
  1. 并根据市场公开数据,利用统计分析软件SPSS来验证主力资金进出对沪深股指、板块指数以及个股走势的主导作用。同时对资金流向分析法在实践运用中的适用性问题进行了总结。

    At the same time using the statistical software SPSS to validate the effect of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock index , sector index and individual stock movements from the main fund .

  2. 努力做到与主力资金心心相印,买股票先主力一步介入。

    Strive to be affiliated with the main funds , to buy shares first major step to intervene .

  3. 最后在识别庄家意图的基础上实现对股市主力资金流向的监测,并通过实验对算法有效性进行检验,取得了较好的效果。

    Finally , monitoring the money flows based on the intent of the banker . At last , test the effectiveness of the algorithm through experiments , which has achieved sound effects .

  4. 本文将规划识别的思想引入到股市领域,建立起一个监测股市主力资金流向的系统。

    We introduce the technology of plan recognition to the domain of stock market in this paper . Based on the technology of plan recognition , we build an algorithm to monitor the money flow of the stock market .