
  • 网络Confidentiality;confidentiality clause;confidential clause;NDA
  1. 应显示载有隐私声明或保密条款的网页。

    A privacy statement or confidentiality policy page must be displayed .

  2. 工程项目合同中知识产权和保密条款的设计

    Design for the article of intellectual property and confidentiality in engineering contract

  3. 特斯拉汽车(TeslaMotors)表示,正在重新审视其使用保密条款让车主不再谈论已修复汽车缺陷的做法,此前美国安全监管机构认为这种做法“令人不安”。

    Tesla Motors said it was reconsidering its use of gag clauses designed to stop owners talking about faults it has fixed in their cars , after a US safety regulator called the practice " troublesome . "

  4. 过分的保密条款以及对不泄密协议的痴迷。

    Aggressive confidentiality clauses and an obsession with non-disclosure agreements .

  5. 可是,这也必须要求邮件使用者遵循隐私权及保密条款。

    However , it is imperative that email users are briefed about privacy and confidentiality clauses .

  6. 即使你想你的计划告诉别人,你可能会受保密条款的约束。

    Even if you want to tell others about your plans , you will probably be bound by confidentiality clauses .

  7. 然而不久之后,北京一位名叫张新年的律师称,协议中的保密条款无效。

    Not long after , however , a Beijing-based lawyer , Zhang Xinnian , argued that the confidentiality clause in the agreement was invalid .

  8. 其次找出我国技术合同保密条款在签订、履行及管理过程中存在的问题,并对产生这些问题的根源进行分析与探讨。

    Second , find out the issue in the process of signing , performance and management of the technology contract and the root causes of these problems .

  9. 经改进的技术,其所有权属改进的一方并受本合同载明的保密条款约束。

    The proprietary rights to the improved technology shall belong to the Party that made the improvement and shall be subject to the confidentiality provisions set forth in this Contract .

  10. 英特尔并未解除任何个人信息保密条款,仅对该隐私条款进行了修订,便于最终用户的使用,并为用户提供更详细的个人数据收集信息。

    Intel did not remove any privacy protections , but revised the privacy policy to provide better usability for the end user and provide more details on personal data collection .

  11. 可帕拉迪打破了先例。他还表示,基于该法的保密条款,他不能解释自己为何做出这项决定。

    Mr Paradis has broken with that precedent , and said that because of the confidentiality provisions of the act , he could not explain why he had done so .

  12. 除本协议内有关存续期、终止及保密条款的规定外,本协议对于任何一方或其附属机构均不得赋予法律上具有约束力的义务。

    This agreement shall not create any legally binding obligations upon any Party or any of its affiliates except for the provisions set forth herein regarding duration , termination and confidentiality .

  13. 因此,本文在此基础上以技术合同中保密条款为研究对象,以解决技术合同在签订、履行及管理中存在的保密问题。

    The research object in this paper is privacy policy of technology contract , solve the privacy problem exist at the process of signing , performance and management in the technology contract .

  14. 比如,对涉及以下内容的合同条款可以采用相对固定的语句:支付条款、违约责任条款、解决争议条款、知识产权条款、不可抗力条款、保密条款等等。

    For example , following the terms of the contract can be used relatively fixed statement : payment terms , liability for breach of the terms of the dispute resolution clause , intellectual property clauses , force majeure clauses , confidentiality provisions .

  15. 本文件的全部或部分的使用、复制、披露,应严格按照与AAA达成的“关于提供本文件”的保密承诺条款进行。

    Use , copying , disclosure in whole or part of this document shall only be made in strict accordance with the terms of the Confidentiality Undertaking with AAA under which this document was supplied .

  16. 提及条款时是指本保密协议的条款;

    A reference to a clause is a reference to a clause of this Deed .

  17. 阁下所提供之资料将受限于该第三者网站的保密及保安条款,而有关网站的私隐保护政策可能与花旗银行不同。

    Information you provide will be subject to confidentiality and security terms of the third party site whose privacy policy may be different from Citibank .

  18. 为了防止保密性纠纷的发生,当事人最好在国际商事仲裁协议中约定保密条款或者选择对保密性有规定的国际商事仲裁规则。

    And the parties of international commercial arbitration should write the confidentiality clause into arbitration agreement or select the international commercial arbitration rules which have confidentiality provisions to prevent the disputes .