是民事司法公正的第一道生命线,专利侵权民事诉讼的复杂性、特殊性导致其管辖制度的缺陷在所难免。

    Litigating jurisdiction is the first lifeline of civil judicial justice .

  6. 国际民事诉讼管辖权制度研究

    A Study of the Issue of the International Civil Procedure Jurisdiction System

  7. 仲裁和诉讼管辖界限研究

    Research on the Jurisdictional Line between Arbitral and Litigious Powers

  8. 我国行政诉讼管辖制度若干问题研究

    Research on Centeral Issues of China 's Administrative Litigation System

  9. 论我国民事诉讼管辖权异议制度的不足与完善

    On Deficiency and Consummation of Our Country 's Civil Procedure Jurisdiction Objection System

  10. 电子商务合同诉讼管辖理论评介

    Theoretical Evaluation on Lawsuit Jurisdiction to E-Commerce Contracts

  11. 电子商务诉讼管辖初探

    An Exploration of the Lawsuit Jurisdiction of E-commerce

  12. 国际民事诉讼管辖权研究及我国相关立法完善

    The Research on International Civil and Commercial Jurisdiction and It 's Perfection in China

  13. 民事诉讼管辖权异议的程序问题

    Procedural Problems of Objection to Civil Jurisdiction

  14. 民事诉讼管辖基本问题研究

    On the Basic Problems of Civil Jurisdiction

  15. 二是国际民事诉讼管辖权与国际民商事争议法律适用的联系;

    The relationship between the application of laws and the jurisdiction of international civil procedure .

  16. 对我国构建刑事诉讼管辖权异议制度具有一定的借鉴意义。

    It is a great significance for our country to instruct Criminal procedural jurisdiction objection system .

  17. 诉讼管辖条款;

    Four , terms on jurisdiction ;

  18. 论涉外海事诉讼管辖的若干问题

    On Matters about Maritime Jurisdiction

  19. 美国涉外证券民事诉讼管辖权制度研究

    A study on the system of American civil jurisdiction with foreign elements in the field of securities

  20. 论国际立法趋势下我国涉外民事诉讼管辖权的完善

    Discussing how to improve our country 's foreign-related civil proceedings jurisdiction in the trend of international legislation

  21. 扣押船舶诉讼管辖权

    Jurisdiction of Ship Arrest Action

  22. 因此,研究涉外海事诉讼管辖制度有着重大的现实意义。

    Obviously , it has practical meaning to study the jurisdiction system in maritime litigation with foreign elements .

  23. 第一部分首先是公司诉讼管辖制度的基本理论。

    The first part is the basic theory of the company lawsuit jurisdiction system in the first place .

  24. 所以,加强对涉外海事诉讼管辖制度的研究十分必要。

    So it is very essential to strengthen the study on system of maritime jurisdiction concerning foreign-related affairs jurisdiction .

  25. 论文的第二部分主要是介绍了国外现存的公司诉讼管辖制度的立法情况。

    The second part of the paper mainly introduced the existing legislative situation the jurisdiction system of the company .

  26. 我国的涉外民事诉讼管辖权与他国的管辖权冲突就是其中之一。

    And the conflict of civil jurisdiction concerning foreign affairs between our country and others is one of them .

  27. 国际民事诉讼管辖权理论主要有人身关系理论、权力理论和公平理论。

    The theory of international civil action jurisdiction mainly consists of personal relationship theory , power theory and equity theory .

  28. 程序主体理论和权力制约理论是刑事诉讼管辖权异议产生的两个重要的理论基础。

    There are two important theories of criminal jurisdiction objection system , procedure main body theory and power constraints theory .

  29. 诉讼管辖作为通往司法公正道路上的第一道生命线,意义重大,而我国民事诉讼法中管辖制度存在着许多不合理之处。

    Jurisdiction of procedure law , the first life-line on the way to judicial justness , is of great importance .

  30. 我国涉外民事诉讼管辖权若干问题评析

    An Analysis of Certain Questions about the Jurisdiction of Civil Lawsuit Concerning Foreign Affairs or Foreign Nations in Our Country