
  1. 商品房预售合同及其主体变更的相关法律问题

    A Study on Future Commercial Apartment Contracts and the Alteration of the Parties

  2. 根据实践看来,用人单位主要通过工龄归零、用工主体变更、暗调薪酬待遇等方式来规避无固定期限劳动合同的签订。

    According to practice , it seems , mainly through the seniority zero employers , employment subject to change Shadow remuneration and other ways to circumvent the non-fixed term labor contract signed .

  3. 宅基地使用权的流转是指宅基地使用权从产生、主体变更到消灭的过程引起的宅基地使用权人及其宅基地性质的变化。

    The land from the production , the main changes to eliminate the process of the change of the nature of people and the land use right of the land is the concept of homestead use right circulation .

  4. 严格义务主体的变更和追加程序;

    Perfecting duty main body 's alternation and pursuing procedure ;

  5. 建设项目主体工程变更行为博弈分析

    Game Analysis of Engineering Change in Main Body of Construction Project Based on Dissymmetry Information

  6. 主体的变更意味着形成了新的共有或者成为单独所有。

    The change of the owners means that the new co-ownership is formed or only one owner owns the property .

  7. 这种异动的变化表现为:水权持有时间的变化、水权主体的变更以及水质的变化。

    Such changes in performance as : water rights holders of the change in time , the main changes in water rights and water quality changes .

  8. 民事执行主体的变更和追加问题,不论从执行理论研究角度还是执行实践角度,都是一个疑难而又重要的问题。

    Civil enforcement subject changes and additional problem , no matter from the implementation theory study Angle or executed practice Angle , is a difficult and important problem .

  9. 法律规范不健全、法学理论研究滞后,导致司法实践中法院在被执行主体的变更和追加问题上显得很混乱。

    The lack of sound legal standards and the backward of the study of juristic theories result in the confusion of the change and addition of the party subjected to execution in the judicial practice of the court .

  10. 由于投保人必须对保险标的具有保险利益,所以,保险标的转让相应地会带来保险合同主体的变更,转让保险标的就需要履行法定的手续。

    Because policy-holder must is opposite of insurance mark have insurance interest , so , the cession of insurance mark can bring the change of insurance contract main body accordingly , those who transfer insurance sign perform legal procedure with respect to need .

  11. 商事登记是商事主体设立、变更和终止的基本法律事实。

    Business registration refers to the facts of the incorporation , change and termination of business bodies , which reflects their credit base and condition .

  12. 摘要商事登记制度,是国家登记主管机关依据法律对商主体的设立、变更、终止资格进行确认的制度。

    Business registration order is a system at the States governing institutes of registration that legally confirm the establishment , modification and qualifying expiry of dealers .

  13. 民事法律行为是民事主体以设立、变更、终止一定民事权利义务关系为目的的表示行为。

    Civil juristic acts are the acts that the civil parties aim to establish , vary , and eliminate the relationship of civil rights and duties .

  14. 主体相关的动态变更包括主体基本信息变更(如手机号、地址改变)、管理相关信息变更(如主社区改变)、角色变更等。

    The dynamic modification of subject in information grid involves the modification of users ' basic information ( such as the cell phone number , the address etc. )

  15. 国际贸易合同主体欺诈形式主要有虚构合同主体欺诈形式、变更合同主体欺诈形式、有限责任欺诈形式。

    The main forms of international trade contract subject fraud are : fabricating contract subject fraud , changing contract subject fraud and restricting responsibility fraud .

  16. 物权关系的相对消灭,是指物权相对于特定的主体消灭,如物权在主体间的转移等,也就是上述广义物权变更中的主体变更。

    Elimination of the economic relationship , the property rights with respect to the elimination of a particular subject , such as property rights transfer between the main , is the generalized real right to change the main change .