
  • 网络Confidentiality period;Secrecy Term
  1. 确定保密期限的具体办法由国家保密工作部门规定。

    Specific measures for determining the periods shall be formulated by the state secret-guarding department .

  2. 以后,机密文件的保密期限将限制在25年以内。

    Soon the secrecy of sensitive documents will be limited to25 years , renewable once .

  3. 机关、单位应当根据工作需要,确定具体的保密期限、解密时间或者解密条件。

    Organs and entities shall determine the specific secrecy period , declassification time or declassification conditions according to their respective work needs .

  4. 保密期限为年或在合作期间及合作期间结束后年有效。

    The time limit of the confidentiality is years or valid during cooperation period and for years after the termination of our cooperation .

  5. 密级和保密期限的变更,由原确定密级和保密期限的机关、单位决定,也可以由其上级机关决定。

    Such alterations shall be decided on by the state organs or units that determined the categories of the secrets and the periods for guarding them or by superior departments .

  6. 在受方承担保密义务期限内,由于非受方原因技术被公开,受方承担的保密义务即行终止。

    Within the duration in which the recipient undertakes the obligation to keep confidential , if the technology is publicized not owing to there cipient , obligations to keep confidential undertaken by the recipient shall be immediately terminated .