
  • 网络time-to-market;market timing;market time;market hours
  1. J2EE技术的基础就是核心Java平台或Java2平台的标准版,J2EE平台已经成为使用最广泛的Web程序设计技术,其最终目的是成为能够使企业开发者大幅缩短投放市场时间的体系结构。

    Foundation of J2EE technology is core Java flat roof or Java 2 standard edition of flat roof , J2EE has already became Web programmer technology which was used extensively , the finally aim is to become an system structure that can shorten corporation developer time of launched market .

  2. 他对苹果新手机登陆市场时间的预测和该公司之前的公告一致,例如于2015年9月登陆市场的iPhone6。和登陆市场的时间一样,一些关于苹果新手机的规格也已经广为流传。

    His prediction of the launch date for Apple 's newest phone is in line with their previous announcements , such as the iPhone 6 , which launched in September 2015 . As well as the launch date , some rumours about specifications have also been circulating .

  3. 通常在欧洲市场时间交易。

    Europe market is my favorite trading time .

  4. 试图琢磨市场时间。

    Trying to time the market .

  5. 相应地,不同期限利率的变化,也会因为传递到股票市场时间的不同,对股市的波动性造成不同程度的影响。

    Accordingly , the different duration of changes in interest rates affect the volatility of the stock market in different degrees .

  6. 通过对幂谱和统计矩函数的分析,得出股票市场时间序列的无标度性。

    Power spectrum analysis and statistical moment function on a range of scales revealed scaling qualities of the date from stock market .

  7. 根据股票市场时间序列分类边界复杂性高的特点,本文选用了基于分类复杂度的属性约简方法做为股票市场技术指标体系的构建方法。

    For the complexity of stock market time series neighbor , we use attribute reduction which based on classification complexity as stock market technical index system establish method .

  8. 响应性意味着企业的产品是进入市场时间短、能快速转换生产能力和把消费者的偏爱体现到设计过程中。

    Responsiveness means that the enterprises can make their products enter into the market in a short time , and convert productivity quickly and show consumers'preference in its design .

  9. 股票市场时间序列模型具有以下两个特性:首先,它貌似随机却又好像不完全随机;其次,它非常容易获得。

    The stock market time series model has the following two characteristics : first , it seems not completely random ; Second , it is very easy to get .

  10. 虽然它们提供了一些增加的好处,例如增强的项目交流,但是它们不能提供生产力、质量,或投放市场时间方面的巨大突破。

    Although they do afford some incremental benefits , such as enhanced project communication , they are not capable of providing a quantum leap in productivity , quality , or time to market .

  11. 本研究根据股票市场时间序列具有信噪比低、多尺度性、非线性、非平稳性和长记忆性等特征,构建了一套股票市场多尺度技术指标提取方法。

    According to low I / N rate , multi-scale , nonlinear , non-stationary and long memory and so on characters of stock market , we establish a stock market multi-scale technical index induced method .

  12. 由于更多地受国家政治过程的影响,政治资本对改革后新生代劳动力工资收益的影响呈现出随进入劳动力市场时间的推后而快速下降的态势。

    The greater influence of the state political process is seen in the post-reform new generation labor force : the later they enter the labor market , the less impact political capital has on them .

  13. 产品数据管理的应用能实现企业的信息集成以及过程集成:并且缩短企业产品的设计周期,减少设计修改,加快产品投入市场时间,削减产品总成本。

    There are some advantages on application of PDM , such as easily realizing information and process integration , shortening the product design period and design modify , quickening time on market and reducing the totally cost .

  14. 星巴克登陆中国市场时间已不短,第一家店1999年在北京开设。但星巴克迄今在中国大陆仅有376家店,而在日本已有878家。

    Despite its long presence in the Chinese market -- Starbucks opened its first shop in Beijing in 1999 -- the coffee company only has 376 stores on the China mainland , compared with 878 in Japan .

  15. 在电子零售商属性当中,进入市场时间对与价格离散显著正相关,而履约可靠度、物流与配送、存货水平、消费者意识、第三方认证则对于价格离散没有影响。

    In the electronic tradesman attribute , the duration in the market shows the positive relation to the price dispersion , but the reliability in fulfillment , shipping and handing , inventory position , consumer awareness and third party attestation show no relation to the price dispersion .

