
  1. 市值配售对我国证券市场公平与效率的影响分析

    The Influence of IPO Reformation on the Fairness and Efficiency of Security Market in Our Country

  2. 上网定价发行和市值配售是我国证券市场曾经采用和正在采用的新股发行方式。

    Issuing by Pricing on the Net and Offering by Market Price are two kinds of IPO methods .

  3. 在核准制条件下,上网定价发行和市值配售这两种不同的发行方式下新股初始收益率的影响因素表现特征有所不同。

    Under these two IPO methods and in the condition of issuing by sanction , the features of the influence on the rate of initial profit are different .

  4. 通过对当前市值配售、未来全流通过渡中新股发行价的制定原则以及实行核准制向注册制转变的条件的讨论,强调新股发行制度改革的市场化建设;

    By the discussion of the " marketing ration ", the formulating principles of new stock price in the future circulating transitional period , and the conditions of changing " Checking System " to " Registry System ", it emphasizes the marketing construction of new stock issuing system ;

  5. 如重新启用控制市盈率定价法;重新启用市值配售;引进首日涨跌停板制度;改革承销发行制度,引进独立第三方公告发行公司信息;改革新股发行相关法律制度。

    For example , pricing re-enable control of price-earnings ratio ; re-enable the market value of the Placing ; the first day of the introduction of price limits ; distribution system reform of underwriting , independent third-party distribution company announced the introduction of information ; IPO-related legal system reform .