
  • 网络Market Penetration;market penetration strategy
  1. 其次,应用SWOT分析法对战略的备选方案进行论证、评价与选择,确定了市场渗透为主兼差异化的竞争战略。

    Secondly , we can use the SWOT analysis to demonstrate , evaluate and select strategic options , and determine the competition strategy which mainly to market penetration and part time alienation .

  2. GustavoSaltiel,世行驻墨西哥代表处可持续发展部主任,表示,《气候变化特别计划》旨在推动低碳交通技术向市场渗透。

    Gustavo Saltiel , the World Bank Sector Leader for Sustainable Development in Mexico , says that the program promotes market penetration of low-carbon transport technologies .

  3. 加入WTO后,我国零售业进入全方位开放的倒计时阶段,国际大型零售集团加快向我国零售业市场渗透的步伐。

    After entering WTO , China retail enters the count-down stage of complete opening , international retail groups accelerate permeating to the market of our country .

  4. 本文就是针对不同数码相机产品的市场渗透过程,利用巴斯扩散模型以及SPSS等软件进行新产品扩散分析,同时给出相应得营销策略建议以及相应产品的销售预测。

    This thesis focuses on digital camera products penetration process , take use of the BASS model and SPSS to bring out the marketing strategy and sales forecast .

  5. 在实证分析方面,通过对兴业银行泉州分行个人理财业务的营销环境进行SWOT分析,得出其应用采取市场渗透的营销战略,并据此对现有市场营销策略进行改善和优化。

    On the foundation of SWOT analysis of the personal finance business in the Industrial Bank Quanzhou Branch , the empirical analysis makes a conclusion that the penetration marketing strategies should be taken . With this conclusion I put out the methods for improving and bettering the existing marketing strategy .

  6. 混合韦布伽玛模型在新产品市场渗透研究中的应用

    Applications of Finite Mixture Weibull-Gamma Model for New Product Penetration Research

  7. 苹果是要执行市场渗透策略,还是真的有传说中的新武器?

    Is apple about market-penetration strategies , or is it about fabulous new stuff ?

  8. 最后强调了进行市场渗透应以市场为导向,并介绍了市场渗透的主要方式。

    This paper ends with emphasis on the market orientation in implementing market penetration .

  9. 研究候选合资,兼并,收购和市场渗透企业的合作伙伴。

    Researching candidate corporate partners for joint venture , merger , acquisition and market penetration .

  10. 第一是扩大市场渗透。

    First by increasing market penetration .

  11. 这让它们对于有兴趣进行大规模能源生产和快速市场渗透的大公司不具有新引力。

    That makes them unattractive to large companies interested in mass energy production and fast market penetration .

  12. 中国人还有意把波兰作为立足点,向规模更大的欧盟市场渗透。

    The Chinese are also interested in using Poland as a beachhead for penetration of the larger EU market .

  13. 网络贸易市场渗透更大,增加顾客反映,灵敏度更高,成本更低。

    Trading on the Internet promises greater market penetration , increased customer response , more flexibility and lower costs .

  14. 为达到公司高度发展和市场渗透的目标,公司现招聘一名销售经理。

    To support the achievement of high growth and market penetration , the company is seeking to appoint a Sales Manager .

  15. 行政垄断促成行政权力向市场渗透,滋生索贿受贿、权钱交易现象,破坏正常市场竞争秩序;

    The administrative power is penetrating the market and briberies and power money deals are damaging the normal market competition order ;

  16. 接下来,苹果才会采用典型的商业手段,包括产品定价、市场渗透等。

    Only later will Apple apply the typical levers of business pricing , market penetration , etc. to its product plans .

  17. 它还将使我们有机会提高在多个国家,特别是新兴经济体中的市场渗透度。

    It also provides us with the opportunity to increase our penetration in a number of countries , especially in the new economies .

  18. 首先澄清了市场渗透的含义,提出并阐述了市场渗透是最基本的发展战略的观点;

    In this paper , the authors first clarify the meanings of market penetration strategy and demonstrate why it is a fundamental strategy in every for-profit organization .

  19. 投资基金的规模效应、多样化的产品和服务、较强的市场渗透性和影响力对整个社会经济产生了积极的作用。

    Investment Fund of scale , diversification of products and services , strong market penetration and influence have had a positive impact to our society and economy .

  20. 在相同的时期内,质量管理技术已经成为日本的经济奇迹以及日本向全球市场渗透的基石。

    During these same three decades , quality management techniques were a cornerstone of japan 's economic miracle , including its major penetration into markets around the world .

  21. 以此为基础,根据分析的结果,本研究给出了南宁城投公司的10年内的发展战略,则近期的市场渗透战略、产业开发战略以及第二阶段的市场开发战略和多元化战略。

    In frist term , it takes the strategy of marketing penetration and industry develop , in the second term , it will take the strategy of market development and pluralistic .

  22. 联合品牌战略的实施,不仅有利于市场渗透与扩张,还可以降低引入新产品和服务的成本与风险,联合品牌已成为夺取竞争优势的一种战略手段。

    As a tactics in business competition , co-branding strategy can not only help to solid market , but also help to reduce the cost and risk of launching new product and service .

  23. 他称因为印度在经济发展,市场渗透和成熟度上“比中国落后一点”,很多联想的成功经验可以应用到印度。

    He said because India is " a little behind China " in terms of economic development , market penetration and maturity , many of Lenovo 's successful experiences can be applied to India .

  24. 实施市场渗透战略,利用区位优势迅速而且极大地扩大西电东送项目中的市场份额,以保持和扩大经济效益。

    Implement penetration strategy , make rapidly full use of the project on the transference of electricity from west to east , increase the market share to keep and improve the corporation 's economic benefit .

  25. 文章认为:基于企业目前面临的内外部环境,企业应始终贯彻低成本战略,将专业一体化作为优先战略,并择机进行市场渗透。

    Base on the current internal environment and external environment , the article suggests the low cost strategy should be the core strategy . Specialty as the prior strategy , market penetration as optional strategy .

  26. 作为重要的金融支付工具,信用卡业务以其丰厚的收益回报、较强的市场渗透力和广泛的品牌影响,成为各大商业银行的竞争焦点。

    As one of the most important financial payment tools , credit card has been the focus of intense competition among all commercial banks with the features of considerable benefit , enormous market effect and wide brand name inclination .

  27. 概括说来,就是实施一体化战略,实现企业集团化,发展企业核心竞争力;实施强化战略,加快产品开发和市场渗透。

    Generally speaking , is to implement the integration strategy , the realization of enterprise groups , the development of the core competitiveness of enterprises ; implementation of the enhanced strategy , speed up product development and market penetration .

  28. 高科技创业企业是技术密集型、资本密集型和人才密集型企业,其产品具有成长性强、生产周期短、更新速度快、附加值高、市场渗透能力强等特点。

    Hi-tech venture enterprises are those of intense technology , vast assets and plentiful talent ; the products bear such characteristics like high growth , short production cycle , fast update , high additional value and strong market infiltration capability .

  29. 管理顾客的不满意状况及其后续影响,尤其是管理顾客抱怨行为,已经成为企业执行市场渗透战略的关键因素。

    Understanding consumer dissatisfaction and its outcomes , a focus of consumer complaint behavior ( CCB ) research , has become a critical factor for business firms pursuing market penetration strategies where selling more to existing customers oftentimes the key to profitability .

  30. 这样一来,运营商将能够提供价格实惠的无补贴iPhone,进一步加强对价格敏感型市场的渗透。

    This would enable carriers to offer affordable , unsubsidized iPhones and further penetrate more price-sensitive markets .