
  1. 从另一方面讲,现在消费者支出占GDP的比例越低,消费市场未来成长的空间也就越大。

    And the lower consumption 's current share of GDP , the more scope there is for it to grow .

  2. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)的比尔•绍普:我们认为iPad2的上市和6月份iPhone的升级,将成为市场未来几个月的关键催化剂事件。

    Goldman Sachs ' bill Shope : we believe the iPad 2 introduction and the June iPhone refresh will serve as critical catalysts in the coming months .

  3. imf经济学家强调,在经济和市场未来走向方面(复苏成本取决于此),存在很大的不确定性。

    The IMF economists emphasise there is a high degree of uncertainty as to the future path of the economy and markets , which will help determine the costs .

  4. 中国加入WTO后,国际保险业普遍看好中国保险市场未来的发展潜力,许多国际著名的保险集团已相继进入中国市场,中国保险界也都对国内未来的发展充满了信心。

    Since China entered WTO , the great developing potential of insurance market of China is the favorite of international insurance . Lots of worldwide famous insurance groups have entered Chinese market . Meanwhile Chinese insurance also expects great development of the business in the future .

  5. 既然市场未来五年的竞争已经获得保障,谷歌就能启动计划,将ITA技术的投入新的航班搜索功能。

    Now that competition has been presumably safeguarded for the next five years , Google can launch into its plans for ITA 's technology : new flight search capability .

  6. 近几年苹果绝大部分销售增长都由iPhone拉动,而高端智能手机市场未来增长预计将放缓,与此同时汽车市场提供了稳步增长的巨大商机,可助苹果业绩稳步上升。

    Given that the vast majority of Apple 's growth in recent years has been driven by the iPhone , and that the high-end of the smartphone market is projected to have a tepid growth outlook , the auto market provides a huge , incremental market opportunity that could move the needle for Apple going forward .

  7. 中国电信市场未来发展趋势研究

    A Study on the Development Trend of China 's Telecommunications Market

  8. 俄罗斯远东生活资料供给市场未来走势

    Future Transition of the Supply Market of Consumption Goods in Russian Far East

  9. 文末进一步给出大陆市场未来促销建议。

    Then give the recommend to future Shanghai market .

  10. 电子商务&我国粮食批发市场未来发展方向

    E-Business-The Future Direction of the Grain Wholesale Market Development in China Market Trends

  11. 他们无视于此的时间越长,市场未来下跌得就越惨。

    The longer they remain blind , the harder the markets will fall .

  12. 第四,对幼儿服装趣味性设计的市场未来发展进行展望。

    Lastly , Predict the future market for the fun design of kids clothes .

  13. 对我国电力市场未来目标模式的确定给予启示。

    This will draw great inspiration for the determination of future power market mode in China .

  14. 然而无论是单一的做市商制度还是竞价制度都不能满足深圳创业板市场未来的潜在需求。

    But neither market-making system nor ask-bid system can meet the future potential demand of Shenzhen GEM .

  15. 所以,除非贝塔系数具有相对的稳定性,否则,它就无法作为证券市场未来系统风险性的无偏差估计。

    Unless beta is relatively stable , it cannot be applied to the estimate of the future risk ;

  16. 移动多媒体增值业务作为通信市场未来的发展方向,即是这一阶段各家竞争的焦点。

    As a tendency of communication market , Mobile multimedia service would bring a fierce compete in communication market .

  17. 该机构预计,中国市场未来五年的年均增长率将超过40%。

    It expects the next five years the average annual growth rate of the Chinese market will exceed 40 % .

  18. 华北区域电力市场未来运营模式探讨城市居民小区电动小巴运营模式研究

    Discussion on the Operating Model of North China Power Grid ; Research on Electrical Mini-bus Operation in Urban Residential Area

  19. 本文结论为我国消费金融市场未来发展倾向及消费金融产品开发创新提供理论依据,具有重要的指导意义。

    The conclusion of this paper has important guiding significance to our consumption financial markets tendency and consumer finance product innovation .

  20. 以绿色营销应对环保浪潮将是市场未来营销趋势之一。

    Responding the environment protecting tide with the green marketing will be one of the trends of the marketing in the future .

  21. 最后为我国股票市场未来的健康发展,提供一定的参考和政策建议。

    Finally , we provide some useful advice and reference for the great development of the stock market in our country in the future .

  22. 其结果是:全球范围内的个人支出正开始大幅下降,这预示着全球经济及金融市场未来的日子将更为艰难。

    The upshot : a global slump in personal spending is unfolding , portending rockier times for the global economy and world financial markets .

  23. 对广州市住宅市场未来三年的潜在需求量做出定量预测分析。

    We aim at making a quantitative prediction analysis on the potential demand for the residential market in Guangzhou City for the next three years .

  24. 无论谁领导通用汽车,正在结构性产能过剩中挣扎的欧洲汽车市场未来一段时间内仍将是一个棘手的问题。

    Regardless of who leads GM , Europe , where the industry is struggling with structural excess capacity , will be a problem for some time .

  25. 预测市场未来的变化,确定合理的资产价格,才能降低投资风险,获取稳定的收益。

    Estimate the variety of the market future , certain reasonable property price , can lower the risk of investment , and obtain the stable income .

  26. 预测市场未来走势主要看今日非农务数据,此数据测量经济和需求带来影响。

    The key for the next direction will definitely be today 's non-farm payroll data which measures the impact on the real economy and therefore demand .

  27. 随机区间既能够反映市场未来表现状态的不确定(随机性),又能够涵盖每个未来状态下证券价格表现的可能范围(区间性)。

    Random interval not only reflects the uncertainty of future market state , but also covers the possible range of the security price under each future state .

  28. 提出我国交通运输市场未来改革和发展的趋势是建立结构合理、高效运行的综合运输市场。

    Proposed our country transportation market will future reform and the development tendency is establishes the structure reasonably , the highly effective movement synthesis transports the market .

  29. 利用本底线延伸的预测功能,预测了6大境外市场未来4年的变化趋势。

    As applications , the author forecasts the next 4 years ' development trends of above 6 markets with the forecasting function of tourism background trend line .

  30. 总的来说,我国商业年金保险市场未来发展路径怎样,将主要取决于社会养老保障制度在今后如何进一步改革和调整。

    In a word , the growing path of annuity insurance market will mainly depend on how social pension insurance system continues to be reformed and regulated .