
  1. 实施自主科技创新,提高营运发展水平和股本扩张能力。

    Secondly , implement independent innovation and improve the capacity of development and expansion .

  2. 股本扩张是指股份有限公司增加股本的行为。

    Stock capital expansion is the behavior of a company to increase share capital .

  3. 股利分配方案往往伴随着配股,转增资本等股本扩张行为;

    Dividend plan is often accompanied by capital stock expansion such as share allocation and capitalization of share premium .

  4. 而对于那些股本扩张需求比较小的上市公司,有必要强化强制分红机制。

    And for those companies who no longer expand equity , it is necessary to strengthen the enforcement mechanism of cash shares .

  5. 本文在业绩衡量上采用的是因子分析方法,选取体现上市公司经营业绩的盈利能力、营运能力、成长能力、股本扩张能力及获取现金能力的八个财务指标进行因子分析,计算业绩的综合得分。

    Eight financial indicators reflecting profitability , operating capabilities , growth capacity , equity expansion and access to cash capacity are selected and factor analysis to calculate the integrated score of performance .

  6. 数据显示我国企业特别是我国的上市公司,存在着对股权融资的强烈偏好,并极端偏好于送配股等股本扩张的分配方式。

    Our data show that China 's enterprises , especially listed companies , there is a strong preference for equity financing , and in extreme preference to the allotment of equity expansion pattern .

  7. 选取盈利能力、偿债能力、成长能力、股本扩张能力四个方面指标,通过新灰色关联分析法,对我国煤炭采选业11家上市公司2005年经营业绩进行评价。

    The paper uses the method of new grey correlation degree analysis based on indexes of profitability , debt-paying ability , growth ability , capital stock expansion ability to evaluate operating performance of mining listed corporations in 2005 .

  8. 综合评价指标体系从上市公司的盈利能力、偿债能力、资产管理能力、成长性、股本扩张能力和主营业务鲜明状况六个方面来反映上市公司的经营业绩。

    Multiple Financial System is obtained by some indexes which can reflect the profitability , solvency , the ability to manage the capital , growth ability , expansibility of capital stock and the distinct of the main operation .

  9. 此举突显出越来越多美国和欧洲私人股本集团向亚洲扩张的趋势亚洲的经济前景较其本土市场更为光明,而且交易撮合迄今更不容易受到信贷危机的影响。

    The move underlines a growing trend for us and European private equity groups to expand in Asia , where economic prospects are brighter than their domestic markets and dealmaking activity has proved more immune to the credit crisis .