
  1. 黑客攻击了香港联合交易所的网站,引起七家公司的股票暂停交易。

    Hackers attacked the website of the Hong Kong stock exchange , causing it to suspend trading in the shares of seven companies .

  2. 东亚银行未提供“操控”细节,该银行股票暂停交易,等待公布更详细公告。

    The bank did not elaborate on the nature of the manipulation and suspended its shares from trading pending a more detailed announcement .

  3. 上周五,在股票暂停交易等待相关声明之前,中国电信、中国网通和中国移动的股价均告上涨。

    Shares in China Telecom , China Netcom and China Unicom all rose on Friday ahead of the unveiling of the restructuring before being suspended from trading pending announcements .

  4. 在中广核公布消息之前,extract股票昨天暂停交易。

    Extract suspended trading in its shares yesterday , ahead of the announcement by CGNPC .

  5. 自去年11月份黄光裕接受调查至今,国美电器的股票一直暂停交易。不过贝恩资本(BainCapital)正计划收购这家公司18%的股份。

    Shares in GOME have been suspended from trade since the investigation of Huang began in November , though Bain Capital is stepping in to take an18 % stake in the troubled company .

  6. 邵氏兄弟宣布其股票昨日暂停交易,以待有关本公司可能被控股股东私有化的公告。邵逸夫是邵氏兄弟董事长及控股股东,持有75%的股权。

    Shaw Brothers said its shares were suspended yesterday in relation to a possible privatisation of the company by Sir Run Run , its chairman and controlling shareholder with a 75 per cent stake .

  7. 这与欧美市场形成鲜明对比,在那里,只有在发布价格敏感信息时,股票才会暂停交易,而且公司董事以及管理人有责任及时披露信息。

    That is in sharp contrast to Europe or the US , where trading is halted only temporarily for price sensitive announcements , and company directors and administrators have a duty of timely disclosure .

  8. 两家银行的股票都已暂停交易。

    Both banks had their shares placed in a trading halt .

  9. 大量卖单的出现促使三菱汽车的股票在周四暂停交易,此前该股跌至每股583日元,跌幅达20%,触及了跌停板。

    A flood of sell orders required a suspension of trading in Mitsubishi 's shares on Thursday , before the stock dropped by a daily limit of 20 per cent to ¥ 583 .

  10. 在美国商务部发出声明之前,中兴的股票已于周一暂停交易。

    Trading of ZTE 's shares was suspended Monday before the announcement .

  11. 在中国出台这两项举措之际,在新一波股票停牌、造成中国股市一半股票暂停交易之后,投资者纷纷抛出手中仍可出售的股票。

    The twin moves came as investors rushed to sell what they still could after a fresh wave of share suspensions that has halted trading in half the market .