
  1. 上周五黑莓预告了其季度业绩以后,股价下跌17%,昨日盘中再跌5%。在宣布公司已经与Fairfax牵头的财团签订了一项意向书之前,黑莓股票停盘,停盘价8.26美元。

    BlackBerry 's shares , which fell a further 5 per cent in trading yesterday after dropping 17 per cent on Friday when the company pre-announced its quarterly results , were suspended at $ 8.26 ahead of the announcement that the company had signed a Letter of Intent with a consortium led by Fairfax .

  2. 该公司尚未宣布上述交易,但已申请股票停盘,待该公司发布重大出售事项交易。

    The company has yet to announce the transaction but has asked for its shares to be suspended pending a substantial disposal .

  3. 周四,伯明翰环球控股的股票遭到停盘。

    Its shares were suspended from trading on Thursday .

  4. 许多这类公司的股票周二都被停盘。

    Many of those stocks were suspended from trading Tuesday .