  16. 本文从分析影响新产品投放市场时间的因素开始,建立了新产品替代时间模型和新产品竞争时间模型,针对不同的市场和竞争情况,对新产品投放市场的策略和最佳时间进行分析。

    Beginning with the factors analysis affecting new product launch time , the article sets up two models-product substitution model and product competition model . By the analysis on the models , this article illustrates how to choose the optimal launch time for the new product in various situations .

  17. 随着基于IP核复用技术的SoC设计方法的发展,极大地简化了芯片的设计过程并且很大程度地缩短了产品投放市场的时间。

    IP cores reusing based SoC designing method greatly predigests the designs and shortens the lead time to market .

  18. 本文探讨用人工神经网络的反向传播(BP)算法研究铁路客运市场的时间序列预测。

    This paper is concerned with using back error propagation ( BP ) of artificial network to study the market sequence prediction of railway passenger traffic .

  19. TelecomWebServicesToolkit为IT专业人员提供了便利的电话功能,有助于降低开发成本,加快了新服务的市场营销时间。

    The Telecom Web Services Toolkit puts telephony functions into the hands of IT professionals , helps lower development costs , and speeds time-to-market for new services .

  20. 从业务的角度来看,由于使得组织可以从现有业务的解决方法中快速整合出一套方案,所以SOA能够更好的作出响应并缩短到达市场的时间。

    From a business perspective , SOAs improve responsiveness and shorten time-to-market , because they allow organizations to quickly assemble solutions from business-aligned building blocks .

  21. 缺乏恰当的治理会令您很难获取将SOA的业务价值最大化的业务过程敏捷性和投放到市场的时间优势。

    A lack of appropriate governance makes it very difficult to gain the business process agility and time-to-market advantages that maximize the business value of SOAs .

  22. 为了缩短射频集成电路的设计周期,减少产品进入市场的时间,开展CMOS工艺射频MOS场效应管模型研究,为CMOS射频集成电路设计者提供准确的射频MOS场效应管模型具有重要意义。

    To reduce the design period and the time-to-market of CMOS RF IC , it is necessary to provide accurate model for RF IC designers .

  23. 我国的经济从社会主义计划经济转变到社会主义市场经济时间不长,现在又加入WTO,过去在企业管理方面不科学的地方需要尽快完善,才能保证企业的健康发展。

    It was not long when our socialistic planned economy converted to socialistic market economy , and now we entered WTO , only perfect the enterprises ' management could we keep the enterprises going healthily .

  24. 由于其设计越来越复杂,同时要求投入市场的时间越来越短,所以采用以硬件描述语言HDL(hardwaredescriptionlanguage)为基础的自上而下的设计方法。

    Because their designs have become more and more complex , while release time shorter and shorter , there is the birth of new one with top to down manner , bases on Hardware Description Language ( HDL ) .

  25. 为什么不全面采用MDD,这将真正影响生产力、质量,和投放市场的时间?

    Why not go for a full-scale adoption that would really have an impact on productivity , quality , and time to market ?

  26. William:业务不会对服务治理感兴趣,除非你能证明它能给公司带来效益或能加快推向市场的时间。

    William : The business is not interested in service governance , except if you can prove that it can bring revenue to the company or can accelerate the time to market ?

  27. 这篇文章讨论了SCCM市场的时间相对较近的变更问题,尤其是开源SCM产品Subversion的出现和成功。

    This article discusses relatively recent changes to the SCCM marketplace , in particular the rise and success of the open source SCM product Subversion .

  28. 这使得复用应用得更广泛,从而大大地减少了投入市场的时间。

    This enables broader reuse which in turn greatly reduces time-to-market .

  29. 传统的特性与推向市场的时间之间的权衡是市场营销的决定。

    The classic trade-off between features and time-to-market is a marketing decision .

  30. 股票市场短期时间序列投机对经理投资行为的影响

    The Impact of Manager Investment Behavior Affected by Stock Market Short-term Horizon Speculation